Rental Rate Info
Our rentals are computed on a pro-rated basis. The base rate is charged for the first 2 days of a rental. After the second day, we use the following pricing structure to keep the rental cost reasonable.
For Rental Lasting | Multiply Base Rate By | For Rental Lasting | Multiply Base Rate By |
1-2 days | 1 | 15-16 days | 7 |
3-4 days | 2 | 17-18 days | 8 |
5-7 days | 3 | 19-21 days | 9 |
8-9 days | 4 | 22-23 days | 10 |
10-11 days | 5 | 24-25 days | 11 |
12-14 days | 6 | 26-30 days | 12 |
Refunds: There will be no refunds given for any reason after equipment has been checked out to a patron.
Cleaning Fees: Cleaning charges will be applied to items determined by the center to be excessively dirty.
Damage Fees: Charges will be applied for items that are returned with damaged conditions. All fees are subject to final assessment by the Assistant Director of Outdoor Pursuits. Equipment lost, destroyed or damaged to the point it is deemed unusable, the patron will be charged the full retail value cost for replacement of the item.
Late Returns: Late fees are charged at the daily rental rate for each day overdue. Patrons will be responsible for the cost of the full retail value to replace the item unless returned and fees paid. A hold may be applied to student's account after equipment is seven days overdue.
Lost/Stolen/Not Returned Equipment: Renters are responsible for replacement of any item at full retail value that is lost, stolen or not returned.
Rental Agreement: All rentals will require the renter to sign and date a rental agreement.