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Expanding Pollinator Habitat with the Help of Senior Residents at Assisted Living Facilities

Hannah Gurholt earned her B.A. in Biology and Sociology from Lake Forest College in Chicago, IL. She is currently a 3rd year PhD candidate in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) department at Cornell University. Hannah’s research is focused on the intersection between ecosystem and human health. In 2023, she founded a program called “Seniors Assisting Monarchs” that incorporated senior residents at assisted living facilities into creating gardens for nearby pollinators. The “Seniors Assisting Monarchs” initiative has now established native pollinator gardens at four assisted living facilities in Ithaca NY, and the Adirondack Park, NY. In addition to these gardens expanding pollinator friendly plants around the New York State Area, it is also important to consider who else might benefit from these gardens? Hannah’s thesis aims to answer this question by studying how these gardens affect the mental wellbeing and sense of belonging amongst the senior residents. Please join us at 4:30pm on Tuesday, February 25th to hear her talk titled, “Expanding pollinator habitat with the help of senior residents at assisted living facilities.”

  • Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Location: