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Department Mission and Goals

Communication Disorders and Sciences Strategic Plan 2022-2029


As an integral part of the SUNY Cortland community, the Communication Disorders and Sciences Department provides diverse learning experiences that foster academic and clinical development of competent speech-language pathologists who will be engaged citizens with a strong social conscience.


The department faculty supports students’ academic, personal, social, and cultural development by teaching them to act with:

  • Professional competence
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • High ethical standards
  • Cultural humility
  • Creativity
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Contributions to the greater good of the community


The Communication Disorders and Sciences Department at SUNY Cortland will be recognized for its outstanding education of undergraduate and graduate students in speech-language pathology through exemplary teaching, research, and clinical experiences.

Strategic Plan

The Faculty is charged with overseeing these goals and the actions taken to fulfill them. The Faculty will consistently discuss, monitor, and modify the process of achieving them. Ad Hoc Committees will be formed as needed.

Goal One - Academic Excellence

  • Provide a relevant and engaging curriculum
  • Use effective and innovative delivery methods
  • Develop and maintain appropriate facilities
  • Create a culture of continual improvement

Goal Two - Transformational Education

  • Provide intentionally-designed, highly effective educational opportunities that challenge how students see themselves and the world
  • Expose students to new environments, cultures, perspectives, and knowledge
  • Challenge them to reflect, acknowledge their self-efficacy, and expand their understanding and skills to be more engaged agents in their lives and their communities

Goal Three - Well-being

  • Promote the physical, emotional, cultural and social well-being of our students
  • Determine areas of greatest need and respond with policies and procedures that recognize the well-being of each individual is critical to our strength as a whole
  • Strive for inclusivity, collaboration, respect, and care
  • Acknowledge contributions to the community
  • Hold ourselves accountable for supporting a positive climate

Goal Four - Maximize Resources

  • Commitment to sustainable resources
  • Be fiscally responsible, thinking about efficiency while maintaining excellence
  • Communicate clearly about resource allocation
  • Maintain a dedication to responsible use of natural resources and consideration of our impact on our environment

Strategic Plan 2022-2029

 Goal  Subgoal Subgoal Objective Action Required or Activities or Strategies Indicator of success or Assessment Measures and Criteria Target Completion Date Resources Needed Person Responsible for oversight 
1. Academic Excellence d.Culture of continual improvement 1. To increase student’s knowledge of plagiarism. a.  Directed study followed by online quiz  100% of students obtain score of 9 or better   Ongoing   Copying, paper, duplicating Department Chair 
    2. To improve student advisement a.  Hold bi-weekly meetings for each cohort Bi-weekly meetings held for each cohort Ongoing Room for meeting, WebEx link, paper, duplicating Grad Coordinator
2. Transformational Education  a. Intentionally-designed, highly effective opportunities 3. To enhance student’s educational development  a.  Provide exposure to professional information (professional conferences—national, state, local, guest speakers in classes  Offer at least one educational opportunity per semester Ongoing Room for conference, advertising Department Chair, Faculty
  b. Expose students to new environments, cultures, perspectives, and knowledge 4. Provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge about international experiences a. Present in bi-weekly meeting     Discuss in one session      Ongoing      Study Abroad presentation     Grad coordinator  
    5. Provide international experience Work with Study Abroad office to develop an international sister program Contact with program Student exchange 2024   Chair, Grad Coordinator
      c. Put in Graduate Manual Put in international section 2024   Grad Coordinator
3.  Well-being a. Promote physical, emotional, cultural and social well-being 6. Weekly exercise opportunities Organization of a physical activity one day/week at Student Life Center 50% student participation Spring semester, 2024 Contact with trainers at SLC Faculty
4. Maximize Resources a. Commitment to sustainable resources 7. Using less paper and printing in the department Salvageable paper printed only on one side can be used in certain instances for notes 60% faculty participation, putting reusable paper in designated box Ongoing 8 ½ x11 paper cut into quarters, paper cutter in office, box for resized paper Faculty
  b. Be fiscally responsible, thinking about efficiency while maintaining excellence 8. Online record- keeping as opposed to hard copy Access to SharePoint, discussion about content 100% faculty participation Ongoing Faculty discussion, SharePoint folders Faculty
  c.   Communicate clearly about resource allocation 9. Keeping faculty involved day to day in this goal   Notes in faculty minutes regarding paper and folders Ongoing Faculty minutes Faculty