Calendar Event

Stress, anxiety, tiredness, frustration, feeling disengaged, racing thoughts, procrastination, irritability, forgetfulness…. And any other word you might use to describe how you feel sometimes (or a lot of the time)? 

During these sessions we will practice tangible mindful strategies that you can implement in your daily routine. For example, we will explore:

  • breathing strategies to support your mood
  • stretching and relaxation strategies to ease your stress
  • focus strategies to help during projects and or tests
  • mental awareness strategies to help manage your problems 

Mindfulness is our ability to be fully present while noticing what is going on around and within us. Like when you notice a beautiful sunset, hear your favorite song, and feel comfortable with your best friend. These practices can help us build resiliency by reducing stress, increasing concentration, improving sleep, developing positive coping skills, and expanding our compassion and empathy. 

These sessions are open to all students, and every session will be different. You are invited to join us one time or for every session.

We are offering the following (2) Monday events:

2/5   @ 8:00 pm

3/28  @ 8:00 pm

Registration:   Complete the ACE  Online Registration Link  (preferred) or contact us directly via email at

Registration Deadline:  Noon on day of the program

Accommodations: Should you require necessary accommodations to attend this event, please call the ACE Office at (607) 753-5662 or email us at as soon as possible.

Program Logistics: This program will be hosted online, and you will receive an event link via email before the program begins.

Audience: ACE students 

Program Category:  Experiences that support healthy lifestyles, stress management, positive coping skills, and increase resiliency are included in the Wellness Track. These programs might be planned by ACE or facilitated by an external presenter, and they are usually open to both students and family members. Developing your self awareness and cultivating affirmative resiliency skills are leading indicators of success in college and as a thriving member of our community. This is beyond “self-care.” These life skills are foundational to your goals, aspirations, and dreams. 

  • Time: 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Location: Online