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SUNY Brockport

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies – SUNY Brockport


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit

   SUNY Brockport Course Title (SUNY Brockport) SUNY Cortland Equivalent

African and African-American Studies

AAS 100 3 Intro to African-American Studies AAS 100
AAS 104 3 Institutional Racism AAS 1XX 
AAS 113 3 Introduction to African-American History AAS 1XX
AAS 114 3 African-American History II 1865 to Present AAS 1XX
AAS 203 3 Africa: Ancient and Pre-Colonial AAS 2XX
AAS 204 3 African Politics and Society AAS 2XX
AAS 213 3 African Legacy AAS 2XX
AAS 215 3 Caribbean History AAS 2XX
AAS 232 3 African Music and Drumming for Dance MUS 110
AAS 235 3 Introduction to African American Literature AAS 251 or ENG 251
AAS 271 3 Gender, Race and Class AAS 2XX
AAS 278 3 African American Music and Culture AAS 2XX
AAS 302 3 History of South Africa AAS 3XX
AAS 303 3 Slavery & the Underground Railroad AAS 3XX
AAS 307 3 Exploring the Black Experience AAS 3XX 
AAS 420  1-15 Overseas Seminar in Africa AAS 290


ACC 280 3 Introduction to Accounting MGT 2XX
ACC 281 3 Introduction to Financial Accounting MGT 254
ACC 282 3 Introduction to Managerial Accounting MGT 255


ANT 101 3 Human Condition ANT 1XX
ANT 201 3 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
ANT 202 3 Introduction to Archeology ANT 103
ANT 120 3 Human Evolution ANT 104
ANT 317 3 Culture and Aids ANT 3XX
ANT 322 3 Culture & Power ANT 3XX
ANT 330 3 World Poverty ANT 3XX
ANT 342 3 Native American Culture/History ANT 301
ANT 401 3 Native American Art ANT 3XX
ANT 442 6 Field Methods in Archaeology ANT 400 (3) & ANT 4XX (3)
ANT 499 3 Politics of Food ANT 3XX


ARB 111 3 Beginning Arabic I ARA 101
ARB 112 3 Beginning Arabic II ARA 102
ARB 211 3 Intermediate Arabic I ARA 201

Art History

ARH 201 3 Survey of World Art I – Ancient to Renaissance ATH 121
ARH 202 3 Survey of World Art II: Renaissance to Modern ATH 122
ARH 215 3 Art in the Making ATH 1XX
ARH 420 3 20th Century Art ATH 357


ART 101 3 The Visual Art Experience ATH 1XX
ART 110 3 Art and Artists ATS 1XX
ART 210 3 2-D Design ATS 2XX
ART 212 3 3-D Design ATS 113
ART 221 3 Drawing I ATS 101
ART 322 3 Drawing II ATS 201
ART 331 3 Introduction to Photography ATS 114
ART 371 3 Ceramics I ATS 104
ART 372 3 Ceramics II ATS 204
ART 473 3 Ceramics III ATS 304

American Sign Language

ASL 111 3 Beginning Sign Language I ASL 101
ASL 112 3 Beginning Sign Language II ASL 102
ASL 211 3 Intermediate Sign Language I ASL 201
ASL 212 3 Intermediate Sign Language II ASL 202


AST 203 3 Astronomy PHY 150
AST 205 4 Introductory Astronomy w/Lab PHY 155


BIO 111 4 Principles of Biology BIO 110
BIO 201 4 Biology I BIO 201
BIO 202 4 Biology II BIO 202
BIO 221 4 Survey of Anatomy & Physiology BIO 206
BIO 281 3 Human Biology BIO 2XX
BIO 285 3 Biology of Aging BIO 2XX
BIO 321 4 Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 301
BIO 322 4 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 302
BIO 323 4 Microbiology BIO 304

Business Administration   

BUS 210 3 Social Media and Consumers


BUS 263 3 Entrepreneurship

MGT 275

BUS 317 3 Introduction to Management Information Systems

CAP 100 or CAP 3XX 

BUS 325 3 Principles of Finance ECO 352
BUS 335 3 Principles of Marketing MGT 253
BUS 345 3 International Business Environment ECO 441
BUS 361 3 Production and Operation Management MGT 410
BUS 365 3 Principles of Management MGT 250
BUS 366 3 Organizational Behavior COM 320
BUS 375 3 Business Law I MGT 265
BUS 465 3 Human Resources Management MGT 385
BUS 468 3 Advanced Human Resources Topics ECO 3XX
BUS 475 3 Strategic Management MGT 454


CHM 121 4 Chemistry and Scientists CHE 1XX
CHM 171 3 Elements of Forensic Science LAS 1XX
CHM 205 4 College Chemistry I CHE 227/277
CHM 206 4 College Chemistry II CHE 228/278
CHM 260 4 Chemistry for the Health Professions CHE 2XX
CHM 305 4 Organic Chemistry I CHE 300/303
CHM 306 4 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304


CHN 111 Beginning Chinese I CHI 101
CHN 112 Beginning Chinese II CHI 102
CHN 211 Intermediate Chinese I CHI 201
CHN 212 Intermediate Chinese II CHI 202

Computer Science

CIS 106 3 End-User Computing CAP 100
CIS 117 3 Fundamentals of Business Computing CAP 100


CMC 111 3 Communication & Information Literacy COM 210 or COM 1XX
CMC 201 3 Public Speaking COM 210
CMC 202 3 Principles Of Communication COM 100
CMC 208 3 Communication and Democracy COM 2XX
CMC 210 3 Communication Revolutions in Western Civilizations COM 200
CMC 219 3 Advertising, Mass Persuasion & the Consumer COM 371
CMC 224 3 Newswriting COM 203
CMC 242 3 Fundamentals of Radio & TV COM 2XX
CMC 243 3 Radio/TV Writing I COM 322
CMC 273 3 Interpersonal Communication COM 300
CMC 312 3 Argumentation & Debate COM 241
CMC 316 3 Interpersonal Communication in Business & Professions COM 444
CMC 317 3 Interviewing COM 311
CMC 319 3 Propaganda & Persuasion COM 441
CMC 321 3 Media Reporting & Research COM 3XX
CMC 322 3 Editorial Methods COM 3XX
CMC 324 3 Advanced Media Writing COM 3XX
CMC 325 3 Specialized Writing COM 3XX
CMC 327 3 Publication & Web Design COM 3XX
CMC 332 3 Public Relations Principles & Practices COM 3XX
CMC 334 3 Public Relations Methods & Cases COM 372
CMC 343 3 Broadcast Announcing COM 312
CMC 346 3 Radio Production COM 242
CMC 348 3 Television Production COM 342
CMC 353 3 Broadcast Sales & Marketing COM 3XX
CMC 358 3 TV Directing & Field Production COM 243
CMC 365 1-6 Newspaper Practicum COM 390
CMC 366 3 Broadcast Journalism COM 343
CMC 373 3 Critical Perspectives on Mass Communication COM 333
CMC 410 3 Speakers, Campaigns and Movements COM 339
CMC 411 3 Rhetorical Criticism COM 442
CMC 413 3 Nonverbal Communication COM 341
CMC 415 3 Public Communication in Administration, Business & the Professions COM 320
CMC 417 3 Political Rhetoric in the Information Age COM 3XX
CMC 418 3 Inter-Cultural Communication COM 302
CMC 419 3 Freedom of Expression COM 3XX
CMC 432 3 Public Relations Campaigns COM 324
CMC 438 3 History of American Journalism COM 3XX
CMC 445 3 Advanced Radio Production COM 3XX
CMC 446 3 Advanced Television Production COM 3XX
CMC 463 3 Media and Society COM 301
CMC 466 3 Advanced Broadcast Journalism COM 3XX
CMC 467 3 Mass Communication Theory and Research COM 304
CMC 468 3 Media Law COM 400
CMC 472 3 Group Leadership COM 3XX
CMC 473 3 Theories of Communication COM 3XX
CMC 475 3 Communication Internship COM 399
CMC 477 3 Organizational Communication COM 320
CMC 479 3 Conflict Management COM 3XX
CMC 483 3 Communication Training & Development COM 3XX
CMC 490 1-3 Special Topics COM 3XX
CMC 492 3 Theories of Rhetoric COM 443
CMC 493 3 Contemporary Journalism Issues COM 3XX
CMC 495 3 Senior Honors in Radio-TV Production COM 3XX
CMC 496 3 Contemporary Broadcast Issues COM 3XX
CMC 499 1-6 Independent Study in Communication COM 398

Computational Science   

CPS 101 3 Introduction to Computational Science CAP 201

 Criminal Justice

CRJ 101 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRM 303 or POL 303
CRJ 203 3 Police Process CRM 2XX
CRJ 205 3 Criminal Law and Procedure CRM 202 or POL 202
CRJ 207 3 Corrections CRM 464 or SOC 464
CRJ 343 3 Juvenile Justice Process CRM 462 or SOC 462
CRJ 375 3 Forensic Law CRM 3XX

Computer Science  

CSC 104 3 Computers in the Business World CAP 100
CSC 105 3 Internet & Web Publishing CAP 2XX
CSC 120 3 Intro to Computer Science MCS 186

Delta College    

DCC 210 3 Human Heritage I LAS 2XX
DCC 215 3 Society/Culture I LAS 2XX
DCC 310 3 Human Heritage II LAS 3XX
DCC 400 3 Technology, Civilization & Humanity SCI 320


DNS 102 3 Traditional Dance Jazz DNC 102
DNS 103 3 Traditional Dance Tap DNC 103
DNS 104 3 Traditional Dance Ballet DNC 101
DNS 105 3 Traditional Dance African-Caribbean  DNC 1XX
DNS 106 3 Traditional Dance African DNC 1XX
DNS 115 3 Introduction to Dance DNC 1XX
DNS 125 3 Looking at Dance DNC 1XX
DNS 200 3 Traditional Dance Styles DNC 2XX
DNS 206 3 20th and 21st Century Dance DNC 2XX
DNS 225 3 Movement and Self-Awareness DNC 2XX
DNS 232 3 African Music and Drumming for Dance MUS 110


ECN 100 3 Contemporary Economics Problems ECO 1XX
ECN 201 3 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 111
ECN 202 3 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECN 204 3 Introduction to Statistics ECO 221
ECN 301 3 Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 301
ECN 302 3 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 300
ECN 304 3 Intermediate Statistics MAT 3XX
ECN 321 3 Money & Banking ECO 431

Education and Human Development

EDI 413 3 Introduction to Special Education SPE 270


ENG 101 3 English for Foreign Students LAS 1XX
ENG 102 3 Fundamentals of College Composition CPN 100
ENG 112 3 College Composition CPN 101
ENG 163 3 Literature, the Arts and Western Culture ENG 220
ENG 210 3 Creative Writing PWR 2XX
ENG 220 3 World Literature ENG 411
ENG 221 3 Who Wrote the Bible ENG 2XX
ENG 223 3 Modern World Literature ENG 3XX
ENG 229 3 Shakespeare and Film ENG 2XX
ENG 230 3 British Literature I ENG 355
ENG 231 3 British Literature II ENG 356
ENG 232 3 Women and British Short Fiction ENG 2XX
ENG 233 3 Sex and Money in British Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 235 3 Intro to African-American Literature AAS 251 or ENG 251
ENG 240 3 American Literature I ENG 325
ENG 241 3 American Literature II ENG 326
ENG 243 3 Immigration in Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 237 3 Native American Literature ENG 256
ENG 300 3 Advanced Composition ENG 3XX
ENG 302 3 Business Writing and Computers PWR 398
ENG 303 3 Introduction to Literary Analysis ENG 302
ENG 396 3 Children's Literature ENG 373

Earth/Environmental Science

ESC 102 3 Elements of Geography GRY 125
ESC 110 3 Weather GLY 371
ESC 195 4 Natural Disasters SCI 180
ESC 200 3 Oceanography GLY 397
ENV 201 3 Environmental Science ENS 100

Film Studies   

FLM 200 3 Art of the Film CIN 208 or ENG 208
FLM 250 3 Film History Part I CIN 101
FLM 251 3 Film History Part II CIN 102
FLM 490 3 15 Great Films CIN 3XX


FRN 111 3 Beginning French I FRE 101
FRN 112 3 Beginning French II FRE 102
FRN 211 3 Intermediate French I FRE 201
FRN 212 3 Intermediate French II FRE 202
FCE 201 3 French Speaking World FRE 2XX


GEL 100 3 Our Earth GLY 160
GEL 201 4 Introduction to Physical Geology GLY 261
GEL 302 4 Historical Geology GLY 262

General Education

GEP 100 1 Academic Planning CLS 101
GEP 125 3 Self, College, Career CLS 101 or GEN 1XX
GEP 150 1 Computer Skills CAP 1XX
GEP 170 3 Modern World Civilizations LAS 1XX
GEP 201 3 Sound Stage Surface LAS 1XX

Health Science    

HLS 210 2 First Aid & Community CPR for Athletics

HLH 120 or

HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

HLS 303 3 Environmental Health HLH 390
HLS 306 3 Contemporary Issues in Health HLH 203
HLS 311 3 Nutrition HLH 323 or HLH 232
HLS 412 3 Health Care Administration Planning HLH 3XX
HLS 488 3 Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology HLH 391


HON 112 4 Introduction to Honors LAS 1XX
HON 290 1-3 Interdisciplinary Honors LAS 2XX


HST 101 3 Ancient World HIS 100
HST 102 3 Modern World HIS 101 
HST 110 3 Survey in American History HIS 200
HST 113 3 Intro to Afro-American History HIS 1XX
HST 114 3 African-American History II: 1865 to present HIS 1XX
HST 118 3 History of American Capitalism HIS 1XX
HST 120 3 Modern American Survey HIS 201
HST 130 3 World History Survey HIS 100 or HIS 1XX
HST 140 3 World History II: From Columbus to Today HIS 101 or HIS 1XX
HST 201 3 Ancient World Seminar HIS 100 or HIS 1XX
HST 202 3 Modern World Seminar HIS 101 or HIS 1XX
HST 211 3 Seminar in Early America HIS 200 or HIS 2XX
HST 212 3 Seminar in Modern America HIS 201 or HIS 2XX
HST 230 3 Women and Medicine HIS 2XX
HST 234 3 Puerto Rico HIS 2XX
HST 252 3 Oral History Review HIS 2XX
HST 337 3 Early Modern Europe HIS 346
HST 347 3 19th Century Europe HIS 347
HST 341 3 Mid East Crisis HIS 3XX
HST 343 3 History of the Soviet Union HIS 465
HST 361 3 History of Japan HIS 385
HST 364 3 British History HIS 440
HST 375 3 Colonial Latin America HIS 325
HST 390 3 Research Methods HIS 290


ITA 111 3 Beginning Italian I ITA 101
ITA 112 3 Beginning Italian II ITA 102
ITA 211 3 Intermediate Italian I ITA 201
ITA 212 3 Intermediate Italian II ITA 202

Journalism, Broadcasting and Public Relations

JRB 219 3 Advertising and Consumer Culture COM 371
JRB 224 3 Newswriting COM 203
JRB 324 3 Web Writing COM 3XX


MTH 110 3 Introduction to Mathematics MAT 1XX
MTH 111 3 College Algebra MAT 111
MTH 112 2 College Math MAT 105
MTH 113 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I MAT 101
MTH 114 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II MAT 102
MTH 122 4 Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MTH 201 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MTH 202 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MTH 203 4 Calculus III MAT 237
MTH 221 3 Calculus for Business, Social and Life Sciences I MAT 121 or ECO 222
MTH 243 3 Elementary Statistics MAT 201
MTH 281 3 Discrete Math I MAT 224
MTH 313 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I MAT 101
MTH 314 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II MAT 102
MTH 324 3 Linear Algebra MAT 272
MTH 346 3 Probability and Statistics I MAT 446


MUS 105 3 Introduction to Music MUS 100
MUS 112 3 World Music MUS 101
MUS 208 3 Music and Healing MUS 2XX
MUS 210 3 Music Appreciation with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra MUS 2XX

Teaching of Science and Mathematics

NAS 273 4 Investigative Physical Science SCI 142

Kinesiology, Sport Studies and Physical Education   

PEP 255 1 Taping for Athletic Training ATR 2XX
PEP 355 3 Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Sales SPM 360
PEP 356 3 Therapeutic Modalities ATR 3XX
PEP 357 3 Muscle Testing ATR 3XX
PEP 360 3 Modern Day Sport Management SPM 175
PEP 370 3 Sport Facility/Event Management SPM 227
PEP 456 3 Sport Finance SPM 452
PEP 457 3 Sport Sales and Consumer Behavior SPM 285
PEP 471 1 Clinical Experience in Athletic Training I ATR 3XX
PEP 472 1 Clinical Experience Athletic Training II ATR 3XX
PES 290 3 Ethics of Fair Play in Sport and Life

SPM 410 or EXS 410

PES 305 3 Significance of Physical Activity EXS 3XX
PES 325 4 Kinesiological Bases for Sport and Exercise EXS 387
PES 335 4 Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport EXS 397
PES 350 3 History of Sport, Play and Exercise EXS 197
PES 385 3 Basic Athletic Training EXS 1XX
PES 396 3 Women in Sport EXS 445
PES 411 3 Advanced Athletic Training ATR 3XX
PES 412 3 Athletic Injury Assessment ATR 3XX
PES 413 3 Human Development & Movement EXS 3XX
PES 416 3 Exercise Physiology EXS 397
PES 420 3 Biomechanics EXS 387
PES 430 3 Psychology of Sport PSY 346
PES 439 3 Motor Learning EXS 380
PES 441 3 Sport and Society EXS 345
PES 445 3 Social Psychology of Sport EXS 287
PES 460 3 Ethics of Sport EXS 410


PHL 101 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHL 102 3 Introduction to Ethics PHI 135
PHL 103 3 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion PHI 1XX
PHL 104 3 Critical Thinking PHI 110
PHL 202 3 Logic PHI 110 or PHI 1XX
PHL 208 3 Tai Chi Chinese Culture PHI 2XX
PHL 210 3 Existentialism PHI 2XX
PHL 342 3 Business Ethics ECO 354


PHS 101 3 The Physics in Toys PHY 1XX
PHS 111 3 General Physics I PHY 1XX
PHS 205 4 Intro to Physics I PHY 105
PHS 210 4 Intro to Physics II PHY 106
PHS 235 4 Physics I PHY 201
PHS 240 4 Physics II PHY 202
PHS 307 3 Physics III PHY 203

Political Science

PLS 111 3 International Relations POL 250
PLS 112 3 Comparative Politics POL 101
PLS 113 3 American Politics POL 100
PLS 203 3 Political Thought POL 270


PSH 202 3 Introductory Statistics for Psychology PSY 201
PSH 110  3 Principles of Psychology PSY 101
PSH 301 4 Research Methods in Psychology PSY 301
PSH 331 3 Personality PSY 322
PSH 332 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSH 334 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSH 384 3 Child Psychology PSY 231
PSH 484 3 Adolescence PSY 232

Public Health Education

PBH 419 3 Human Sexuality HLH 369

Recreation and Leisure    

 REL 211 3 Leisure Experience REC 2XX
 REL 302 3 Leisure & Individual & Society REC 271
 REL 305 3 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation REC 330
 REL 306 3 Recreation for Persons w/ Differing Abilities REC 393
 REL 308 3 Recreation Programming & Leadership REC 280
 REL 312 3 Management of Recreation & Leisure Services REC 495
 REL 320 3 Leisure Ed in Therapeutic Recreation EDU 3XX


SOC 100 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SOC 200 3 Social Statistics MAT 201
SOC 220 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
SOC 230 3 Social Institutions SOC 2XX
SOC 240 3 Social Inequality SOC 2XX
SOC 300 3 Sociological Theory SOC 300
SOC 304 3 Urban Sociology SOC 461
SOC 307 3 Environmental Sociology SOC 340
SOC 312 3 Sociology of Religion SOC 475
SOC 334 3 Sociology Goes to the Movies SOC 3XX
SOC 371 3 Deviant Behavior SOC 373
SOC 380 3 Community and Social Change SOC 3XX


SPN 100 3 Spanish for the Health Professions SPA 1XX
SPN 111 3 Beginning Spanish I SPA 101
SPN 112 3 Beginning Spanish II SPA 102
SPN 211 3 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201
SPN 212 3 Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202
SPN 300 3 Spanish for Professions SPA 3XX


THE 111 3 Introduction to Theatre THT 100
THE 112 3 Looking at Performance THT 1XX
THE 201 3 Theatre Arts THT 100 or THT 2XX
THE 221 3 Acting I THT 120
THE 322 3 Acting II THT 220
THE 232 3 Improvisational Theatre THT 120 or THT 2XX
THE 235 3 Stage Lighting I THT 2XX

Women and Gender Studies

WMS 101 3 Introduction to Women and Gender WGS 100
WMS 201 3 Girls' Studies WGS 2XX