Mary Emm, M.S., CCC-SLP
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Vincent, I., Emm, M. J. (In press; published online December 27, 2020). The effects of collegiate sports coaching on the male voice: Pilot data. Journal of Voice.
Wilson, Deborah A., Emm, Mary J., (2013) Opportunity for Effective Feedback: A Supervision Tool. Perspectives on Administration and Supervision 23, 28-34
Emm, Mary J., Cecconi, Christine P., (2010) Leadership in Teaching: Utilizing Student Perspectives on Administration and Supervision and Private Practice. Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education 14, 21-28
Presentations at Professional Meetings
Vincent, I., Emm, M. The Dysphonia Severity Index in collegiate athletic coaches: Pilot Technical research session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C., 2021.
Vincent, I., Emm, M. The Dysphonia Severity Index in collegiate athletic coaches: Preliminary data. Poster session accepted for the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2020. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19)
Vincent, I., Emm, M. Above the roar of the crowd: Athletic coaches and their voice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Emm, Mary, Gilroy, Eileen, Toftegaard, Jill Clinical Remediation/Intervention in the Supervisory Process. Presented at the Central New York Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Syracuse N.Y. (virtual Fall 2020)
Emm, Mary J., Martin, Danielle Utilizing Sign Language to Facilitate the Acquisition of Verbal Language Poster session presented at New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Rochester, N.Y. (4/20/2018)
Emm, Mary J., Wilson, Deborah A. Improving Feedback Skills in the Supervisory Process Presentation to Central New York Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Syracuse N.Y. (9/21/2017)
Emm, Mary J., Tackabury, Emily, Venditti, Jenna, An Evidence Based Practice Model: Collaborate.Learn.Apply. Poster session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2015
Emm, Mary J., Wilson, Deborah A., The Supervision Process: What’s in Your Toolbox? Poster session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting, Chicago, Il., 2013
Wilson, Deborah, Emm, Mary J., Opportunity for Effective Feedback: A Supervision Tool. Poster session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting, Atlanta, Ga., 2012
Wilson, Deborah, Emm, Mary J., Spotlight on Written Feedback in Supervision. Poster session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 2011
Cecconi, Christine P., Emm, Mary J. Leadership in Teaching: Utilizing Student Perspectives on Administration and Supervision. Poster session presented to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA., 2010
Wilson, Deborah, Emm, Mary, Communication Matters., Presentation at the New York State Association for the Education of Young Children, April, 30, 2010
Eileen Gilroy, M.S., CCC-SLP
Peer-Reviewed Presentations at Professional Meetings
Gilroy E., Toftegaard, J., Davis, T. & MacDonald, C. Integrating Interprofessional Education into Training. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Boston MA, 2018.
Gilroy E., Toftegaard, J., Davis, T. & MacDonald, C. Integrating Interprofessional Education into Training. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Rochester, NY, 2018.
Green, A., Niver, R. & Gilroy, E. Vocal Function Exercises for Presbyphonia. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Rochester, NY, 2018.
King, J.& Gilroy E. The Use of Surface Electromyography (sEMG) as a Component of Speech Pathology
Intervention for Vocal Nodules: A Case Study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Saratoga, NY 2017.
Scalera, N. & Gilroy E. The Use of Surface Electromyography (sEMG) as a Component of Speech Pathology
Intervention for Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion: A Case Study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New York State Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Saratoga, NY 2016.
Invited Presentations
Gilroy E. Two Years Out: What Have We Learned from Practicing in a Pandemic? Central New York Speech, Language, Hearing Association, Southern Tier Study Group Virtual Presentation (2022).
Murray, M. Marella, A., Gilroy E. & Sova, M. How to Decide Where to Go to Graduate School. Virtual Presentation to The Pennsylvania State University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Undergraduate Students.(2022).
Emm, M., Gilroy E. & Toftegaard, J. Clinical Remediation in the Supervisory Process. Virtual Presentation to the Central New York Speech, Language and Hearing Association. (2021).
Murray, M. Marella, A., Gilroy E., Peart, T. & Sova, M. Graduate School: Application and Interview Process: How to Succeed. Virtual Presentation to The Pennsylvania State University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Undergraduate Students.(2021).
Murray, M. Marella, A., Gilroy E., Peart, T. & Sova, M. How to Prepare for Your Career in Speech Pathology. Virtual Presentation to The Pennsylvania State University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Students.(2021).
Gilroy E. Babies, Binkies, and Bottles: A discussion on pediatric feeding. Central New York Speech, Language, Hearing Association, Southern Tier Study Group Presentation (2020).
Murray, M. Marella, A., Gilroy E., Peart, T. & Sova, M. How to Prepare for Your Career in Speech Pathology. Virtual Presentation to The Pennsylvania State University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Undergraduate Students.(2020).
Regina Grantham, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
Grantham, R. (2007). The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. In E. H. Gravani and J. Meyer (Ed.) Speech, Language and Hearing Programs in Schools: A Guide for Students and Practitioners, Second Edition. Austin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc.
Riquelme, L., Cheng, L. & Grantham, R. (2007). Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. In E.H. Gravani and J. Meyer (Ed.) Speech, Language and Hearing Programs in Schools: A Guide for Students and Practitioners, Second Edition. Austin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc.
Giles-Gee, H., Anderson, L., Benton DeCorse, C., Governali, J., Grantham, R. & Malone, C. (2001). “Negotiating for Resources: Guidelines for Chairs”, The Department Chair (Spring), Anker Publishing.
Giles-Gee, H., Anderson, L., Benton DeCorse, C., Governali, J., Grantham, R. & Malone, C. (2001). “Implementing Principles of Negotiation across Chairpersons within a School of Professional Studies”, The Department Chair (Summer), Anker Publishing.
Gardner, J. N., & Jewler, A. J. with contributions from McPhee, C. B., Bals, K. E., Grantham, R.B., Pierce, S. J., Swartwood, and M. O. (2000). Your College Experience: Customized for State University of New York College at Cortland, COR 101. Belmount, CA.: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Terrell, S, Battle, D. & Grantham, R. (1998) African Cultures. In D Battle (Ed.) Communication Disorders in Multicultural Populations, 2nd Edition, Newton, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Grantham, R. B. (1997). ASHA and the Schools. In P. O’Connell (Ed.) Speech, Language, and Hearing Programs in Schools: A Guide for Students and Practitioners (24 - 62), Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publication
Battle, D. & Grantham, R. (1997). Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. In P. O’Connell (Ed.)
Speech, Language, and Hearing Programs in Schools: A Guide for Students and Practitioners (pp 345 - 371), Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publication
Grantham, R., Smith, S. (1985). Early Intervention and the Use of Microcomputers. The News, 4, New York Association for the Learning Disabled and Associations for Brain Injured.
Contributor to following ASHA Publications:
American Speech Language Hearing Association. (n.d.). Guide to Starting an Academic Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD).
American Speech Language Hearing Association. (1994). Ethics: Resources for Professional Preparation and Practice, Rockville, Maryland: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (one of several contributors-first ethics book for ASHA).
American Speech-Language-H earing Association. (1985). Clinical Management of Communicatively Handicapped Minority Language Populations. ASHA, 27 (6), 29-32.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1984). Clinical Management of Communicatively Handicapped Minority Populations. ASHA, 23 (6), 55-57.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1983). Social Dialects: A Position Paper. ASHA, 25 (9), 23-24.
Grantham, R.B., Carsten, K., & Curtis, N. Impact of common core state standards on SLP service delivery: Current practices and implications. Poster Session, ASHA 2014.
Anderson, S., Boehm, C., Grantham, R., Forrester, M. "Guided Transitions: Theory into Practice", The National Association of Laboratory Schools, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1991.
Luckhurst, J., Sexton, J. & Grantham R. Language sample analysis of preschool children with hearing loss: Extending the evidence, Poster Session, 2019.
Grantham, R. “Credentialing: What you need to know”. Mini-seminar, NYSSLHA 2004 Convention, Albany, NY, April 2004.
Grantham, R. “Diversity on campus and in Student Service Professions”, 1999 Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators Convention, Oct. 1999, SUNY Cortland (invited).
Grantham, R., Reflections on Issues about Racism and Possible Solutions, Institute on Racism, SUNY Cortland, Oct. 1999 (invited).
Pedrick, W., Grantham, R., McPhee, C. “The College Experience: An Orientation Course Pilot Project”, New York College Learning Skills Association Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Developmental Education, March 1998
Battle, D. & Grantham. R. "Managing Diversity in the Clinic and the Professions", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language-Hearing Association, May 1996 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Celebrating Diversity", (all day presentation) Spring Conference, Central New York Speech, Language and Hearing Association, March 1995 (invited).
Grantham, R. & Battle, D. "Managing Diversity in the Clinic and the Professions", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association, April 1995 (invited).
Grantham R., Caracciolo, G., Gottfred, C. "Ethics Across Clinical Settings", University Clinic Directors Meeting, ASHA Convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 1992 (invited).
Battle, D. & Grantham, R. "Ethical and Legal Dilemmas for the 90's", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language-Hearing Association, April 1992.
Russell, N. & Grantham, R. "Traumatically Brain-Injured Children: Testing the Limits/Implementing Compensations", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association, April 1992.
Grantham, R., Garrity, J., Kaplan, L., Nicholas, J., White, S. "Supervisors Roundtable”, Professional Education Preparation Conference, October 1991 (invited).
Grantham, R., Genther, R. Perez, D. "Do We March to Different Beats?” Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language Hearing Association, April 1990 (Invited).
Grantham, R. "Language Development and the Preschool Child", Head Start, Western New York Training Day, September 1988 (invited).
Asumah, S, Carter, D., Forester, R., Grantham, R., and Muhammad, R. SUNY Cortland Alumni: Table Talk: Racism, White Supremacy, and the Reality of Two Americas., Black History Month, February 2021 (virtual), invited.
Allamirano, K., Piperato, P. and Grantham, R. Beloved Community Panel Narrative Project Panel, SUNY Cortland, February 2020 (virtual) invited.
Grantham, R. “African American English: A rich culture with a past, present and future.” Urban Education Club, February 2012
Melita, L., McGuire, M., Walkuski, J., Grantham R, & Shi, S. “How is our teaching assessed on Campus?” SUNY Cortland Sandwich Seminar, April 2012.
Grantham, R., Miller, J., Pesesky, S. “Who are our Non-Trads? Are they N.U.T.S.? (Not the Usual Traditional
Student)”, Sandwich Seminar, SUNY Cortland, November 2006 (invited)
Anderson, L. & Grantham, R. “Writing Across the Curriculum”. Sandwich Seminar, SUNY Cortland (2002).
Grantham, R. “Return to the CCs: An Update about Continuing Competency and Licensure”, Southern Tier Speech Language and Hearing Association, March 2001 (invited).
Grantham, R. “The Significance of Graduation”, Kente Cloth and Karamu Ya Wahitimu Graduation, Spring 2000, SUNY Cortland (invited).
Grantham, R. & Pierce, Sean, “Diversity Strategies”. SUNY Cortland, Spring 2000.
Grantham, R., “Why can’t we talk about Race?” SUNY Cortland, Oct. 1999 (invited).
Grantham, R. “The YWCA’s Role in the Life of the Community: A push for diversity”. SUNY Cortland Community Round Table, March 1999.
Grantham, R. “Professional Update II: ASHA and New York State”, Southern Tier Speech Language Hearing Association, February 1998, (invited).
Grantham, R. “Ebonics: Origin and Impact on Education”, SUNY Cortland, February 1998 (invited).
Grantham, R. “Professional Update”, Southern Tier Speech Language Hearing Association, June 1997 (invited).
Grantham, R. “Emerging Language in Young Children: Strategies to Enhance Communication”, Head Start Training Day, April 1997, (invited).
Grantham, R. “Our Professional Future”, Central New York Speech Language Hearing Association, May 1997, (invited).
Grantham, R., “Licensing in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology: A Blueprint to Practice”, Southern Tier Speech Language Hearing Association Spring Conference, May 1999, (invited).
Grantham, R., Masselink, N. “Ebonics: A Different Perspective”, SUNY Cortland, April 1997 (invited).
Grantham, R. “Ebonics: A Form of Racism?” SUNY Cortland, February 1997 (invited)
Grantham, R. “Speech Language Pathology and Ethics”, Syracuse University, September 1996 (invited)
Grantham, R. "Ethical Responsibilities for Students and Professionals". Syracuse University, March 1995 (invited)
Grantham, R. "The Ethical Practice of the Profession in a School Setting", Rochester City School District Conference, February 1995 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Licensing Board: Who and What we are", Southern Tier Area Speech Hearing and Language Conference, May 1995 (invited)
Grantham, R. "Managing Diversity", Ithaca Business and Professional Women Conference, January 1995 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Ethical Issues for the 90"s", Southern Tier Speech Hearing and Language Association, May 1994 (invited).
Grantham, R. "The Parable of the Sadhu", New Jersey Speech Language Hearing Association, April 1994 (invited).
Grantham, R. & D'Angelo, S. "Your Code of Ethics: Changing Practices, Changing Needs", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language Hearing Association, April 1994.
Grantham, R. "Your Ethical Responsibility as a Student and Professional", Syracuse University, April 1994
Grantham, R., Battle, D., & Nye, C. "Developing a discriminative tool for the assessment of speech and language skills in preschool children", Buffalo State College, April 1993.
Lonberger, R., Grantham, R., Hodges, C., Poluszny, M., & Nye, C. "Collaborative Assessment Project (CAP)", Buffalo State College, April 1993.
Grantham, R. "All you ever wanted to know about Student Teaching in Speech Language Pathology but never asked: A Buffalo State College Prospective", Buffalo Public Schools Speech Language Pathology Workshop, April, 1993 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Collaboration in the Schools???” BOCES I SETRC Workshop, Buffalo, N.Y., February 1993 (invited).
Grantham, R. & Battle, D. "Cultural Diversity, Language and Literacy: A Workshop for Early Childhood Educators," Head Start Conference, January 1993 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Ethics in the Professions", United Cerebral Palsy Association Western New York, Inc., Children's Center, June 1992 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Communication: A form of Law and Order", Leadership Development Project, Buffalo, N.Y., November 1991.
Battle, D. & Grantham, R. "Professionalism", Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, Speech & Language Dept. & SETRC, 1991 Inter-district Professional Development Day, November 1991 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Speech and Language Therapy: Its effects in the classroom", State University College at Buffalo, April 1991.
Grantham, R. "Speech and language Management of Students with Head Injury", State University College at Buffalo, March 1991.
Grantham, R. "Auditory Processing: Its Effect on language", State University College at Buffalo, March 1991.
Grantham, R. "Early language Development", State University College at Buffalo, November 1990.
Grantham, R. "The CELF-R as a Language Assessment Tool", State University College at Buffalo, November 1990.
Grantham, R. "TBI Children in an Educational Setting: Diagnosis, Intervention, Classroom Collaboration", State University College at Buffalo, May 1990.
Lund, N., Grantham, R., & Sonnemier, R. "Discourse Analysis with the Traumatically Brain Injured", State University College at Buffalo, April, 1990 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Speech Language Integration in the Classroom with Children Who Have Traumatic Brain Injury”, State University of New York College at Buffalo, March 1990 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Auditory Processing: What Is It and How Do You Assess It?” State University College at Buffalo, March, 1990 (invited).
Begner, P., Grantham, R., Loavanbruck, A., Madell, J., & Sphar, F. "Issues and Ethics: Crossover and
Transdisciplinary Practices", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association, April 1987 (invited).
Cohen, L., Grantham, R. & Giermek, J. "What Does It All Mean: Understanding and Interpreting Results of Testing", The Children's Guild Conference, May 1986 (invited).
Grantham, R. "The Acquisition of Speech and Language, Erie Community College, Child Care Unit, March 1986 (invited).
Grantham, R. "New Techniques and Software in Speech and Language", Buffalo Public School Workshop, December 1985 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Speech, Language and Hearing Issues", Niagara County Head Start Staff, December 1985 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Children's Hospital, Speech, Hearing and Language Services", State University College at Buffalo, October 1985 (invited).
Grantham, R. "The Field of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology", Health Related Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, May 1985 (invited).
Grantham, R. "Normal Speech and Language Development", Physical Therapy Department, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, April 1984 (invited).
Grantham, R. "The Real World", National Student Speech, Language and Hearing Association, State University College at Buffalo, October 1980 (invited).
Phillips, L., Grantham, R., & DeHart, A. "Early Identification, Accurate Diagnosis and Appropriate Intervention: An Integrated Modalities Model for Preschool Children at Risk", Workshop for Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center, NY, June 1978 (invited).
Presentations for ASHA Committees
ASHA 2016 Conference, Philadelphia, PA — “Workplace Ethics: Challenges and Solutions” as member of ASHA Board of Ethics. (Oral Seminar).
ASHA 2016 Conference, Philadelphia, PA — “Suspect Ethical Misconduct? The Code of Ethics (2016) Is a Path to Resolution” as member of ASHA Board of Ethics (Poster Session).
ASHA 2015 Conference, Denver, Colorado— “Professional Ethics: Dilemmas that can Strike You”—ASHA Board of Ethics. (Oral Seminar)
ASHA 2015 Conference, Denver, Colorado— “Strategies for Ethics Education: Preparing Graduate Students for Clinical Placements in Diverse Settings” --- ASHA Board of Ethics. (Poster Session)
ASHA 2014 Conference, Orlando, Florida— “Professional Ethics: Dilemmas that Can Strike you”—ASHA Board of Ethics (Oral Seminar)
ASHA 2014 Conference, Orlando Florida— “Suspect ethical Misconduct? What to Do, When, How, & Why.”— ASHA Board of Ethics (Poster Session)
ASHA PAC-Capital Hill 101, ASHA Convention, Miami Beach, Florida, November 2006.
Sears, D. & Grantham, R. Debunking the Myth: What ASHA-PAC Is & What It Isn’t. Poster Session, ASHA Convention, San Diego, California, November 2005.
Grantham, R. ASHA Legislative Council Guided Orientation. ASHA Convention, San Diego, California, November 2005 (invited).
Grantham, R. ASHA Legislative Council Guided Orientation. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2004 (invited).
Tepperman, L., Estomin, E., Grantham, R., Hall, F., McCrea, E., O’Connor, L., Oschner, G., Richard, G., & Spak, C. (November 2003). How to get ASHA to Work for You. Poster Session. ASHA, 2003 Convention, Chicago,
Jacobs-Condit, Bernier, J, Decotiis, E. Estomin, E., Grantham, R., Richards, G., Spak, C., Tepperman, L. & Craighead, N. (2002). ASHA: How Your Voice Can be Heard: Opportunities for Involvement & Input. Poster Session. ASHA, 2002 Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Tepperman, L., Hampton, D., Grantham, R., Lerner, P., Eng, N. ASHA Legislative council Update, NYSSLH Association’s Annual Convention, Rochester, N.Y. March, 2002.
Jacobs-Condit, L., Richard, G., Bernier, J., Tepperman, L., Grantham, R., Decotiis, E., & Spak, C. ASHA New Council Orientation Program, ASHA Legislative Council Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, 2002.
Caracciolo, G. & Grantham, R. Legislative Council Guided Observation 2000, (Workshop for new legislative councilors on the governing board of ASHA), November 2000 (invited).
1999 New York Legislative Counselors. ASHA Legislative Council Update, New York State Speech Language Hearing Association, 39th Annual Convention, April 1999 ((presented several legislative issues).
Grantham, R., Quin, P., Griffith, F., Keane, M., Helmick, J., Bryant, A., Gordon, P., Flower, R., & Griffin, E. "Ethics: Resources for Professional Preparation and Practice", ASHA Convention, Anaheim, California, November 1993.
O'Toole, T., Evert, M., Moffat, M., Grantham, R., DeVoe, S., Gottfred, C., Griffin, E., Keane, M., & Griffith, F. "TriAlliance Ethics Colloquium: Dollars and Dilemmas", ASHA Convention, Anaheim, California, November 1993.
Grantham, R., Caracciolo, G., White, E., Gottfred, C., Gladstone, V., Bryant, A., & Griffin, E. "E2 - Ethics Education: A Curricular Imperative", ASHA Convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 1992.
Coleman, R., Caracciolo, G., Grantham, R., White, E., & Feldman, A. "Ethic Scenarios: Solutions to Dilemmas", ASHA Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1991.
Battle, D., Grantham, R., Cole, L., Terrell, S., Aldes, & M. Smith, G. "Position Paper on Social Dialects', Mini Seminar, ASHA Convention, Toronto, Canada, November 1982.
Presentations for New York State Licensure Board
Grantham, R., Hausheer, R., Hart, S., Cooperman, D., Coyle, J., Crowley, C., Dalzell, L., Miller, T., Montano, J., Moshenko, M., & Spitzer, J. (April, 2004). Your Licensure Board at Work: Ronnie Hausheer and the NYS Licensure Board for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Mini-seminar, NYSSLHA 2004 Convention, Albany, NY.
Hauseer, R., Hampton, D., Grantham, R., Coyle, J., Brown, W., Dalzell, L., Hart, S., Montano, J., & O’Brien, M. Your Licensure Board at Work, NYSSSLH Association’s Annual Convention, Rye Town, N. Y. March 2003.
Hauseer, R., Hampton, D., Grantham, R., Coyle, J., Brown, W., Dalzell, L., Hart, S., Montano, J., O’Brien, M. & Rupert, E. Your Licensure Board at Work, NYSSSLH Association’s Annual Convention, Rochester, N. Y. March 2002.
New York State Licensure Board, “Meet your Licensing Board”, New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association, 40th Annual Convention, April 2000, Saratoga, NY (invited).
New York State Licensure Board, “The Legal Side of Things: Report of the NYS Licensure Board”, New York State Speech-Language Hearing Association, 39th Annual Convention, April 1999 (I presented on the state education regulation changes).
Ferguson, R.N., Eng-Huie, N., Grantham, R., Hampton, D., Leaner, P. K., O'Brien, M.A., & Yurkewicz, D. "NYS Licensure Board for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language Hearing Association, April 1997 (invited).
Lerner, P., Clark, L., Grantham, R., Montano, J., Brennen, S., Tepperman, L. ASHA Legislative Council Update, Mini-Seminar New York State Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, April 1997.
Ferguson, R.N., Eng-Huie, N., Grantham, R., Hampton, D., Leaner, P. K., O'Brien, M.A., & Yurkewicz, D., Clark, S.E. "Current Legislative Issues in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech Language Hearing Association, May 1996 (invited).
Yurkewicz, D., Ferguson, R., Battle D., Clark, S., Grantham, R., Hampton, D., Huie, N. E., Lerner, P. K., & O'Brien, M.A. "The Scope of the Professions", Mini-Seminar, New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association, April, 1995 (invited).
Nimisha Muttiah, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Drager, K.D.R., Muttiah, N. & Holyfield, C. (in press). Just-In-Time Programming of Visual Scene Displays on Mobile Technology in AAC Intervention for Adult Beginning Communicators. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Muttiah, N., Tönsing, K., Blackwell, A., Bornman, J., Armendariz, K., and Drager, K.D.R., (in press). Speech and Language Therapists Perspectives on Tele-AAC from Three Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Samaraweera, B.P., Pillay, M., Muttiah, N., & Moodley, L. (2024). Exploring Clinical Reasoning in Child Language Assessment through Decoloniality. The International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (Online). DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2023.2296864
Heiyanthuduwage, T.M., Sumanasena, S.P., Kitnasamy,G., Sheedy,H.S., Khandaker, G., Fernando, R., Wijesekera, S., Jagoda, J., Ratnayake, P., Wanigasinghe, J., McIntyre, S., Goldsmith, S., & Muttiah, N. (2024). Cerebral palsy in the Western Province of Sri Lanka: a hospital based observational study from a low and middle income setting (Online).
Caldera, A.V., Wickremasinghe, A. R., Munasinghe T.U., Perera, KMN, Muttiah, N., Tilakarathne, D., Peiris, M.K.R.R., Thamilchelvan E., Sooriyaarachchi, C Mohamed Naseem Nasma, MN., Manamperige, RM, Ariyasena ADK, Sumanasena, S.P. (2023). Availability of rehabilitation services for communication disorders in Sri Lanka; a cross sectional survey. BMJ Open, 13(4).
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., Samarasinghe, I. (2023). Strategies for Implementing Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the Classroom Setting in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. In S. Halder, S. Dada, & R. Banerjee (1st Edition). The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators: Issues, considerations, and strategies. Routledge India.
Caldera, A.V., Wickremasinghe, A.R., Muttiah, N., Godamune, P.K.S., Jayasena, B.N., Chathurika, L.K.E., Perera, K.M.N., Mendis, M., Tilakarathne, D., Peiris, M.K.R.R., Wijesignhe, T., Senarathne, N.T., Saubhagya, W.D.L., Chandraratne, M., & Sumanasena, S.P. (2023). REACh for the preschoolers; A developmental assessment tools for 2-5 year old children in Sri Lanka. BMC Pediatrics, 23(80).
Muttiah, N., Seneviratne, A., Drager, K.D.R., & Panterliyon, N. (2022). Parent Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Sri Lanka. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Online).
Muttiah, N., Gormley, J., Drager, K.D.R. (2022). A Scoping Review on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Interventions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Online).
Muttiah, N. (2021). Ground realities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Sri Lanka. Disability, CBR, & Inclusive Development, 32(1), 150-159. doi 10.47985/dcidj.383
Heiyanthuduwage, T.M., Sumanasena, S.P., Kitnasamy,G., Sheedy,H.S., Khandaker, G., Fernando, R., Wijesekera, S., Jagoda, J., Ratnayake, P., Wanigasinghe, J., McIntyre, S., Goldsmith, S., Waight, E.,Badawi, N., Muhit, M., & Muttiah, N. (2020). Protocol for the Sri Lankan Cerebral Palsy Register Pilot Study. BMJ Open, 10(8), 1-6.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K.D.R., Beale, B., Bongo, H., & Riley, L. (2019). The effects of an intervention using low-tech visual scene displays and aided modeling with young children with complex communication needs. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K.D.R., McNaughton, D., & Perera, N. (2018). Evaluating an AAC training for special education teachers in Sri Lanka, a low- and middle-income country. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34,276-287.
Drager, K.D.R., Light, J. Currall, J., Muttiah, N., Smith, V., Kreis, D., Nilam-Hall, A.,
Parratt, D., Schuessler, K., Shermetta, K., & Wiscount, J. (2017). AAC technologies with visual scene displays and “just in time” programming and symbolic communication turns expressed by students with severe disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 1-16.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & O’Connor, L. (2016). Special Education in Sri Lanka: A
snapshot of three provinces. Disability Studies Quarterly, 36(2). DOI:
Muttiah, N., McNaughton, D., & Drager, K.D.R. (2015). Providing Instructional Support for AAC Service Delivery in Low and Middle-Income (LAMI) Countries. The International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18, 341-353. DOI:10.3109/17549507.2015.1101154
Muttiah, N., Georges, K., & Brackenbury, T. (2011). Clinical and research perspectives on nonspeech oral motor treatments and evidence-based practice. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20, 47.
Articles in Professional Newsletters
Muttiah, N. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Sri Lanka – Status quo and future directions. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, 2(68), 19-22.
Manuscripts under review
Samaraweera, B.P., Pillay, M., Muttiah, N., & Moodley, L. (2023). Exploring Clinical Reasoning in Child Language Assessment through Decoloniality. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations at Professional Meetings
Muttiah, N., Peiris, T., Pulasingha, K., Reyal, S., & Doloswala., T. (2023). Developing a Mobile Application to Gather Normative Data on the Vocabulary of 12-24 Month-Old Children. Poster will be presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston.
Muttiah, N., Peiris, T., McNaughton, D., & Brittlebank-Douglas, S (2023). Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Training for Caregivers on Creating VSDs Using Family Photos. Paper will be presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston.
Blackwell, A., Muttiah, N., Tonsing, K., Drager, K., Bornman, J., Peiris, T., & Armendariz, K. (2023). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Telepractice in Low and Middle Income Countries. Paper will be presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston.
Jayathilaka, H., & Muttiah, N., (2023). Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Communication Partner Training on Storybook Reading for Children with CCN. Paper will be presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston.
Drager, K., & Muttiah, N.(2023). A model for global collaborations and partnerships in AAC to address capacity in LMICs. Poster presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Cancun, Mexico.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., Blackwell, A., Tonsing, K., & Bornman, J. (2023). Augmentative and alternative communication telepractice in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Perspectives of parents and caregivers. Poster presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Cancun, Mexico.
Muttiah, N., Sewwandi, S., Kumarage, C., & Sumanasena, S. (2022). Developing an augmentative and alternative communication lab and lending library in a Low-and Middle-Income Country. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Muttiah, N., Sewwandi, S., & Kumarage, C.(2022). Effectiveness of an online AAC training on High-Tech AAC for pre-service speech-language pathology students. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Silva, S., & Muttiah, N. (2022). Parents’ satisfaction with services provided by the AAC lending library at Ayati Center. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Drager, K., Muttiah, N., Blackwell, A., Tonsing, K., & Bornman, J. (2022). Augmentative and alternative communication telepractice in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Perspectives of speech-language pathologists. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Bakmeewewa, A.D.S.A., Muttiah, N., Dantanarayana, N.D., Jayasena, B.N., Chandrathilake, M.N., & Devagiri, B. (November, 2021). Shifting from teaching to learning: Facilitating a learner-centered curriculum transformation for undergraduate education in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Poster presented at the Colombo Conference on Medical Education 2021, College of Medical Educationists, Sri Lanka.
Kumarage, C. & Muttiah, N (November, 2021). Translation, adaptation and validation of the Communication Matrix parent version to use with Sinhala speaking parents. Paper presented at the 30th Conference, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya.
Dassanayaka, D.M.B.T. & Muttiah, N. (November, 2020) A pilot study to develop a vocabulary checklist to assess early language development in children aged between 12 to 24 months. Poster accepted at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled) Online.
Rice, J., Sumanasena, S., Hore, B., & Muttiah, N. (September, 2019). Transforming outcomes in cerebral palsy through global clinical partnerships. Paper presented at the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM), CA, USA.
Weerasinghe, A., Muttiah, N., Perera, R. (January, 2019). Identifying early semantic relations in Sinhala speaking children between 12 and 24 months in the Matale District. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Liyanaarachchi, I., & Muttiah, N. (January, 2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of using tablet computers to teach children with autism spectrum disorder to request. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Samarasinghe, I., & Muttiah, N. (January, 2019). Effectiveness of shared book reading to increase receptive vocabulary skills in 3-4 year old children with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Nonis, L., & Muttiah, N. (November, 2018). Clinical practices related to augmentative and alternative communication among speech and language therapists in Sri Lanka. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Weerasinghe, A., & Muttiah, N. (November, 2018). Identifying early semantic relations in Sinhala speaking children between 12 and 24 months in the Matale district. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston, MA
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & Seneviratne, A. (2018, July). Parent perspectives on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) applications and interventions in Sri Lanka. Poster presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Gold Coast, Australia.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & Gormley, J. (2018, July). Scoping review: Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) interventions and training partners in low-and-middle income countries. Poster presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Gold Coast, Australia.
Muttiah, N., Narayanan, R., & Kitnasamy, G. (November, 2017). Avaz Sri Lanka: Creating a new path to communication”. Paper presented at the 2nd World Disability & Rehabilitation Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N. (January, 2017). Hear my voice: How literacy can pave the way for communication. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & Hall, L. (2016, August). Effects of Training Paraprofessionals to use Low-Tech Visual Scene Displays (VSDs). Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Toronto, Canada.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., McNaughton, D., & Perera, N. (2016, August). An Effective AAC Training for Special Education Teachers based in a Low-Resource Country. Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Toronto, Canada.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., McNaughton, D., & Perera, N. (2015, November). An Effective AAC Training for Special Education Teachers based in a Low-Resource Country. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., Beale, B., Bongo, H., & Riley, L. (2015, November). A Low-Tech Visual Scenes Display Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Intervention for young children with complex communication needs. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
Muttiah, N., & Hertz, A. (2015, November). Collaborating to Provide Children with Complex Communication Needs Access to the Power of Communication. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
Therrien, M., Muttiah, N., McNaughton, D., Bronstein, E., Dubrow, S., Livi, F., Rogers, S. (2015, November). A Scoping Review of Supports for Children with Complex Communication Needs in Inclusive Education. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Denver, CO.
Muttiah, N., McNaughton, D., & Drager, K. (2014, July). Planning Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Trainings in Low-Resource Developing Countries. Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Lisbon, Portugal.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., Beale, B., Bongo, H., & Riley, L. (2014, July). A Low- Tech Visual Scenes Display Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Intervention for young children with complex communication needs. Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Lisbon, Portugal.
Drager, K., Muttiah, N., & Richardson, L. (2014, July). A Conversation on Global
Issues in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Lisbon, Portugal.
Drager, K., Light, J., Currall, J., Muttiah, N., Smith, V., Kreis, D., Nilam-Hall, A., Parratt, D., Schuessler, K., Shermetta, K., & Wiscount, J. (2014, July). Just-in-Time Technology and Visual Scene Displays: Adolescents with Severe Disabilities. Paper presented at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Lisbon, Portugal.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & O’Connor, L. (2013, November). Parents’ satisfaction with the special education services in Sri Lanka. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Muttiah, N., McNaughton, D., & Drager, K. (2013, November). Planning Augmentative and Alternative Communication Trainings for Low- Resource Countries. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & O’Connor, L. (2013, April). Special Education in Sri Lanka: A snapshot of three provinces. Poster presented at the Pennsylvania Speech-Language Hearing Association, Harrisburg, PA.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & O’Connor, L. (2013, March). Special Education in Sri Lanka: A snapshot of three provinces. Poster presented at the Annual Graduate Exhibition, Pennsylvania State University, University, Park, PA.
Muttiah, N., Drager, K., & O’Connor, L. (2012, November). Special Education in Sri Lanka: A snapshot of three provinces. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
Drager, K., Finke, E., Richardson, L., Frey, L., Kincaid, S., Klochak, E., Kras, M., Muttiah, N., Serpentine, E., & Tobin, M. (2012, November). Parenting a Child with Autism: Parents’ Perspectives at Different Stages. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
Muttiah, N., Georges, K., & Brackenbury, T. (2007, November). Controversial Therapies and EBP: Perspectives from Clinicians and Researchers. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Invited Presentations and Webinars
Muttiah, N. (November, 2023). Developing a high-tech AAC app in a local language and increasing awareness about AAC. Invited speaker at the Annual Conference of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston
Muttiah, N. (June, 2021). “Supporting augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use among low-resource communities.” Invited keynote speaker at a webinar organized by the Speech-Language Pathology Department at Munroe-Meyer Institute.
Sumanasena, S., Muttiah, N., Fernando, R., & Dilranji, R. (June, 2021). “Let’s add color to their lives: An interdisciplinary team discussion.” Invited panel speaker at a webinar organized by Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N. (January, 2021). Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and Autism. Invited panel speaker at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka
Muttiah, N. (October, 2020). “Bridging research to practice with visual scene displays.” Invited panel speaker at a webinar organized by International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).
Muttiah, N. (September, 2019). Use of AAC in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Invited speaker at the International Conference for Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, & Speech and Language Therapists, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N. (January, 2017). “Inclusion global and local comparisons”. Invited panel speaker at the Biennial Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development (SLACD), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N. (November, 2016). Invited panel speaker to the “Reach beyond” parent conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muttiah, N. & Drager, K. (2016, August). Partner training: addressing critical needs of individuals with CCN in low & middle-income countries. Invited speaker at the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Toronto, Canada.
Drager, K., & Muttiah, N. (April, 2016). AAC Applications for Beginning Communicators: Design and Application. Invited speaker at the Pennsylvania Speech-Language Hearing Association, Harrisburg, PA.
Muttiah, N. (November, 2015). “Status Quo of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Sri Lanka”, Invited keynote speaker at the International Medical Health Organization (IMHO), Seattle, WA
Muttiah, N. (2023). Faculty Research Program award SUNY Cortland. Total amount: $3000. Unfunded.
Muttiah, N. (2022). Individual Development Award (IDA) SUNY Cortland. Total amount: $795.19. Funded.
Muttiah, N. (2022). Small Grant Program SUNY Cortland. Total amount: $500. Funded.
Muttiah, N. (2022). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2022 Advancing Academic-Research Career (AARC) Award. Total Amount: $5,000. Funded.
Muttiah, N. (2022). Samena Foundation in the UK for mobility and communication equipment for individuals with disabilities. Total Amount: $10,000. Funded.
Reyal, S., Muttiah, N., & Pulasinghe, K. (2022). Development of a digital application to gather normative data on vocabulary of 12-24 month-old Sinhala speaking children in Sri Lanka. Total Amount: $1150 (Rs. 400,000). Funded.
Muttiah, N. (2019). Creating an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) lending library. Collaborative grant between the Wild Geese Foundation and Ear Lanka Foundation. Total Amount: 14,000 Euros. Funded.
Muttiah, N. (2019). Parents’ perspectives on augmentative and alternative communication. Internal Grant from the University of Kelaniya. Total Amount: $1,450. Funded.
Drager, K.D.R., Muttiah, N., Bornman, J., & Tonsing, K. (2019). TALKS: Training AAC in LMICs to build Capacity and Knowledge with Speech-Language Therapists: An mHealth approach. Global Brain and Nervous Systems Disorders Research Across the Lifespan R21 Grant. $250,000. Unfunded
Deborah Sharp, Ph.D., CCC-SLP/L, RYT500
Keung, L., Richardson, K., Matheron, D., Martel-Sauvageau, V. (2022). A Comparison of Healthy and
Disordered Voices Using Multi-Dimensional Voice Program, Praat, and TF32. Journal of Voice (in press).
Matheron, D., Stathopoulos, E. T., Huber, J. E., & Sussman, J. E. (2017). Laryngeal Aerodynamics in Healthy Older Adults and Adults with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(3), 507-524.
Invited Publications
Matheron, D. & Wicks, M.K. (2019). Thinking global: Thinking Global: Strategies in dysarthria. The Communicator: Official Journal of the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA). 49(4), 6-9.
Richardson, K., Matheron, D., Martel-Sauvageau, V., & Vincent, I. (2019). A Comparative Normative Study Between Multidimensional Voice Program, Praat, and TF32. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(3), 563-573. (Invited through SIG 19 Speech Science Perspectives Golden Ticket acknowledgement of a poster session at the 2018 ASHA Convention, November, 2018.)
Invited Presentations
Matheron, D. Voice and speech production in Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis: Physiologic review and current research. Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Mastic Beach, NY, April 17, 2018.
Matheron, D. Dysarthria classification: Mayo system and recent classification studies. Central New York Speech, Language, Hearing Association --- Medical-based SLP study group, Syracuse, NY, May 3,2017
Matheron, D. Speech breathing and laryngeal function in Individuals with Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. New York State Speech, Language and Hearing Association (NYSSLHA) 56th Annual Convention, Saratoga Springs, NY, April, 9 2016
Peer-Reviewed Presentations at Professional Conferences or Meetings
Kiefer, B.R., Snyder, S., Stathopoulos, E.T., Sussman, J.E., Richardson, K., Matheron, D., and Huber, J.E. (2019, June). The long-term effects of the SpeechVive device for speakers with Parkinson’s disease. Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, MA, Poster Session, June 21, 2019
Barbolini, S. & Matheron, D. Acoustic temporal comparison: Speaker with Multiple Sclerosis and his matched control. New York State Speech, Language and Hearing Association (NYSSLHA) 59th Annual Convention, Albany, NY, Poster Session, May 3, 2019
Matheron, D. Highly intelligible speakers with MS and neurologically-intact speakers during submaximal and DDK tasks. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2018 Convention, Boston, MA, Poster Session, November 17, 2018
Richardson, K., Matheron, D., Martel-Sauvageau, V., & Vincent, I. A comparative normative study between Multi-Dimensional Voice Program, Praat, and TF32. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2018 Convention, Boston, MA, Poster Session, November 17, 2018
Matheron, D. & Tjaden, K. Temporal differences in a quasi-speech task: A comparison of highly intelligible speakers with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and neurologically intact speakers. Madonna Hospital Biannual Motor Control Conference 2018, Savannah, GA, Paper Presentation, February 24, 2018.
Matheron, D., Stathopoulos, E.T., & Tjaden, K. Respiratory & laryngeal interactions during speech: speakers with Multiple Sclerosis & their healthy peers. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2016 Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Poster Session, November 18, 2016
Matheron, D., Stathopoulos, E.T., & Tjaden, K. Speech breathing and laryngeal aerodynamics in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Madonna Hospital Biannual Motor Control Conference 2016, Newport Beach, CA, Poster Session, March 4, 2016
Matheron, D., Stathopoulos, E.T., Huber, J.E., & Sussman, J.E. A Comparison of Lombard elicited SPL increase on laryngeal aerodynamics in healthy older adults and older adults with Parkinson’s disease Madonna Hospital Biannual Motor Control Conference 2014, Sarasota, FL, Poster Session, March 1, 2014
Matheron, D., Stathopoulos, E.T., Huber, J.E., & Sussman, J.E. Acoustic analysis of voice in individuals with PD with Lombard-elicited changes in SPL. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2013 Convention, Chicago, IL, Poster Session, November 16, 2013
Irena Vincent, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Vincent, I., & Emm, M. J. (In press; published online December 27, 2020). The effects of collegiate sports coaching on the male voice: Pilot data. Journal of Voice.
Bauer, J., Vincent, I., Buckenmeyer, P., True, L., Generali, A., & Trumino, O. (2020). Eccentric training to improve/maintain motor and speech function for persons with Parkinson’s disease. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52, 5 Supplement.
Richardson, K., Matheron, D., Martel-Sauvageau, V., & Vincent, I. (2019). A comparative normative study between Multi-Dimensional Voice Program, Praat, and TF32. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Group 19, Speech Science.
Bauer, J., Vincent, I., Buckenmeyer, P., Generali, A., & Lind, E. (2018). The effect of non-impact lower body exercise on individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A case study. Journal of Physical Medicine, 1, 24-31.
Vincent, I. (2017). Semantic and phonological encoding in adults who stutter: Silent responses to pictorial stimuli. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 2537-2550.
Bauer, J. A., Vincent, I., Buckenmeyer, P. J., Sutherlin, M., Lind, E., Dames, K., Generali, A., Schrom, B., & Mills, M. (2017). Parkinson’s disease: Eccentric training to reduce symptoms. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49, 5 Supplement.
Vincent, I., Grela, B. G., & Gilbert, H. R. (2012). Phonological priming in adults who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 37, 91-105.
Vincent, I., & Gilbert, R. H. (2012). The effects of cigarette smoking on the female voice. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 37, 22-32.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations at Professional Meetings
Vincent, I., & Emm, M. The Dysphonia Severity Index in collegiate athletic coaches: Pilot data. Technical research session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C., 2021.
Vincent, I., & Emm, M. The Dysphonia Severity Index in collegiate athletic coaches: Preliminary data. Poster session accepted for the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2020. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19)
Bauer, J. A., Vincent, I., Buckenmeyer, P. J., True, L., Generali, A., & Trumino, O. Eccentric training to improve/maintain motor and speech function for persons with Parkinson’s disease. Presentation held at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2020.
Richardson, K., Matheron, D., Vincent, I., & Martel-Sauvageau, V. A comparison of normative acoustic analysis between TF32, Praat, & Computerized Speech Lab. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, 2018.
Bauer, J. A., Vincent, I., Buckenmeyer, P. J., Sutherlin, M., Lind, E., Dames, K., Generali, A., Schrom, B., & Mills, M. Parkinson’s disease: Eccentric training to reduce symptoms. Presentation held at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting, Denver, CO, 2017.
Vincent, I., & Emm, M. Above the roar of the crowd: Athletic coaches and their voice.Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Vincent, I. Phonological encoding in stuttering: Non-speech responses to visual stimuli. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2011.
Granato, M. A., & Vincent, I. Semantic encoding in stuttering: Non-speech responses to visual stimuli. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2011.
Granato, M. A., & Vincent, I. Semantic encoding in adults who stutter. Technical session presented at Scholars’ Day, Cortland, NY, 2011.
Granato, M. A., & Vincent, I. Semantic encoding in adults who stutter. Poster session presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Ithaca, NY, 2011.
Vincent, I. A multisensory approach to teaching and learning speech anatomy. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Vincent, I. A multisensory approach to learning: The art and science of voice anatomy. Poster session presented at Scholars’ Day, Cortland, NY, 2010.
Vincent, I., & Youse, K. M. Neurogenic stuttering: Independent disorder or part of aphasia?Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL, 2008.
Vincent, I., & Gilbert, R. H. Phonological priming in adults who stutter. Technical session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, 2007.
Vincent, I., & Youse, K. M. Persistency of acquired stuttering: literature review and clinical implications.Poster session presented at the Partnerships in Rehabilitation Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2007.
Vincent, I., & Gilbert, R. H. The effects of cigarette smoking on the female voice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2005.
Vincent, I., & Youse, K. M. Persistency of acquired stuttering: literature review and clinical implications. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, 2005.
Vincent, I., & Gilbert, R. H. Smoking effects on acoustic, physiologic, and aerodynamic measurements of voice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
Vincent, I., & Max, L. Effects of formant & F0 manipulations on the speech of adults who stutter. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, 2002.