Lisi Krall
Research Interests: Lisi Krall’s present research explores the interface between economy and Earth. Her research is oriented to questions concerning the formidable contradictions and challenges in altering the dynamic and structure of the economy to comport to the biophysical limitations and wild impulse of the Earth. She is interdisciplinary in her research.
1982-1989 University of Utah, Ph.D., Economics
1982-1990 University of Utah, Post Graduate Studies, Biology and Economics
1972-1977 University of Utah, B.S., Anthropology
- Environmental and Resource Economics/Ecological Economics
- Political Economy of Women
- Political Economy and Social Thought
Krall L. (2023) The Economic Superorganism in the Complexity of Evolution. Philosophical Manuscripts of the Royal Society Part B. The DOI of your paper is: 10.1098/rstb.2021.0417. https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2021.0417.
Krall, L. (2022) Conservation of the Wild: A Lever of Change. Biological Conservation. Vol 270, pp 109555.
Krall L. (2020) “The economic legacy of the Holocene.” (Republished in The perennial turn: Contemporary Essays from the Field. Ed. Bill Vitek. New Perennials Publishing. 2020)
Krall, L. (2018). The economic legacy of the Holocene. The Ecological Citizen Vol 2 No 1 2018.
Krall, L. (2018). Reiterating the Need for Limits. Green Social Thought. 2/14/18 greensocialthought.org/content/reiterating-need-limits
“An Institutional Perspective on the Economy and the Price of Oil,” in Peak Oil, Economic Growth, and Wildlife Conservation, J. E. Gates. et al. (eds.) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1954-3_4.
“Resistance,” in Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, ed. by G. Wuerthner, E. Crist and T. Butler (Washington D.C.: Island Press, 2014): 205-210.
“Agriculture as a major evolutionary transition to human ultrasociality,”Journal of Bioeconomics. DOI 10.1007/s10818-013-91565-6.(2013)
“The Ultrasocial Origins of the Anthropocene.” Ecological Economics 95,(2013): 137-147.
“The Parable of the Bees: Beyond Proximate Causes in Ecosystem Service Valuation,” Environmental Ethics, Vol.35, Issue 1, (Spring 2013): 41-55.
“The Places Where the Wind Carries the Ashes of Ancestors,” Afterword in Energy: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, ed. By T. Butler and G. Wuerthner, (Watershed Media in collaboration with the Post Carbon Institute) 2012.
“An Institutional and Evolutionary Critique of Natural Capital,” (with John Gowdy) in Toward an Integrated Paradigm in Heterodox Economics: Alternative Approaches to the Current Eco-Social Crisis, edited by Rolf Steppacher and Julien-Francois Gerber. London: Palgrave, 2012.
“Ecological economics, degrowth, and institutional change,” (with Kent Klitgaard) Ecological Economics (2011), doi:10.1016/j.econlecon.2011.11.008
“Ecological Economics and Institutional Change,” (with Kent Klitgaard) Ecological Economic Reviews Vol. 1219, (2011): 185-196.
“What Every Conservation Biologist Should Know About Economic Theory,” (with John Gowdy, Charles Hall and Kent Klitgaard), Conservation Biology. Vol. 24, Issue 6, (December 2010): 1459-1468.
“The Fate of Nauru and the Global Financial Meltdown,” (with John Gowdy), Conservation Biology, Vol , Number 2, April 2009.
“An Ecologically Economic Perspective on Microeconomics and Fisheries Conservation,” Fisheries (Economic Growth Forum) 30, no. 2, (2005): 38-40.
“Gender Differences in Academic Salaries: The Effects of Seniority, Rank and Institutional Salary-Setting Practices,” with Kathleen Burke, Kevin Duncan and Deborah Spencer, The Social Science Journal 42 (2005): 165-181.
“Faculty Productivity and Eligibility for Seniority-Based Equity Adjustments,” with Kevin Duncan, Joel Maxcy and Mark Prus, Eastern Economics Journal 30, no. 2, (2004): 293-310.
“Thomas Jefferson’s Agrarian Vision and the Changing Nature of Property,” Journal of Economics Issues XXXVI, no. 1 (2002): 131-150.
“U.S. Land Policy and the Commodification of Arid Land,” Journal of Economic Issues XXXV, no. 3, (2001): 657-674. “Watersheds and Revolutions,” Northern Lights XIII, no. 4 (l998): 17-18
“The Rise and Fall of Customary Wage Differentials Among Nursing Personnel in U.S. Hospitals: l956-l989,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 19, no. 3 (l995):405-419.
“Institutional Changes in Hospital Nursing,” with Mark Prus, Journal of Economic Issues XXIX, no. 1, (l995): 67-82.
Krall, L. (2022). Bitter Harvest: An Inquiry into the War Between Economy and Earth. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Proving Up: Domesticating Land in U.S. History, SUNY Press, (May 2010).
Recent Invited Lectures, Commentary, and Podcasts
Krall L. Invited Lecture: The Economic Superorganism. Rethinking Economics UVM. March 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V1STlbXOv4
Krall L. Podcast: Planet Critical. How Economics Overpowers Culture. April 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kKGgcxmJ-c
Krall L. Invited Commentary: Response to Interrogating the Anthropocene: Truth and Fallacy. The Great Transitions Network (GTN Discussions), December 2020.
Krall L. Invited Essay: A War Between Economy and Earth, December 2020. This View of Life. https://thisviewoflife.com/a-war-between-the-economy-and-earth/
Krall L. Invited Lecture: The Hidden Architecture of Economic Order. Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont, November 6, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke6g1AYSn8Y
Krall L. and Cox S. (The Green New Deal and Beyond) in conversation. (June 4,2020). Institute for Policy Studies: Climate Policy Program, and City Lights books.
Krall L. Pandemic Pivot Discussion, Institute for Policy Studies, June 1, 2020 (Conversation translated into Pandemic Pivot, John Feffer, e-book, Seven Stories Press, 2020.