SUNY Cortland's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Committee exists to improve the quality of work life for employees at SUNY Cortland. The committee works with the coordinator(s) to ensure that employees have effective EAP services available to them. The committee functions in a promotional and supervisory capacity; it sponsors programs and trainings for the campus and offers ongoing support to the coordinator(s). Committee members are not involved in any activities requiring direct contact with employees looking for assistance. In order to ensure confidentiality, committee members are not provided with individual names or details about employees who are using the program.
SUNY Cortland's EAP Committee consists of several committee members from all across campus. The committee can be contacted by emailing:
SUNY Cortland's EAP Committee Officers
Athena Vunk-Moynihan, Chair
Michael Pitaro, Vice Chair
Maere Vunk, Secretary
Pamela Sullivan, Treasurer
SUNY Cortland's WellNYS Ambassadors
Erika Dean and Melissa Keelhar are SUNY Cortland's EAP WellNYS Ambassadors! Erika and Melissa look forward to working with EAP Wellness Coordinator, Linda Carignan-Everts, and the Office of Employee Relations to help support "WellNYS" on our campus.
WellNYS Everyday 2025: 12/52/365. In 2025, WellNYS Everyday, will have 12 themes, 52 WellNYS Weekly Challenges, and 365 WellNYS Daily To-Dos, and a monthly webinar.