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Peer Tutoring Overview

Click on a link below to find tutoring for your specific course:



Social Sciences (PSY/SOC)


Other Social Sciences (CRM/POL/ECO)


Education (AED/EDU/ESL/FSA)

Sports and Health (EXS/HLH/PED)

Math (MAT)

Speech and Hearing (SHH)

For directions on how to use Bookings, please see Scheduling a Peer Tutoring Appointment.

If the course you are looking for is not listed, please email for assistance.


Our Peer tutors are trained to help students learn how to learn. Peer tutors offer support in a variety of courses across many undergraduate majors, including, but not limited to, math, sciences, social sciences, writing, and modern languages. All undergraduate students are entitled to one hour of peer tutoring each week for each course they are enrolled in, depending on the availability of tutors.
Peer tutors are eager to work with you; their schedules can fill up early in the semester so don’t wait to find a tutor! Once you have scheduled a first appointment, you will receive an appointment confirmation and message from your tutor.
Please contact our Peer Tutoring Coordinators (email) with any questions you have about the Peer Tutoring Program.