Timothy J. Baroni, |
![]() Boletus aurantiosplendens Baroni
-- a new species from North Carolina
Humboldt State University, B.A., M.A.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ph.D.
Courses Frequently Taught
- Biological Sciences I (BIO 201)
- Plants and People (SCI 304)
- Fungi
- Field Mycology
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scholarly Interests
Studies on the systematics and biodiversity of mushrooms, especially members of the Entolomataceae, and boletes (Boletaceae) are the focal point for much of my research. Phylogenetic analyses of members of the Entolomataceae, in collaboration with Brandon Matheny, University of Tennessee, Sarah Bergemann and Kerri Kluting, Middle Tennessee State University, and Alfredo Vizzini, University of Turin have provided significant amounts of new information and allowed good progress in understanding evolutionary patterns in the Entolomataceae, a very large family of pink-spored mushrooms. Collaborating with many other colleagues from around the globe has allowed the description of new genera of mushrooms from North America, and many new species of mushrooms, tooth fungi, boletes and other groups of fleshy fungi from Africa, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Tasmania, Thailand and Turkey.
A recent (2014-2015) subaward to SUNY Cortland from the New York Botanical Garden’s NSF grant for their proposal: The Macrofungi Collection Consortium - Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs for $31,923 has allowed the staff of the herbarium to buy imaging equipment, bar coding supplies and fund 7 undergraduates over a two year period to image and database our approximately 9,000 collections of fleshy fungi curated in our internationally recognized facility called the CORT Herbarium/Fungarium - if the link does not work, please copy and paste into your browser). These collections curated in CORT are now accessible and searchable online through the larger national database. Requests for loans for scientific study, both nationally and internationally, have increased because of this exposure.
Cortland Undergraduate Biology Students continued to work with me on research projects up to my recent (2017) retirement from the teaching post in the department: many of those students helped with DNA extractions from research samples, some with culturing projects of endophytic fungi (Kaleb Adams) or edible mushrooms (John Cowden), or effective ran intricate experiments on degradation of plastics by fungi (David Elmer). Two significant summer long projects were completed by students supported by the Undergraduate Summer Research Awards. A study of the Lichens of Hoxie Gorge (Nathan Francisco and Ethan Childs – 2012.) and Bryophytes of Hoxie Gorge (Adam Hocking – 2016:) were two such projects that produced useful informational websites as the products of the research.
- NSF – REU award to support two undergraduate students (Cortland and University of Puerto Rico) on Basidiomycetes of Neotropical Pine Forests, $12,000
- National Science Foundation – supplement award to the Basidiomycetes of Neotropical Pine Forests: to invite young investigators from Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Germany, France and the US to present their research findings on Diversity of Neotropical Macrofungi in a symposium organized by me and Dr. Roy E. Halling, New York Botanical Garden, at the 7th International Mycological Congress in Oslo, Norway, 11-17 August 2002, $11,000.00
- National Geographic Society -– Mycological biodiversity of Doyle’s Delight, Maya Mts. Belize, $11,725 (Aug. 2007)
- British Mycological Society -– Mycological biodiversity of Doyle’s Delight, Maya Mts., Belize,$975 (Aug. 2007
- NSF - “ Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles, Especially the Luquillo LTER site” $452,643.00 co-pi with Drs. D. Jean Lodge, Karen Nakasone and Leif Ryvarden (1996-2000)
- Faculty Research Program (Cortland): “Molecular taxonomy in the Entolomataceae” $2,317.50
- NSF – Supplement award to the Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles grant to run a second workshop on “Tropical Basidiomycete Taxonomy and Systematics” in Venezuela, August 1999, $22,000.00, co-pi with Dr. D. Jean Lodge.
- Sponsored Programs (Cortland) Incentive Grant – molecular systematics/phylogenetics of Clitopilus (Entolomataceae), DNA sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA at Duke University, summer 2000, $1,000.00
- NSF – “Basidiomycetes of Neotropical Pine Forests: Connections Between a Possible Refugium in Belize and Endemic Pine Forests in the Dominican Republic.” co-PI with Drs. D. Jean Lodge, L. Ryvarden, J. Cifuentes, and O. K. Miller, Jr. $399,981. (2001-2005)
- SUNY – Cortland – Faculty Research Program - $3068.00. Documentation of macrofungal biodiversity of the northern Mexican oak and Abies religiosa cloud forests. (2009)
- SUNY – Environmental Science and Forestry College. $5000.00 for a joint proposal with Dr. Tom Horton (ESF) and Drs. Victor Bandala and Leticia Montoya (INECOL, Xalapa, Mexico) to explore the macrofungal biodiversity of Mexican preserves and unique ecological areas in and around Xalapa, Mexico. (2012)
- SUNY – Cortland – Faculty Research Program - $3500.00. Exploration for ectomycorrhizal macrofungi under Gymnopodium floribundum (Polygonaceae) in Chiapas, Mexico. (2013)
National Science Foundation – $31,923.00. A subaward from the New York Botanical Garden for the grant proposal The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs. (2014-2015)
Selected Publications
Note that the underlined publications below have links to pdf files.
- 2017 – Daniëls, P. P., Baroni, T. J., Hama, O., Kluting, K., Bergemann, S., García-Pantaleón, F. I., Barage, M., Ibrahinm, D. A new species and a new combination of Rhodophana (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Africa. PHYTOTAXA 306(3):223-233.
- 2017 – Matheny, P. B., Baroni, T. J., Simoni, A., Holgado Rojas, M. Sánchez-García, Gates, G. The wild edible mushroom Pleurocollybia cibaria from Peru is a species of Gerhardtia in the Lyophyllaceae (Agaricales). CRYPTOGAMIE, MYCOLOGIE 38(2):205-212.
- 2017 – Guzmán-Dávalos, L., Pradeep, C. K., Vrinda, K. B., Kumar, A. M., Ramírez-Cruz, V., Herrera, M., Villalobos-Arámbula, Soytong, K., Baroni, T. J., Aime, M. C. A new stipitate species of Crepidotus from India and Thailand with notes on other tropical species. MYCOLOGIA 109(5):804-814.
- 2017 – Baroni T. J. Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 600 p. 2016 – Pradeep, C.K., Vrinda, K.B., Bijeesh, C., Baroni, T.J. Additions to quadrate spored Entoloma (Agaricales) in Kerala State, India. MYCOSPHERE 7(5):642-648.
- 2016 – Vizzini, A., Baroni, T.J., Sesli, E., Antonín, V., Saar, I. Rhodocybe tugrulii (Agaricales, Entolomataceae), a new species from Turkey and Estonia based on morphological and molecular data, and a new combination in Clitocella (Entolomataceae) PHYTOTAXA 267(1):1-
- 2016 – Mata, J., Ovrebo, C., Baroni, T. J., Hughes, K. W. New species of neotropical Rhodocollybia. MYCOTAXON 131:235-245. DOI: 10.5248/131.235 2015 – Honan, A, Desjardin, D. E., Perry, B. A., Baroni, T. J. Towards a better understanding of Tetrapyrgos (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): New species, type studies, and phylogenetic inferences. PHYTOTAXA 231(2):101-132.
- 2015 – Baroni, T. J., Cifuentes, J., Ortiz-Santana, B., Cappello, S. A new species of Phlebopus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Mexico. NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI 10:1-13.
- 2015 – Montoya, L., Bandala V.M., Baroni, T. J., Horton, T. R. A new species of Laccaria in montane cloud forest from eastern Mexico. MYCOSCIENCE 56:597-605.
- 2015 – Grupe II, A. C., Baker, A. D., Uehling, J. K., Smith, M. E., Baroni, T. J., Lodge, D. J., Henkel, T. W. Sarcodon in the Neotropics I: new species from Guyana, Puerto Rico and Belize. MYCOLOGIA 107(3):591-606.
- 2014 – Henkel, T. W., Aime, M. C., Largent, D.L. and Baroni, T.J. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana 6: ten new species and a new combination in Nolanea. MYCOTAXON 129:119-148.
- 2014 – Kluting, K.L., Baroni, T. J., Bergemann, S.E. Toward a stable classification of genera within the Entolomataceae: a phylogenetic re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade. MYCOLOGIA 106(4):1127-1142.
- 2014 - Baroni, T.J., Kropp, B.R., Evenson, S.E., Wilhelm, M. Cercopemyces crocodilinus, a new genus and species related to Ripartitella, is described from North America. MYCOLOGIA 106(4):786-796.
- 2014 – Hustad V.P., Kučera V., Rybáriková N., Lizoň P., Gaisler J., Baroni,T. J., Miller A. N. Geoglossum simile of North America and Europe: distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of an epitype. MYCOL. PROGRESS 13(3): 857-866.
- 2013 – Pradeep, C.K., Shibu P. Varghese, Vrinda, K.B., Baroni, T.J. Cuboid spored Entoloma in Kerala State, India. MYCOSPHERE 4(2):333-344.
- 2013 - Lodge D.J., Padamsee M., Matheny P.B., Aime M.C., Cantrell S.A., Boertmann D., Kovalenko A., Vizzini A., Dentinger B.T.M., Kirk P.M., Ainsworth A.M., Moncalvo J.-M., Vilgalys R., Larsson E., Lücking R., Griffith G.W., Smith M.E., Norvell L.L., Desjardin D.E., Redhead Minnis A.M., Lindner D.L., Ortiz-Santana B., Haight J., Læssøe T., Baroni T.J., Geml J., Hattori T. Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). FUNGAL DIVERSITY 64:1-99.
- 2013 – Baroni, T. J. and Lamoureaux, Y. A new species of Entocybe (Entolomataceae, Agaricomycetes) from Québec, Canada. MYCOTAXON 123:353-361.
- 2012 –Pradeep, C.K., Shibu P. Varghese, K.B. Vrinda & T.J. Baroni. New species of Entoloma (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) from Kerala State, India. MYCOTAXON 120:331-342.
- 2012 - Baroni, T. J., E. Albertó, N. Niveiro & B. Lechner. New species and records of Pouzarella (Agaricomyetes, Entolomataceae) from northern Argentina. KURTZIANA 37(1):41- 63.
- 2011 - Baroni, T. J. and P. B. Matheny. A re-evaluation of gasteroid and cyphelloid species of Entolomataceae from eastern North America. HARVARD PAPERS IN BOTANY 16(2):293-305.
- Baroni, T. J., Hofstetter, V., Largent, D. L. and Vilgalys, R. 2011. Entocybe is proposed as a new genus in the Entolomataceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) based on morphological and molecular evidence. NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI 6(12):1-19.
- Lindner, D. L., Ryvarden, L. and Baroni, T. J. 2011. A new species of Daedalea (Basidiomycota) and a synopsis of core species in Daedalea sensu stricto. NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI 6(4):1-12.
- Henkel, T. W., Aime, M. C., Largent, D.L. and Baroni, T.J. 2010. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana 5: new species of Alboleptonia. MYCOTAXON 114:115-126.
- Ginns, J., Lindner, D. L, Baroni, T. J., and Ryvarden, L. 2010. Aurantiopileus mayanensis gen. & sp. nov., a new polypore (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Belize with connections to existing Asian species. NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI 5:1-10.
- Aime, M. C., Largent, D. L., Henkel, T. W. and Baroni, T. J. 2010. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana IV: new species of Calliderma, Paraeccilia and Trichopilus. MYCOLOGIA 102: 633-649.
- Henkel, T. W., Aime, M. C., Largent, D. L. and Baroni, T. J. 2009. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana III: new species of Rhodocybe. MYCOSCIENCE 51(1): 23-27.
- Ryvarden, L., Aime, M. C., and Baroni, T. J. 2009. Studies in neotropical polypores 26. A new species of Trametes and revisitation of an old. SYNOPSIS FUNGORUM FUNGIFLORA 26:27-32.
- Largent, D. L., Aime, M. C., Henkel, T. W. and Baroni, T. J. 2008. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana II: Inocephalus dragonosporus comb. nov. MYCOTAXON 105: 185–190.
- Largent, D.L., Henkel, T.W., Aime, M. C., and Baroni, T.J. 2008. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana I: four new species of Entoloma ss.str. MYCOLOGIA 100: 132-140.
- Baroni, T. J., Cantrell, S. A., Perdomo-Sanchez, O. P., Lodge, D. J. 2008. New species of Pouzarella (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI 3(7):241-260.
- Baroni, T. J., Bocsusis, N., Lodge, D. J., Lindner, D. L. 2008. A new species of Pleurocollybia (Tricholomataceae; Agaricales; Basidiomycetes) from Belize. MYCOTAXON (in press)
- Baroni, T. J., Franco-Molano, A. E., Lodge, D. L., Lindner, D. L., Hofstetter, V., and Horak, E. 2007. Arthromyces and Blastosporella two new genera of lyophylloid agarics (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from the Neotropics that produce conidia. MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 111:572-580.
- Petersen, R. H. and Baroni, T. J. 2007. Xerula hispida and Xerula setulosa (comb. nov.) two similar subtropical New World agarics MYCOTAXON 101:113-136.
- Halling, R.E., Baroni, T. J., and Binder, M. 2007. A New Genus of Boletaceae from Eastern North America. MYCOLOGIA 99:310-316.
- Ovrebo, C. L. and Baroni, T. J. 2007. New taxa of Tricholomataceae and Entolomataceae (Agaricales) from Central America. Fungal Diversity 27-157-170.
- Ortiz-Santana, B., Lodge, D. J., Baroni, T. J, and Both, E. E. 2007. Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic. Fungal Diversity 27:247-416
- Matheny, P. Brandon, Zheng Wang, Manfred Binder, Judd M. Curtis, Young Woon Lim, R. Henrik Nilsson, Karen W. Hughes, Valerie Hofstetter,Joseph F. Ammirati, Conrad L. Schoch, Ewald Langer, Gitta Langer, David J. McLaughlin, Andrew W. Wilson, Tobias Frøslev, Zai-Wei Ge, Richard W. Kerrigan, Jason C. Slot, Zhu-Liang Yang, Timothy J. Baroni, Michael Fischer, Kentaro Hosaka, Kenji Matsuura, Michelle T. Seidl, Jukka Vauras, David S. Hibbett. 2007. Contributions of rpb2 and tef1 to the phylogeny of Mushrooms and allies (Basidiomycota, Fungi). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 430–451.
- Matheny, P. Brandon, Judd M. Curtis, Valerie Hofstetter, M. Catherine Aime, Jean-Marc Moncalvo, Zai-Wei Ge, Zhu-Liang Yang, Jason C. Slot Joseph F. Ammirati, Timothy J. Baroni, Neale L. Bougher, Karen W. Hughes, D. Jean Lodge, Richard W. Kerrigan, Michelle T. Seidl, Duur K. Aanen, Matthew DeNitis, Graciela M. Daniele, Dennis E. Desjardin, Bradley R. Kropp, Lorelei L. Norvell, Andrew Parker, Else C. Vellinga, Rytas Vilgalys,David S. Hibbett. 2006 .Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. Mycologia, 98(6):982–995.
- Baroni, T. J. and Gates, G. 2006. New species and records of Rhodocybe (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Tasmania. Australian Systematic Botany 19: 343-358.
- Armstrong, T. R. and Baroni, T. J. 2004. A new species of Mycena (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales) from the central mountains of the Dominican Republic. In Fungi in Forest Ecosystems – Systematics, Diversity, and Ecology. Dedicated to Dr. Orson K. Miller, Jr. Cathy L. Cripps, editor. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 89:125-129. 2004.
- Moncalvo, J-M, Baroni, T. J., Bhatt, R. P., Stephenson, S. S. 2003. Rhodocybe paurii, a new species from the Indian Himalaya. Mycologia 96:859-865.
- Guzmán, G., Tapia, F., Guillén, F. R., Baroni, T. J., Lodge, D. J., Cantrell, S. A., and Nieves-Rivera, A. M. 2003. New species of Psilocybe in the Caribbean with an emendation of P. guilartensis. Mycologia 95:1171-1180.
- Lodge, D.J., T.J. Baroni, and S.A. Cantrell. 2002. Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles project. pp. 45-60 In: R. Watling, J. C. Frankland, A. M. Ainsworth, S. Isaac & C. Robinson, eds., Tropical Mycology, Vol. 1, Macromycetes. CABI Publishing Egham, UK.
- Moncalvo, J.M., R. Vilgalys, S.A. Redhead, J.E. Johnson, T.Y. James, M.C. Aime, V. Hofstetter, S.J.W. Verduin, E. Larsson, T.J. Baroni, R.G. Thorn, S. Jacobsson, H. Clémençon, and O.K. Miller Jr. 2002. One Hundred and Seventeen Clades of Euagarics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23:357-400.
- Aime, M. C., Baroni, T. J. and Miller, O. K., Jr. 2002. Crepidotus thermophilus comb. nov., a reassessment of Melanomphalia thermophila, a rarely collected tropical agaric. MYCOLOGIA 94:1059-1065
- Baroni, T. J. and Ortiz, B. 2002. New species of Oudemansiella and Pouzarella (Basidiomycetes: Agaricales) from Puerto Rico. MYCOTAXON 82:269-279
- Baroni, T. J. and Mattock, G. 2001. Rhodocybe roseiavellanea (Murr.) Singer, a new record for Britain and Europe. THE MYCOLOGIST 15(4):151-152.
- Cantrell, S. A., Lodge, D. J., and Baroni, T. J. 2001. Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles Project. THE MYCOLOGIST 15(3):107-112.
- Baroni, T. J., Desjardin, D. E., and Hywel-Jones, N. 2001. Clitopilus chalybescens, a new species from Thailand. FUNGAL DIVERSITY 6:13-17.
- Miller, O. K., Jr., D. J. Lodge, and T. J. Baroni. 2000. New and interesting ectomycorrhizal fungi from Puerto Rico, Mona, and Guana Islands. MYCOLOGIA 92(3):558-570.
- Baroni, T. J. and R. E. Halling. 2000. Some Entolomataceae (Agaricales) from Costa Rica. BRITTONIA 52:121-135.
- Orson K. Miller, Jr., D. J. Lodge, and T. J. Baroni. 2000. New and interesting ectomycorrhizal fungi from Puerto Rico, Mona, and Guana Islands. MYCOLOGIA 92:558-570.
- Baroni, T. J. and R. Watling. 1999. Taxonomic and mycogeographic notes on some Malaysian fungi IV. Notes on Clitopilus and Rhodocybe. MYCOTAXON 72:57-72.