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Schedule Management System

The Event Management System (EMS) is the College’s centralized solution used for the scheduling of courses and events. All facility reservations and electronic master calendaring is managed via EMS.  EMS is supported and maintained by Information Resources, and used by various campus stakeholders including the Registrar's Office.

Term Scheduling in EMS

The Registrar's Office assigns classrooms on behalf of the school deans. EMS is used to develop the preliminary semester course schedule which is released to the Deans and departments upon completion.  The Registrar's Office is responsible for general purpose classrooms (GPC).  Priority placement classrooms and special purpose classrooms are scheduled by academic departments and the schools, and approved by the dean.

Priority Placement Classrooms

The following rooms are the current approved priority placement classrooms (PPC).  PPCs are reserved initially by the academic department.  After the department has accounted for all of their use needs in the room, the dean will approve the priority placement worksheet.  After this point, these rooms be used by other faculty members or departments, and are scheduled as general purpose rooms.  Faculty members or departments requiring use of these rooms must coordinate their request with the academic department, and the course section must be included on the  worksheet to ensure placement.  To view all rooms, please view the complete Instructional Space Inventory.

BWRS 1119 30 Classroom Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Physics
BWRS 1120 45 Small Lecture Hall Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Physics
BWRS 1129 128 Lecture Hall Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Physics
DOWD 0207 40 Classroom Art and Art History
DOWD 0236 40 Music Classroom Performing Arts 
DOWD 0241 28 Non-Tech Music Classroom Performing Arts 
DOWD 0242 40 Classroom Performing Arts / Art and Art History
EDUC 1101 30 Science Classroom School of Education, Childhood and Early Childhood
EDUC 1103 30 Collaborative Classroom School of Education, Childhood and Early Childhood
EDUC 1104 30 Collaborative Classroom School of Education, Childhood and Early Childhood
MAIN 0120 45 Classroom Political Science and Africana Studies
MAIN 0121 46 Classroom, Laptop Ready Economics
MAIN 0130 35 Classroom Psychology
MAIN 0209 70 Classroom History
MAIN 0209A 13 Seminar Adolescence Education (Arts & Sciences)
MAIN 0229 30 Classroom Modern Languages
MAIN 0230 40 Geography Classroom Geography
MAIN G-09 48 Classroom Psychology
MAIN G-10 44 Classroom Philosophy
MAIN G-23 26 Classroom English
MAIN G-24 34 Classroom English
MAIN G-25 30 Classroom Modern Languages
MOFT 0202 40 Classroom Mathematics
MOFT 0205A 42 Classroom Health
MOFT 2125 52 Classroom Sociology and Anthropology
PARK 1130 60 Partitioned Classroom Physical Education
PARK 2303 40 Classroom Physical Education
PARK 2310 30 Classroom Kinesiology
PRST 1115 12 Conference/Seminar Room Sport Management
PRST 1131 6 Conference/Seminar Room Kinesiology
PRST 1143 30 SPMG Classroom Sport Management
PRST 1146 25 Classroom Kinesiology
PRST 1166 22 Conference/Seminar Room Professional Studies (School)
PRST 1170 45 Classroom Kinesiology
PRST 2123 25 Classroom Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies
PRST 2125 8 Conference/Seminar Room Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies
VANH B0134A 48 Classroom Communication and Media Studies
VANH B0136 32 Classroom School of Education
VANH B0223 45 Classroom School of Education
VANH B0225 35 Classroom Childhood and Early Childhood

Special Purpose Classrooms and Spaces

Special purpose classrooms and spaces (SPC) are rooms that are single use, secured equipment rooms, labs, observation/experiment spaces, or studios. Because of the nature of SPCs, their single-use, and the dedicated nature of the space, worksheets do not need to be provided to the dean or registrar unless they are specifically required by the dean. The school dean, with provost approval, may designate special purpose rooms. Deans may require additional worksheets or scheduling information as required by school policy or instructional needs. 

Requesting Changes to Classroom Assignments

Departments may work within the department's and/or with the school dean to find an alternate location for a course section by using resources within the department, in the school or in general purpose classrooms (GPCs).  Requests for room reassignment must be made to the department chair, who will make the request to the dean if required. 

  • General Purpose Classroom
    Dean approval and availability verification is required after the chair approves.

  • Priority Placement Classroom Change Within the Department
    The chair will approve the change, copying the dean to update priority placement charts and verify availability.

  • Specialized Classroom or Lab Within the Department
    Chair approval only is required.

EMS Reservation Windows

As per the Campus Handbook, instructional and academic activities take precedence over most other activities. After class placements occur, campus community members are able to schedule events in College facilities and classrooms via EMS using several reservation windows. Other reservation windows exist to help facilitate the placement of course sections, labs and recitations. Reservations may be made during the following times:  

 Template/WindowTimeframeDescriptionOpen To
Fall and Spring Term Specialized Computer Lab Template Opens two weeks prior to the official start of classes in the fall and spring terms.  Remains open until the end of classes. Provides access to departments who manage specialized labs.  The early period is provided to allow for course placement. After the close of drop/add, other departments may request the use of specialized spaces which may be approved in consultation with the department. Departments with specialized labs.
Open Template for Fall and Spring Terms Opens the first business day after the drop/add period, and remains open until the end of classes. Provides access to all faculty and staff users making reservations in general space on upper and lower campus. All faculty and staff with MRD access.
Fall and Spring Final Exam Study Day Templates Opens two weeks before study days, until the close of study days. Provides access to all faculty and staff who are making study session, review sessions or other types of pre-final academic study. Due to weekend scheduling, reservations are generally restricted to Old Main, Bowers, Professional Studies and Sperry. Other buildings such as the Memorial Library, Park Center and the Student Life Center maintain their own hours, and may also be available for general non-reservation use. All faculty and staff with MRD access.
Fall and Spring Finals Week Template Opens two weeks before finals and remains open until the last day of exams. Provides access to all faculty and staff who are making study session, review sessions or other types of pre-final academic study. This template is not used to request space for standard final exams, with the exception of makeup exams or special accommodations. (All standard exam times must be approved by the dean and chair.) . In Spring, the template may be limited Wednesday to Friday on lower campus due to Commencement space needs. All faculty and staff with MRD access.
Fall and Spring Term Course Building Template Opens after the final room release for standard classes. Provides access to course builders who need to schedule blended (infrequent meeting) sections, secondary locations, special recitation sections or other similar reservations connected to a specific course. Department Course Builders
Open Template for Summer Session Opens after final exams in May, and remains open until 1 week before class. Provides access to all faculty and staff users making reservations in general space on upper and lower campus during the summer.  Due to power and AC curtailment, some buildings and rooms may be unavailable or offline during the summer. All faculty and staff with MRD access.
Open Template for Winter Session Opens after final exams in December, and remains open until the end of the winter session. Provides access to all faculty and staff users making reservations in general space on upper and lower campus during the summer.  Due to power and heating curtailment, some buildings and rooms may be unavailable or offline during winter session. All faculty and staff with MRD access.

How to Schedule Events and Reserve Space

Event requestors may schedule events and request space online by logging into myRedDragon and using the EMS system. After an event requestor submits a completed request, the form is electronically routed to the appropriate space manager for approval. Email updates are provided along the workflow process to keep the event requestor informed of the status. If the request is approved by the space manager, the event is forwarded to the appropriate electronic calendar owner for approval. If the space request is denied by the space manager, the event requestor will be notified via email that he/she needs to look for a different space for the event.

Space managers may need to reassign scheduled events due to a change in priority of space usage. If this is necessary, the space manager shall notify the affected event requestor. The event requestor will be responsible for finding an alternative space for his/her event and notifying attendees of the change in location.

Some campus spaces permit multiple furniture setup options. Setup services are provided by appropriate campus departments (Corey Union, Physical Plant, ASC). EMS provides the available setup types in the room setup tab when event requestors are browsing for a space. Each setup type automatically includes the needed time for setup and tear-down. If an event requestor selects a setup type that requires a longer setup time than is possible due to a preceding or later event, EMS will deny the request due to the scheduling conflict. EMS also lists additional services that may be available for each room including: catering availability, technology, specialized equipment (ex. piano), UPD security, etc. event requestors may request these services through EMS; however, the service provider (ASC, Information Resources, UPD, etc.) will confirm or deny the services separately.

Conference Rooms

All conference rooms will be available within the myRedDragon Room Reservation System for faculty and staff to schedule unless the Facilities and Master Planning Oversight Committee (FMPOC) has approved a department’s appeal that their conference room be designated for departmental private use only. Even so, these conference rooms must also be scheduled internally through EMS. Event requestors must agree to the terms of use for the space being requested.

Scheduling Priorities

The following priority will be used in assigning facilities and is detailed in the Campus Handbook, 440.01.

  1. Academic and related activities of the College such as scheduled classes, registration, Commencement and Honors Convocation.
  2. Intercollegiate athletic contests that are post-season in nature.
  3. Regularly scheduled intercollegiate athletic contests during official seasons as defined by NCAA.
  4. College events that are scheduled annually and require a specific date such as Homecoming, Family Weekend and Alumni Reunion.
  5. Events sponsored by the College annually and requiring a specific date such as the Residence Life Conference.
  6. Scheduled intercollegiate athletic practices during the traditional season as defined by NCAA.
  7. Scheduled extramural sport club competition and scheduled intramural contests.
  8. Scheduled intercollegiate athletic practices during the nontraditional season as defined by NCAA.
  9. Scheduled sport club practices (those clubs that compete extramurally).
  10. Scheduled open recreation.
  11. Activities, programs and meetings by recognized student organizations or clubs.
  12. Activities, programs and meetings by non-college organizations that relate to the mission of the College.
  13. Activities, programs, and meetings by non-college organizations.