Diploma Covers
Diploma covers will be provided at the ceremony as graduates cross the stage. They do not need to be purchased.
Diploma covers will be provided at the ceremony as graduates cross the stage. They do not need to be purchased.
The official SUNY Cortland diploma is not presented at the Commencement ceremonies; a diploma cover is presented instead.
Diplomas are mailed to students directly from the vendor approximately 10 to 12 weeks after all degree requirements are met, including student teaching, internships, fieldwork and comprehensive exams. Students who completed degree requirements in:
Degrees post to official transcripts on the date the degree is verified. If you order transcripts prior to your conferral date, they will only list the courses you have taken without the degree date and the awarded degree. You have the option of "holding transcripts" until the degree is awarded when ordering online. There is a header title called "Degrees Awarded" on the official transcript and the online academic history (unofficial transcript). For additional information, please contact the Registrar's Office.