Survey Details

Details for current survey:
2024 SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)

The Basics


The SSS is a student survey administered by SUNY in cooperation with campuses, particularly the Institutional Research and Analysis (IRA) Office at SUNY Cortland. The survey gathers information about student experiences with programs, services, and facilities provided by SUNY Cortland. The results will be used to identify areas of strength as well as areas in need of improvement both at the campus and for all of SUNY. Student feedback will help make our campus and community a better place to grow, live and learn.

Completing the SSS should take 15 to 20 minutes. Respondents will be able to save their responses and return to complete the rest of the survey later.

Information regarding previous administrations of the SSS and SOS, including results, are available.


The 2024 SSS will be administered from Monday, March 18, 2024 through Friday, April 12, 2024 (updated). Reminder emails will be sent periodically throughout the survey period from


The survey will be administered to eligible undergraduate students. Eligible students are…

  • At least 18 years of age or older as of March 18, 2024
  • Enrolled in a degree program (ie, matriculated) at the undergraduate level
  • Enrolled for at least one class for credit in the Spring 2024 semester


Invitations to complete the survey will be sent to students’ SUNY Cortland email address from
The survey is not completed from a generic link to give respondents the opportunity to return to the survey, instead of having to complete it in one sitting, and preventing individuals from completing it multiple times.

We politely request that recipients not report invitations from "" as spam, which could cause them to be blocked from other students. These are not spam and reporting them as such reduces our ability to hear student voices and have the opportunity to respond to them.


Regular assessment is necessary to track progress toward institutional goals and to update goals as the needs of students evolve and change.

The results of the survey inform institutional planning and are used to improve student services. Results are shared with the President’s Cabinet, the Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee (IPAC), as well as having summaries posted on the IRA web page.

Why Should Students Complete the 2024 SSS?

To encourage and motivate students to complete the SSS, in addition to their contribution to institutional improvement, those that are invited to and complete the survey will be entered into a random drawing to receive one (1) of the following:

  1. Tuition for a Summer Session 2024 or Winter Session 2025 class at the in-state tuition rate
    • Three (3) available
    • Will cover tuition for a 3-credit course at the in-state rate*
    • Recipient will be responsible for costs beyond in-state tuition**

      *Current in-state tuition rate is $885.00. Tuition rate for Winter 2025 is not yet final, but incentive will cover all tuition for up to a 3-credit course at the in-state tuition rate. Recipient will be responsible for the balance for out-of-state tuition. More information can be found on the Student Accounts webpages.

      **For a 3-credit class, this includes College Fee ($5.10) and Program Service Charge ($99.50 for in-person classes and $55.25 for online classes).

  2. Additional 2024 Commencement tickets
    • Two (2) sets of two (2) available
  3. 2024 Cortaca Jug tickets
    • Four (4) sets of two (2) available
  4. SUNY Cortland parking permit for the 2024-25 academic year
    • One available

In addition, as a token of appreciation, all students completing the survey will be invited to visit the Advisement and Transition Office (Memorial Library, Room A-111) to collect a Cortland Blaze static cling (pictured here) that is about 5-6 inches in size.

Blaze the red dragon

Additional Information About Incentives

At the end of the survey administration period, a list of students that completed the survey will be used to randomly select recipients for each incentive. Students must complete the survey to be entered in the random drawing by selecting/clicking the button at the end of the survey to finalize their responses.

Students will only be able to receive one, which is not transferable.

Recipients will be contacted at their SUNY Cortland email address. They will be required to respond in a reasonable amount of time to claim the incentive. If not claimed, the incentive will be offered to another student that completed the survey. Specific details for obtaining or using the incentive are in development and will be communicated to recipients after being claimed.

Incentives were first offered to students during the week of April 15. Unclaimed incentives have been offered to other students. As of May 14, all incentives except one set of 2024 Cortaca tickets have been claimed.

Please direct questions to Director Stuart Daman, Institutional Research and Analysis.

Miller Building, Room 402
Phone: 607-753-5565
Fax: 607-753-5977

Special thanks to the following for making these incentives possible:

Division of Finance and Management
President’s Office / Campus Event Management Office
SUNY Cortland Athletics Department
Division of Student Affairs

Data Security and Confidentiality

Participation in the SSS is voluntary. Responses are not disclosed or used to make any judgments or decisions concerning individual students.

The SSS requests use of a student’s C-number, and sharing it is optional. Only if permitted by the student, C-numbers will be used to link responses to other information maintained by SUNY Cortland, such as a student's enrollment history. Individually identifiable information is used by researchers for analytical purposes only and are not shared with instructors or other campus officials/administrators. If a student does not grant permission to use their C-number, they may complete the SSS anonymously.

Contact Us

Miller Building, Room 402
Phone: 607-753-5565
Fax: 607-753-5977