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Merit Pages

SUNY Cortland uses Merit Pages to publicize and celebrate the great things our students do —like making the dean's list, studying abroad, winning a scholarship or being part of an athletic team. Students get recognition for their achievements while also creating an online profile — a Merit page — that they can use for jobs, internships and references after graduation. Through the Merit network, students can share news about their accomplishments with the people who love and support them via social media, local media and online.

How does Merit work?

  • Students win awards and honors or participate in on- and off-campus events and activities.
  • The Office of Communications gets a list of the students involved and writes a short story about the event or accomplishment.
  • A personalized article is published to Merit and sent to the local newspaper(s) and former high schools of each student involved.
  • Students get an email to their SUNY Cortland account with a link to view their story and connect with Facebook or Twitter to share their achievements with friends and family. Parents also receive an email allowing them to share their students’ achievements on their own social media channels.
  • Students can customize their Merit pages by adding photos, bios, clubs and work experience.

How does Merit help students?

Merit creates a positive, institution-verified online identity — a visual resume that showcases a student’s achievements from enrollment through graduation. A Merit page helps people who make decisions about internships, grad school and jobs find all the good stuff about students in one place.

Plus, Merit pages are easy to share with the people who are invested in students’ outcomes and success: family and friends, employers, former teachers, coaches and school counselors, and staff from volunteer organizations and programs.

How does Merit help SUNY Cortland?

When students and parents share Merit achievements with their social networks, they’re helping the college tell the story of success at SUNY Cortland. By promoting the fantastic accomplishments of our students in local media and social networks, we not only get to brag about our talented students, but we also can spread the word about the valuable opportunities available on our campus.

Not interested?

We respect students’ wishes to keep their accomplishments private. Opting out of Merit is easy and not only removes a student’s page from, but also prevents SUNY Cortland or any other participating Merit organization from being able to publish achievements about that student in the future. To opt out, simply reply to the email you receive from Merit and ask to be removed. Or, email your request to