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Personally Identifiable Information

Information may be shared by school officials in furtherance of their duties for educational purposes. When information is requested by non-school officials, the request must be reviewed according to the following criteria. There are two categories of student information relevant to this policy. The first, Personally Identifiable Information, is data that SUNY Cortland will not share without written consent of the student. The second, Directory Information, is data that may be shared without written consent of the student. Exceptions are possible based on federal and state legal statutes.

Disclosure of directory information is discretionary rather than mandatory. SUNY Cortland has the right to disclose Directory Information to some persons/entities but not others. Requests for student directory information that meet a legitimate College interest, and which are in compliance with Information Resources security policies, must be addressed to the Registrar's Office for approval.

Personally Identifiable Information (consent needed)

  • Email addresses that are not assigned by SUNY Cortland
    Date and place of birth
    Social Security number
    Campus ID or digital identity
    Grades including mid-semester evaluations
    Schedule of classes
    Withdrawal date
    Vehicle registration plate number
    Driver's license number
    Credit card numbers
    Criminal record
    Name(s) of student family members
    Address(es) of student family members

Directory Information (no consent needed for release)

  • Name
    Permanent address
    Telephone number(s) (other than local number as listed in the Campus Information Directory)
    SUNY Cortland e-mail address
    Local telephone number as listed in Campus Information Directory
    Local Address as listed in Campus Information Directory
    Individual photograph or electronic image
    Class standing
    Age in years (does not include birthdates of individual student)
    Academic Major
    School of Study
    Dates of attendance
    Degree(s) earned
    Honors, awards, special recognitions, scholarships
    Participation in officially recognized college activities, events, and sports
    Height and weight (student athletes only)
    Student's most recent educational institution attended

Student Request for Confidentiality

Any student who wishes his/her directory information to be unlisted must submit a written request to the Registrar - advisably by the end of the first week of the semester. Thereafter, the student's directory information will remain unlisted until the student requests otherwise.

Consent to Use of Photographic Images

Registration as a student and attendance at or participation in classes and other campus and College activities constitutes an agreement by the student to the College's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the student's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, or audiotapes of such classes and other campus and College activities.

October 2008