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The New York State Education Department (NYSED) collects and distributes information on the status of higher education in New York State.  Specifically, NYSED's Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) is responsible for collecting data from all degree granting institutions in New York State, which includes both public and private institutions. NYSED's IRS uses the Higher Education Data System (HEDS) to collect this information.

The collection and dissemination of this information is established in New York State Education Law §214 and §215 and the Rules of the Board of Regents §3.51. The Regents and Commissioner determine what information is to be submitted and in which report. The Commissioner has authorized the collection of such information using HEDS collection forms. The requirement to submit reports applies to all institutions of higher education and is not limited to institutions that receive Bundy aid or any other form of State or federal aid. For more information please visit the New York State Education Department website.

Below is a list of NYSED reports required on an annual or biannual basis. Copies of submitted reports are included with the year in which they were submitted, but may reflect information from the previous academic year.

Files on this page are accessible to individuals with a valid SUNY Cortland login and password.

NYSED-8: Directory of Off-Campus Instructional Locations

NYSED-4.1: Student Financial Aid

This form requests all categories of student financial aid data from the previous award year available to students except for private grants and loans that have not been disclosed to colleges.

NYSED-2R: Institutional Activity

This form collects credit hour and contact hour information to provide as complete a picture as possible of the activity level of the institution, for the previous academic year. It includes all courses taken by all undergraduate and/or graduate level and first-professional students, both full-time and part-time, matriculated and non-matriculated.

NYSED-2.4: Fall Enrollment

This survey requests Fall enrollment data that will be used by NYSED as official enrollment figures for our institution.

NYSED-2.2: Full-Time Undergraduate Transfer Student Enrollment

This survey gathers information on transfer students and is only gathered every other year.

NYSED-2.8: Residence and Migration of College Students

This report, completed every other year, is designed to collect data on the home county origin of full- and part-time, degree-credit students at the undergraduate, first-professional, and graduate levels. Degree-credit students are sorted as to whether they are in-state students, out-of-state students or foreign students. In-state students are further sorted according to county of permanent residence. Unclassified (non-matriculated) students are included by their level of study (undergraduate, first-professional, or graduate).

NYSED-1: Admissions and Academic Preparation for First-Time Freshmen

This form collects Fall admissions information for first-time freshmen in the current academic year. Data are collected for first-time freshmen applicants, acceptance and enrollment in full-time study by race/ethnicity. Data are then collected for those students who ultimately enroll in full-time study by high school grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Last, data are collected for those students seeking part-time study.

NYSED-2.9: Graduation Rate and Retention Report

This form is designed to obtain graduation rate data for Fall full-time, first-time students. Supplementary data is collected for opportunity program entrants, disabled students, transfer students, by race/ethnicity, and level of academic preparation. In addition, this form collects Fall to Fall retention data by type of student.

NYSED-2H-2: Enrollment of College Students with Disabilities

This form reports information about students from the previous academic year (July 1 - June 30) who self-identified as a student with one or more disabilities and who took one or more courses that carried credit.