Personal Wellness: Keeping balance and staying healthy

Personal Wellness: Develop critical thinking and responsible decisions-making skills

College is a great time to explore freedom and independence. One of the biggest challenges for first-time students is in taking accountability for their well-being. Evidence of well-being is shown in personal life, balance of work and play, emotional stability, resourcefulness, and physical health.


1. Have students create a wellness assessment tool. What do they think makes for a balanced, healthy lifestyle and how would they measure it?

2. Visit the Health Promotion Office or have a health educator or peer health educator come to class. 

3. Visit one of our fitness facilities.

4. Ask students to attend the Wellness Wednesday Series and report back to the class on a particular topic. 

5. Find out about library games, tours, instruction - SPECIFICALLY designed for your COR 101 class on Personal Wellness!

6. SUNY Cortland Title IX: Information for Students, Employees and Visitors Website.

Sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual harassment, Title IX Q & A Information.

Title IX Brochure.

Sexual assault talking points and It's On Us program.

It's On Us website: Take the pledge to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault.

7. Play Sexuality Pictionary (Advisement and Transition has the information and resources to play the game)

8. Have students complete the Individual Values Ranking (PDF) worksheet

9. What Causes You Stress? (PDF) Worksheet 

10. Personal Control and Responsibility (PDF) Test

11. Weekly Self Assessment (PDF): a worksheet to assist students to think about how they are managing their daily routines.

12. How are you spending your time? (PDF): additional worksheet to assist students with their time management.

13. Have students spend some time on the ASC Nutrition Services website and report back to the class a topic or article of interest.

14. Have your students read and discuss Stories from Last Night (PDF) from the Daily Californian about the stories people tell regarding their night of drinking.

15. Joie de Vivre (Pictionary)

16. Devote a class to Financial Literacy. There are several pages in Purpose and Practice that speak to this important topic or you can also have your students review the following webpages and PDF documents:

17. Video: Voices of Debt - The Student Loan Crisis: Don't Major in Debt

18. Utilize the SUNY Smart Track website (formerly promoted as Cash Course) for activities and videos to encourage engagement and discussion. The link can be found on Cortland's homepage under the Cost/Aid tab.

19. Money management planner worksheet - A guide to help students take control of their finances, determine net worth, set goals, monitor cash flow and track expenses.

20. Lightening the Ball and Chain: What Obama's Student Loan Proposal Means to You - Article from Balance (2011)

21. Wallet or Purse Gone! Now What?

22. Fritter Finder: Worksheet to help students find where they are spending their money.

23. Money Calculators:
How much can a student save over time?
How can a student save a millions dollars?
How long will it take a student to pay off their credit card?

24. Neuroplasticity is a short video which through an animated tour shows students how the brain changes over time, and how our thought provokes this change.

25. 5 Characteristics of Grit is a short list by Forbes showing five major distinctions of grit, and how having them can help create a healthy lifestyle both intellectually and emotionally.

26. Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Learning is a short article which lists how attaining a leadership position can actually increase your emotional intelligence, and which aspects of this it strengthens.