Mark Prus
University of Utah, Ph.D., Economics, 1985.
University of Notre Dame, B.A., Economics, 1979.
Professor of Economics, SUNY Cortland Economics Department July 2023- Current
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, SUNY Cortland July 2008- July 2023.
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Cortland, March 2004 – June 2008.
Interim Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Cortland, July 2002 – March 2004.
Interim Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Cortland, January 2002 – July 2002.
Chair, Economics Department, SUNY Cortland, 1997 – July, 2002
The Economics of Prevailing Wage Laws, edited by Hamid Azari-Rad, Peter Philips and Mark J. Prus, Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics Series, Ashgate
Publishers, 2005.
Published Papers, Book Chapters and Monographs:
“Prevailing Wage Regulations and School Construction Costs in British Columbia,” with Kevin Duncan and Peter Philips, Industrial Relations, Vol. 53, No. 4 (October 2014).
“Using Stochastic Frontier Regression to Estimate the Construction Costs Inefficiency of Prevailing Wage Laws,” with Kevin Duncan and Peter Philips, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2012).
“The Effects of Prevailing Wage Regulations on Construction Efficiency in British Columbia” with Kevin Duncan and Peter Philips, International Journal of Construction Education and Research, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2009).
“Prevailing Wage Legislation and Public School Construction Efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Approach,” with Kevin Duncan and Peter Philips, Construction Management and Economics. Volume 24 (June 2006) pp. 625-634.
“Merit Pay, Colas and the Return to Faculty Seniority,” with Kevin Duncan, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal. Volume 9, Number 1 (2005), pp. 53-70.
“Prevailing Wage Regulations and Public Policy in the Construction Industry,” with
Hamid Azari-Rad and Peter Philips, in The Economics of Prevailing Wage Laws, edited by Hamid Azari-Rad, Peter Philips and Mark J. Prus, Alternative Voices in
Contemporary Economics Series, Ashgate Publishers, 2005.
“Prevailing Wage Regulations and Construction Costs: Evidence from British
Columbia’s Skills Development and Fair Wage Policy,” with Kevin Duncan, in The
Economics of Prevailing Wage Laws, edited by Hamid Azari-Rad, Peter Philips and
Mark J. Prus, Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics Series, Ashgate
Publishers, 2005.
“Faculty Productivity, Seniority and Salary Compression,” with Kevin Duncan, Lisi
Krall and Joel Maxcy, Eastern Economics Journal, Volume 30, Number 2 (Spring 2004), pp. 293-310.
“State Prevailing Wage Laws and School Construction Costs,” with Hamid Azari-Rad and Peter Philips, Industrial Relations, Volume 42, Number 3 (July 2003), pp. 445-457.
“Making Hay When It Rains: The Effect of Prevailing Wage Regulations, Scale
Economies, Seasonal, Cyclical and Local Business Patterns Have On School
Construction Costs,” with Hamid Azari-Rad and Peter Philips, Journal of Education
Finance, Volume 27, Number 4 (Spring 2002), pp. 997-1012.
“Prevailing Wage Laws and School Construction Costs: An Analysis of Public School
Construction in Maryland and the Mid Atlantic States,” prepared for the Prince
George’s County Council, January 1999.
“The Effect of Skills Development and Fair Wage Policy on Public Construction Costs,” Chapter 2 in The Impact of Skills Development and Fair Wage Policy on Construction Costs in British Columbia: An Empirical Analysis of Some Key Issues, Government of Canada, May 1997.
“Technology and the Gender Division of Labor in U.S. Manufacturing, 1850-1919,” with Jens Christiansen and Peter Philips, Research in Economic History, Vol. 16 (1996) pp. 103-126.
“Institutional Changes in Hospital Nursing,” with Lisi Krall, Journal of Economic
Issues, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, (March l995) pp.67-82.
“Marital Status, Children and Women's Labor Market Choices,” with Kevin C. Duncan and Jonathan G. Sandy, Journal of Socio-economics, Volume 22, Number 3 (Fall 1993), pp. 277-288.
“Starting Wages of Women in Female and Male Occupations: A Test of the Human
Capital Explanation of Occupational Sex Segregation,” with Kevin C. Duncan, The
Social Science Journal, Volume 29, Number 4 (1992 Index Issue), pp. 479-494.
“Atrophy Rates for Intermittent Employment for Married and Never-Married Women,” with Kevin C. Duncan, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 32, No. 1, (Spring 1992) pp. 27-37.
“Mechanization and the Sexual Division of Labor in the U.S. Cigar Industry: 1860 to 1930,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 14, 1990, pp. 63-79.
“The Labor Market and the American High School Girl, 1890-1928,” with Susan B. Carter, Journal of Economic History, Volume XLII, No. 1, (March 1982), pp. 163-171.
Book Reviews:
“Review of Challenge and Change and A Vision of Unity,” Journal of Economic History, Volume XLVIII, No. 1, (March 1988), pp. 211-213.
“Review of David Brody's Workers in Industrial America,” Economic Forum, Volume XIII, No. 1, (Summer 1982) pp. 156-159.
“Review of Richard C. Edwards' Contested Terrain,” Economic Forum, Volume XI, No. 2 (Winter 1980-1981), pp. 147-150.
Invited Papers and Presentations:
“Detecting Faculty Salary Compression,” with Kevin C. Duncan, Lisi Krall and Joel
Maxcy, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 2000.
Testimony before the House Economic Matters Committee, Maryland State Legislature, March 2000.
“Prevailing Wage Laws and School Construction Costs,” Presented to the Prince
George’s County Council, Maryland, February 1999.
“Prevailing Wage Laws and Public Construction Costs,” Keynote Address to the
Maryland State Building and Construction Trades Council Annual Convention, Ocean City, Maryland, October 1998.
“Prevailing Wage Laws and Construction Costs,” with Kevin C. Duncan and Peter
Phillips, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 1998.
“British Columbia’s Fair Wage Policy: Its Impact on Total Construction Costs,” Annual Convention of Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia, Kelowna, B.C., September 1996.
“Research on the Davis Bacon Act,” Building and Construction Trades Department
AFL-CIO National Conference, April 1996.
Public Testimony Before the California Department of Industrial Relations on the
Impact of State Prevailing Wage Laws on Public Construction Costs, Los Angeles, CA., February, 1996.
“The Effects of Prevailing Wage Laws on Public Construction Costs,” Economics
Research Network Meeting, The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights, Washington, D.C. October 1995.
“Women's Employment Over the Business Cycle,” with Lisi Krall, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, June 1993.
“Part-Time Work and Occupational Sex Segregation in the Hospital Industry, 1976-1985,” with Lisi Krall, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 1992.
“Atrophy Rates for Intermittent Employment for Married and Never-Married Women,” with Kevin C. Duncan, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, June, 1990.
“The Effect of Marital Status and Children on Women's Earnings,” with Kevin C.
Duncan and Jonathan G. Sandy, Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, June, 1990.
“The Nursing Labor Market in Historical Perspective,” with Lisi Krall, Western
Economics Association Annual Meeting, June, 1990.
“Intergovernmental Finance and Social Welfare: The Effects of Food Stamps on AFDC,” with Sanford F. Schram and J. Patrick Turbett, American Political Science Annual Meeting, September, 1989.
“Earnings Profiles in Male and Female Occupations: A Test of the Human Capital
Explanation for Occupational Sex Segregation,” with Kevin C. Duncan, Western
Economics Association Annual Meeting, June, 1989.
“The Effects of Deskilling and Continuous Processing Technological Change on
Women's Employment,” with Peter Philips, Second Annual Conference on Labor
Market Segmentation, University of Notre Dame, April, 1989.
“The More Things Change . . . : Technological Change and the Crowding of Women in the U.S. Cigar Industry, 1860 to 1930,” Economic History Association Annual Meeting, 1985.
Discussant, Panel on Theories of Sex Discrimination, Conference on the Political
Economy of Race and Gender, University of Utah, May, 1983.
“Technological Changes and Union Policies in the Cigar Industry and Their Effects on Gender Wage Differences,” Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting,
December, 1983.
“Power and Technological Change in the Nineteenth Century Steel Industry,” with
Michael Nuwer, Allied Social Science Association Meeting, December, 1983.
“The Labor Market and the American High School Girl, 1890-1928,” with Susan B. Carter, Economic History Association Annual Meeting, September, 1981.
SUNY System Budget Allocation Committee. 2010-2023.
SUNY System Student Mobility Committee, 2011.
Member, Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee, 2006-present.
Co-Chair, Teacher Education Council, 2002-2008.
Member, Resource Enhancement Committee, 2003.
Ex officio member, General Education Committee, 2002-2008.
Member, NCATE Executive Board of SUNY Cortland, 2002-present.
Member, College Assessment Committee, 2002-present.
Member, Budget Decentralization Committee, 2002.
Member, Committee on the Status and Education of Women, 2002-present.
Member, James M. Clark Center for International Education, 2002-present.
Member, Professional Development Committee, 2002-2008.
Expert Witness, Wyoming Prevailing Wage Determination Hearing, Cheyenne, WY.
Faculty Advisor, Economics Club, 1998-2001.
Member, Director of Administrative Computing Search Committee, 2000.
Member, Teacher Education Council, 1999-2002.
Member, Data Assessment Subcommittee, Teacher Education Council, 2000.
Member, Economics Department Search Committees, 1994-2001.
Member, Director of Institutional Research and Assessment Search Committee,
Member, Quality Improvement Team on Academic Advising, 1998-1999.
Participant, Goals 2000 Grant Program, 1997-1998.
Member, Social Sciences Subdivisional Personnel Committee, September 1996-
Member, Operations Committee, University Faculty Senate, September 1995-
Principal Researcher, The Economic Impact of SUNY Cortland on the Central New
York Regional Economy. SUNY Cortland, 1995.
Technical Consultant, Salary Inequity Study, SUNY Cortland, 1991-1992.
Member, Graduate Academic Programs and Research Committee, University
Faculty Senate, SUNY. September 1992 - August 1995.
Member, Personnel Committee, Economics Department, SUNY Cortland,
September 1992 - May 1993.
Treasurer, Cortland Chapter of United University Professions, June 1992-
September 1995.
Member, Quantitative Skills Assessment Committee, SUNY Cortland, 1992-
September 1995.
Member, Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee, SUNY Cortland, 1991-1993.
Member, Curriculum Committee, Economics Department, SUNY Cortland, 1991-
Coordinator, Conference on Labor Management Cooperation, SUNY Potsdam,
Spring 1989.
Principal Researcher, Salary Inequity Study, SUNY Potsdam, Fall 1988.
Acting Coordinator, Industrial and Labor Relations Program, SUNY Potsdam,
Member, School of Liberal Studies Ad Hoc Committee on Merit, SUNY Potsdam,
Member, Research and Creative Endeavors Committee, SUNY Potsdam, 1987-
Faculty Advisor, Industrial Relations Student Association, SUNY Potsdam, 1986-
Member, Personnel Policies Committee, Economics Department, SUNY Potsdam,
Research Grant, Construction Labour Relations Association, December 1996.
Experienced Faculty Travel Grant, SUNY Potsdam, 1989.
New Faculty Development Grant, SUNY Potsdam, 1988.
Marriner S. Eccles Fellowship in Political Economy, University of Utah, 1982-1985.
University of Utah Teaching Fellowship, 1979-1982.