Young adults experience challenging times when faced with the rigors of college level academics, mixed with new freedoms, exciting and demanding life choices, and a variety of venues for growth and self expression.
At times it can be overwhelming.
The Counseling Center at SUNY Cortland actively reaches out to students in distress in a number of ways. One important component involves workshops for faculty and staff that provide valuable guidelines for the recognition of signs of distress, and tools you can use for intervention on behalf of the student.
The goal of this On-Line Workshop is to provide you with information and an opportunity to reflect about your role as a bridge or lifeline helping to identify students in distress and refer them for services.
In this workshop you will learn:
- General Information about College Student Difficulties
- Tips for Recognizing Students in Distress
- Guidelines for Faculty and Staff Interventions and
In addition, you can watch Role Playing scenes to help guide you.
You will also find a list of resources that are available at SUNY Cortland. Similar services are available in most communities.
Our campus counseling staff would welcome your inquiries or requests for additional information.