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Considering Transferring from Cortland?

Considering Transferring from Cortland?

If you are planning to transfer from SUNY Cortland to another institution, make sure that you take all the steps to contact the appropriate offices and fill out the correct forms to make a smooth transition.

1. Explore your motivation to transfer
Speak to your academic advisor and family about your decision. You can also talk to any advisor in Advisement and Transition. Consider:

  • Are you choosing a major Cortland does not offer?
  • Are social/roommate issues affecting your decision? Academic difficulty? If you sought assistance or got involved on campus, would you feel differently?
  • Are you homesick and want to be closer to home?
  • Is SUNY Cortland still an option?

2. Identify colleges and majors that you are considering

  • Review the colleges’ websites and transfer admissions materials. SUNY has compiled resources into one site if you are considering transferring to another SUNY institution.
  • Schedule a visit at the college(s) you are interested in.  

3. Research transfer policies and application processes

  • What is the application deadline for the semester for which you would be applying?
  • What are the criteria for transfer students? Overall GPA?  Minimum grade for courses to transfer? Number of credits that must be completed at the new institution?
  • How will your completed Cortland courses transfer to fulfill the degree requirements at the new institution?  You can find the required courses for your chosen major at the new institution in their College Catalog.  Many colleges also have transfer course equivalencies on their website that you can review to gain an understanding of what transfer credit you would earn. 

4. Speak to your Financial Aid advisor

  • Consider the cost at the new institution. Research if any scholarships/aid you have will follow you if you transfer.
  • Gain an understanding of the FAFSA application process and adding the new institution(s) on your FAFSA. 

5. File application(s) and send transcripts

  • You will need to send an official SUNY Cortland transcript with your application. Make this request through Cortland’s Registrar’s Office; the form can also be found online. 
  • In addition to your SUNY Cortland transcripts, you will need to send the new institution your high school transcripts, AP, IB or CLEP scores, and transcripts of other colleges attended, including any college credit earned in high school. You will need to contact each institution individually to make these requests.
  • If you do enroll at a new institution, be sure to send a final transcript after all grades from SUNY Cortland have been posted.

6. Meet with your Cortland Academic Advisor

  • You should still seek advisement and register for courses at Cortland for the upcoming semester in case transfer does not happen. Note: Your course schedule at Cortland will be dropped upon official withdrawal from the College. 

7. Once accepted at new college and decision is final, file “Official Withdrawal from College” form

  • Review more information and complete the withdrawal forms found on the Registrar's website.
  • Students with financial aid are required to meet with their financial aid advisor and obtain their signature on the form.
  • The form is finally submitted to your associate dean’s office.
  • If you are living on campus, contact your Area Coordinator or the Residence Life and Housing Office to terminate your housing and check-out of your hall. 

Transferring in Final Degree Requirements - Completing Elsewhere

For students who are close to completing all of their requirements, completing elsewhere could be an option in some cases. You can complete your final degree requirements at another college and transfer credits back to Cortland for degree conferral. If you feel that you fall into this category, please see more information on the Completing Elsewhere website.