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State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies Nassau Community College


NOTE: Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

Courses with no Cortland equivalent are not yet evaluated.  Please contact Advisement and Transition for individual review. 




Course Title (Nassau)

SUNY Cortland


ACC 101 3 Accounting I MGT 254
ACC 102 3 Accounting II MGT 255
ACC 104 Managerial Accounting MGT 2XX
ACC125 4 Computerized Accounting MGT 2XX
ACC 201 3 Intermediate Accounting I MGT 2XX
ACC 202 3 Intermediate Accounting II MGT 2XX
ACC 203 3 Federal Income Taxes GEN 2XX
ACC 206 3 Payroll Systems and New York State Taxes GEN 2XX
ACC 208 4 Cost Accounting GEN 2XX

African American Studies

AFR 100 3 African Art and Culture AAS 1XX
AFR 110 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
AFR 111 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
AFR 112 3 A Survey of the Art of the Black American Dancers and Choreographers AAS 1XX
AFR 113 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
AFR 114 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
AFR 130 3 African American Literature I ENG 251
AFR 131 3 African American Literature II ENG 2XX
AFR 140 3 African American History I AAS 334
AFR 141 3 African American History II AAS 336
AFR 142 3 History of African Civilization AAS 1XX
AFR 143 3 History of Contemporary Africa AAS 290
AFR 150 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
AFR 151 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
AFR 152 3 Perspective on Jazz MUS 332
AFR 153 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
AFR 154 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
AFR 155 3 Afro-American Music AAS 110
AFR 170 3 Black Social Philosophy AAS 396
AFR 185 3 Afro-American Culture AAS 304
AFR 186 3 African American Family SOC 1XX
AFR 190 3 Introduction to Black Theatre in America AAS 1XX
AFR 191 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal and Performance THT 1XX
AFR 192 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal and Performance THT 1XX
AFR 193 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal and Performance THT 1XX
AFR 194 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal and Performance THT 1XX
AFR 197 3 Communication in Black America AAS 1XX
AFR 200 3 History of the Black Woman HIS 2XX
AFR 201 3 History of the Black Woman in America II HIS 2XX
AFR 203 3 Afro-Caribbean World HIS 2XX

Allied Health Sciences

AHS 100 1 CPR and Basic Cardiac Life Support HLH 430
AHS 101 3 Introduction to Allied Health Sciences HLH 1XX
AHS 102 2 Introduction to  Physical Therapy HLH 1XX 
AHS 103 3 Fundamentals of Pharmacology SCI 1XX
AHS 104 3 Fundamentals of Pharmacology & Therapeutics SCI 1XX
AHS 105 3 Integrated Basic Science SCI 1XX
AHS 111 3 Respiratory Care I GEN 1XX
AHS 112 3 Respiratory Care II GEN 1XX
AHS 113 2 Respiratory Care III GEN 1XX
AHS 114 2 Respiratory Care IV GEN 1XX
AHS 121 5 Surgical Technology I GEN 1XX
AHS 122 6 Surgical Technology II GEN 1XX
AHS 123 8 Surgical Technology III GEN 1XX
AHS 124 8 Surgical Technology IV GEN 1XX
AHS 133 3 Radiation Biology SCI 1XX
AHS 134 3 Applied Radiation Physics I PHY 1XX
AHS 135 3 Applied Radiation Physics II PHY 1XX
AHS 151 4 Physical Therapist Assistant I GEN 1XX
AHS 152 7 Physical Therapist Assistant II GEN 1XX
AHS 153 3 Physical Therapist Assistant III GEN 1XX
AHS 154 3 Physical Therapist Assistant IV GEN 1XX
AHS 155 4 Physical Therapist Assistant V GEN 1XX
AHS 156 4 Physical Therapist Assistant VI GEN 1XX
AHS 157 3 Clinical Affiliation I No credit
AHS 158 3 Clinical Affiliation II No credit
AHS 168 3 Introduction to Treatment Planning GEN 1XX
AHS 180 1 Treatment Technique GEN 1XX
AHS 181 1 Radiographic and Topographic Anatomy SCI 1XX
AHS 182 1 Quality Assurance GEN 1XX
AHS 201 4 Clinical Hematology SCI 2XX
AHS 202 4 Medical Microbiology BIO 303 or BIO 304
AHS 203 3 Clinical Pathology SCI 2XX
AHS 205 4 Immunohematology GEN 2XX
AHS 206 3 Clinical Immunology SCI 2XX
AHS 207 3 Clinical Internship I CPV 400
AHS 209 Clinical Applications of Medical Laboratory Science GEN 2XX
AHS 210 Clinical Internship I GEN 2XX
AHS 211 Clinical Internship II GEN 2XX
AHS 208 3 Clinical Internship II CPV 400
AHS 212 2 Respiratory Care Clinical I No credit
AHS 214 2 Respiratory Care Clinical IV No credit
AHS 225 4 Medical Concepts and Techniques GEN 2XX
AHS 234 4 Kinesiology SCI 2XX
AHS 240 3 Radiologic Technology I GEN 2XX
AHS 241 5 Radiologic Technology I Laboratory GEN 2XX
AHS 242 3 Radiologic Technology II GEN 2XX
AHS 243 5 Radiologic Technology II Laboratory GEN 2XX
AHS 244 5 Radiologic Technology III GEN 2XX
AHS 245 3 Radiologic Technology IV GEN 2XX
AHS 246 7 Radiologic Technology IV Laboratory GEN 2XX
AHS 247 3 Radiologic Technology V GEN 2XX
AHS 248 7 Radiologic Technology V Laboratory GEN 2XX
AHS 249 5 Radiologic Technology VI GEN 2XX
AHS 261 3 Radiation Therapy Lecture I GEN 2XX
AHS 262 2 Radiation Therapy Clinic I No credit
AHS 263 3 Radiation Therapy Lecture II GEN 2XX
AHS 264 2 Radiation Therapy Clinic II No credit
AHS 265 5 Radiation Therapy Clinic III No credit
AHS 266 3 Radiation Therapy Lecture III GEN 2XX
AHS 267 3 Radiation Therapy Clinic IV No credit
AHS 268 3 Radiation Therapy Lecture IV GEN 2XX
AHS 269 3 Radiation Therapy Clinic V No credit
AHS 270 5 Radiation Therapy Clinic VI No credit
AHS 311 3 Respiratory Care I Lab GEN 2XX
AHS 312 3 Respiratory Care II Lab GEN 2XX
AHS 313 2 Respiratory Care III Lab GEN 2XX
AHS 314 2 Respiratory Care IV Lab GEN 2XX
AHS 413 2 Respiratory Care III Clinical II No credit
AHS 414 4 Respiratory Care IV Clinical No credit


ANT 203 3 Physical Anthropology ANT 104
ANT 204 3 Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
ANT 205  Women & Men Cross-Cultural Perspective ANT 2XX


ARA 101 3 Beginning Arabic I ARA 101
ARA 102 3 Beginning Arabic II ARA 102


ART 100 3 Introduction to Visual Arts ATH 1XX
ART 102 3 Art History (Renaissance) ATH 122
ART 103 3 Art History (Baroque Through Realism) ATH 1XX
ART 104 3 Art History (Contemporary) ATH 122 or ATH 1XX
ART 105 3 2-Dimensional Design ATS 102
ART 106 3 3-Dimensional Design ATS 113
ART 107 3 Prepress for Commercial Artists ATS 1XX
ART 108 3 Advertising Art ATS 1XX
ART 109 3 Printmaking I ATS 107
ART 110 3 Printmaking II ATS 207
ART 111 3 Drawing I ATS 101
ART 112 3 Drawing II ATS 201
ART 113 3 Package Design GEN 1XX
ART 114 3 Typography for Graphic Design ATS 241
ART 115 3 Painting I ATS 103
ART 116 3 Painting II ATS 203
ART 117 3 Illustration ATS 1XX
ART 118 3 Figure Drawing I ATS 314
ART 119 3 Anatomy and Figure Drawing II ATS 315
ART 122 3 Ceramics ATS 104
ART 123 3 Sculpture I ATS 106
ART 124 3 History of Photography ATH 1XX
ART 126 3 Basic Art and Crafts ATS 1XX
ART 129 Gallery Survey ATS 1XX
ART 130 3 Graphic Design I ATS 240
ART 131 3 Digital Imaging ATS 214
ART 133 3 Graphic Design III CAP 1XX
ART 135 3 Design Fundamentals ATS 1XX
ART 136 3 Fashion Art Techniques I LAS 1XX
ART 137 3 Computer Illustration ATS 1XX
ART 138 3 3-D and Video I LAS 1XX
ART 139 3 Web Animation & Interactivity CAP 235
ART 140 3 Graphic Design II ATS 340
ART 142 3 Art Internship CPV 400
ART 145 Raku and Pit-Firing ATS 1XX
ART 147 Potter's Wheel ATS 104 or ATS 1XX
ART 159 3 Photography I ATS 114
ART 160 Black & White Darkroom ATS 114 or ATS 1XX
ART 201 3 Survey of Art History I ATH 121
ART 202 3 Survey Art History II ATH 122
ART 203 Art Beyond the West ATH 300
ART 222 3 Ceramics II ATS 204
ART 223 3 Sculpture II ATS 206
ART 226 3 Experimental Photography ATS 2XX
ART 227 3 Studio Photography ATS 2XX
ART 228 3 Documentary Photography COM 344
ART 229 3 View Camera ATS 2XX
ART 230 3 Digital Photography II ATS 2XX
ART 231 Digital Printing for Photographers ATS 2XX
ART 235 3 Fashion Art Techniques II GEN 2XX
ART 236 3 Fashion Techniques III GEN 2XX
ART 237 3 Digital Video & Special Effects LAS 2XX
ART 238 3 3-D & Video II LAS 2XX
ART 239 3 Web Design I ATS 343
ART 240 3 Portfolio Workshop ATS 2XX
ART 249 Web Design II CAP 351
FSD 135 3 Fashion Art I ATS 1XX

American Sign Language

ASL 152 3 American Sign Language I ASL 101
ASL 153 3 American Sign Language II ASL 102
ASL 226 3 Communication & Culture in the Deaf Community LAS 2XX
ASL 252 3 American Sign Language III ASL 201
ASL 253 3 American Sign Language IV ASL 202


AST 101 4 Solar System Astronomy PHY 155


BIO 101 4 General Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BIO 102 4 General Biology II BIO 111/113 or BIO 202
BIO 103 4 Ecology SCI 1XX
BIO 104 4 Zoology SCI 1XX
BIO 109 4 Principles of Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BIO 110 4 Principles of Biology II * BIO 109-110 sequence recommended for BIO and other science majors. BIO 111/113 or BIO 202
BIO 115 4 Human Bionutrition HLH 323
BIO 116 4 Human Genetics BIO 306
BIO 118 4 On Becoming Human SCI 1XX
BIO 119 3 Oceanology GLY 397
BIO 120 4 Birds and the Environment SCI 1XX
BIO 121 A Survey of Mammals SCI 1XX
BIO 124 4 Plants & Society SCI 304
BIO 125 4 Introduction to Marine Science SCI 1XX
BIO 130 Molecules & Medicines BIO 1XX
BIO 131 Pathophysiology BIO 1XX
BIO 162 2 Animal Ecology SCI 1XX
BIO 165 2 Natural History of Long Island SCI 1XX
BIO 201 4 Anatomy BIO 301
BIO 202 4 Physiology BIO 302
BIO 203 4 Oceanography GLY 397
BIO 204 4 Marine Biology BIO 315
BIO 209 Principles of Nutritional Science SCI 2XX
BIO 210 Current Concepts in Nutritional Science SCI 2XX
BIO 211 4 Developmental Biology BIO 2XX
BIO 212 4 Comparative Anatomy BIO 2XX
BIO 214 4 Microbiology BIO 304 or BIO 303
BIO 215 4 Histology BIO 305
BIO 216 4 Parasitology BIO 2XX
BIO 219 4 Field Biology BIO 310
BIO 221 4 Transmission Electron Microscopy BIO 2XX
BIO 222 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy BIO 428
BIO 226 Investigations in Human Bionutrition SCI 2XX
BIO 230 4 Cell Biology BIO 210
BIO 231 4 Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA Science BIO 2XX


BUS 100 3 Creative Problem Solving in Business LAS 1XX
BUS 109 Intro to Corporate Business BUS 1XX
BUS 110 3 Introduction to Business LAS 1XX
BUS 111 3 Entrepreneurship GEN 1XX
BUS 112 3 Principles of Management MGT 250
BUS 114 3 Introduction to International Business GEN 1XX
BUS 116 3 Business Internship CPV 400
BUS 118 3 Franchising Management GEN 1XX
BUS 140 3 Human Resource Management MGT 385
BUS 150 Organizational Behavior PSY 342
BUS 180 3 Sport Facility Management SPM 227
BUS 280 3 Intro Sport Management SPM 175
BUS 600 CO-OP Partnership w/Industry GEN 2XX


CHI 101 3 Beginning Chinese I CHI 101
CHI 102 3 Beginning Chinese II CHI 102

Civil Engineering Technology

CET 101 2 Residential Construction Methods GEN 1XX
CET 103 2 Introduction to Civil Engineering Technology GEN 1XX
CET 107 3 Codes and Construction GEN 1XX
CET 111 2 Structural Drawing I GEN 1XX
CED 150 3 Blueprint Reading GEN 1XX
CET 201 2 Construction Estimating GEN 2XX
CET 211 2 Structural Drawing II GEN 2XX
CET 218 3 Statics of Structures PHY 2XX
CET 219 3 Mechanics of Materials PHY 2XX
CET 222 1 Materials Testing Lab GEN 2XX
CET 223 3 Structural Steel Design GEN 2XX
CET 225 Soils and Foundations GEN 2XX
CET 231 3 Elementary Surveying GEN 2XX
CET 232 3 Route Surveying GEN 2XX
CET 240 3 Hydraulics GEN 2XX
CET 250 3 Construction Planning and Scheduling GEN 2XX
CET 252 3 Construction Safety GEN 2XX
CET 254 3 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment GEN 2XX
CET 256 2 Construction Contracts and Specifications GEN 2XX
CET 260 3 Construction Project Management GEN 2XX


CHE 107 4 Introduction to Chemistry CHE 121
CHE 108 4 Consumer Chemistry CHE 125
CHE 109 Contemporary Topics in Chemistry CHE 1XX
CHE 131 4 College Chemistry I CHE 121
CHE 132 4 College Chemistry II CHE 122
CHE 135 4 Chemistry for Applied Sciences CHE 1XX
CHE 151 4 General Chemistry I

CHE 227/277

CHE 152 4 General Chemistry II

CHE 228/278

CHE 200 4 Introductory Organic Chemistry CHE 2XX
CHE 201 5 Organic Chemistry I CHE 301 or CHE 300/303
CHE 202 5 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304
CHE 221 4 Clinical Chemistry CHE 2XX
CHE 260 4 Biochemistry CHE 2XX

Computer Processing

CMP 100 2 Computer Literacy CAP 1XX
CMP 101 3 Introduction to Computers CAP 100
CMP 103 4 Microcomputer Hardware and Software CAP 1XX
CMP 105 4 Electronic Spreadsheets CAP 1XX
CMP 106 4 Database Processing CAP 231
CMP 115 3 Computers in Business CAP 100
CMP 117 Business Computing Concepts & Applications CAP100 or CAP1XX
CMP 205 3 Survey of Operating Systems CAP 2XX
CMP 219 3 Object Oriented Programming CAP 205
CMP 490 4 Internship CPV 400


COM 101 3 Interpersonal Communication COM 300
COM 103 3 Public Speaking COM 210
COM 104 3 Film Appreciation COM 1XX or CIN 1XX
COM 107 3 Film Production I CIN 1XX
COM 109 3 Television Journalism COM 343
COM 110 3 Understanding Mass Media COM 301
COM 112 3 History of Film COM 1XX or CIN 1XX
COM 113 3 Documentary Media COM 1XX
COM 119 3 Oral Interpretation THT 2XX
COM 121 3 Small Group Communication COM 300
COM 123 3 Argumentation and Debate COM 241
COM 124 3 Communication for Business and the Professions COM 320
COM 125 3 Effective Listening COM 1XX
COM 130 3 Communication in Black America COM 432
COM 170 3 Radio Production COM 242
COM 171 3 Television Studio Production COM 342
COM 172 3 Video Field Production COM 243
COM 201 3 Voice and Diction COM 2XX
COM 202 Persuasive Speaking COM 2XX 
COM 203 3 Phonetics SHH 280
COM 209 3 Introduction to Speech and Hearing Therapy SHH 270
COM 210 3 Global Media COM 2XX
COM 220 3 Communication and Language COM 2XX
COM 222 3 Nonverbal Communication COM 341
COM 224 3 Intercultural Communications COM 302
COM 290 3 Media Practicum GEN 2XX

Criminal Justice

CRJ 101 3 Police Organization and Administration GEN 1XX
CRJ 105 3 Foundations of the Justice System LAS 1XX or POL 1XX
CRJ 106 3 Understanding Criminal Behavior SOC 1XX
CRJ 110 3 Introduction to Correction CRM 464 or SOC 464
CRJ 111 3 Probation and Parole I SOC 1XX
CRJ 112 3 Probation and Parole II SOC 1XX
CRJ 113 3 Alternatives to Imprisonment SOC 1XX
CRJ 201 3 Criminal Investigation GEN 2XX
CRJ 203 3 Police and the Community SOC 2XX
CRJ 206 3 Dispute Resolution (Mediation) GEN 2XX
CRJ 207 3 Criminal Justice Internship CPV 400
CRJ 212 3 Research Problems in the Criminal Justice System LAS 2XX
CRJ 215 3 Police Techniques in Juvenile Delinquency & Justice GEN 2XX
CRJ 216 3 Investigation, Interviewing and Counseling GEN 2XX
CRJ 217 3 Contemporary Issues in Corrections SOC 2XX
CRJ 218 3 International Criminal Justice Systems SOC 2XX
CRJ 219 3 Sentencing Alternatives and the Juvenile Delinquent CRM 2XX
CRJ 220 3 Women in the Criminal Justice System CRM 2XX
CRJ 221 3 Police Supervision and Public Relations LAS 2XX
CRJ 225 3 Criminal Law CRM 377 or SOC 377
CRJ 226 3 Criminal Procedure GEN 2XX
CRJ 227 3 Constitutional Law CRM 403 or POL 403
CRJ 228 3 Law of Evidence GEN 2XX
CRJ 230 3 Introduction to White Collar Crime CRM 2XX

Computer Repair Technology

CRT 201 4 Personal Computer Equipment Servicing I GEN 2XX
CRT 202 4 Personal Computer Equipment Servicing II GEN 2XX

Computer Science

CSC 104 Programming Logic and Problem Solving MCS 1XX
CSC 120 Computer Science I MCS 186 
CSC 130 Computer Science II MCS 2XX
CSC 217 C Programming Language CAP 201
CSC 230 Data Structures CAP 216
CSC 240 Mobile Application Development CAP 2XX
CSC 250 Computer Organization & Assembly Language Programming CAP 2XX
CSC 260 Analysis of Computer Architecture and Software CAP 2XX

Community Service

CSW 117 3 Introduction to Community Service SOC 1XX
CSW 200 3 Community Service Skills GEN 2XX
CSW 205 1-7 Community Service Internship CPV 400


DAN 101 3 Dance in the 20th Century DNC 1XX
DAN 105 2 Dance Concepts I PED 388 or DNC 1XX
DAN 106 2 Dance Concepts II DNC 1XX
DAN 109 1 Movement for Musical Theatre THT 212
DAN 117 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 118 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 125 3 A Survey of the Art of the Black American Dancers and Choreographers LAS 1XX
DAN 126 1 Introduction to Modern Dance DNC 1XX
DAN 127 2 Modern Dance I PED 388
DAN 128 2 Modern Dance II DNC 1XX
DAN 129 1 Rehearsal and Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 130 1 Rehearsal and Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 131 1 Rehearsal and Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 132 1 Rehearsal and Performance DNC 1XX
DAN 140 3 Elementary Modern Dance Technique and Ballet DNC 1XX
DAN 141 3 Elementary Modern Dance Technique & Ballet DNC 1XX
DAN 217 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 2XX
DAN 218 1 African American Dance Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance DNC 2XX
DAN 240 3 Intermediate Modern Dance Technique and Ballet DNC 2XX
DAN 241 3 Intermediate Modern Dance Technique and Ballet DNC 2XX


ECO 100 3 Survey of Economics ECO 1XX
ECO 110 3 Personal Finance GEN 1XX
ECO 111 Introduction to Finance ECO 1XX
ECO 112 3 Introduction to Investments GEN 1XX
ECO 207 3 Principles of Economics I (Macroeconomics) ECO 110
ECO 208 3 Principles of Economics II (Microeconomics) ECO 111
ECO 212 3 Economic Statistics ECO 221
ECO 213 3 Money and Banking ECO 431
ECO 214 3 Corporation Finance ECO 352
ECO 215 3 Economic Development of the U.S. (Economic History) ECO 2XX
ECO 216 3 Economics of the Developing World ECO 2XX
ECO 218 6 International Economic Systems: A Study Abroad ECO 2XX
ECO 220 3 American Banking Practice LAS 2XX
ECO 222 3 Economic Geography of the World GRY 240
ECO 230 3 International Economics and Finance ECO 2XX
ECO 280 3 History of Economic Thought ECO 303
ECO 490 Cooperative Education Internship GEN 2XX


EDU 101 Applied Behavior Analysis Field Experience I EDU 1XX
EDU 102 Applied Behavior Analysis: Field Experience II: Practicum EDU 1XX
EDU 104 Infants and Toddlers EDU 334
EDU 105 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities SPE 270
EDU 206 Educational Psychology  PSY 332 
EDU 208 3 Foundations of Education

EDU 270 

EDU 235 3 Psychology of the Exceptional Child PSY 331 or SPE 270

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELT 103 1 Elementary Engineering I GEN 1XX
ELT 110 2 Technical Practices GEN 1XX
ELT 112 4 Resistive Circuits GEN 1XX
ELT 113 4 Electronics I PHY 1XX
ELT 115 4 Reactive Circuits GEN 1XX
ELT 203 3 Automatic Control Theory II GEN 1XX
ELT 213 4 Electronics II PHY 2XX
ELT 214 3 Digital I PHY 2XX
ELT 215 3 Digital II PHY 2XX
ELT 217 1 Laboratory in Digital Electronics PHY 2XX
ELT 310 4 Advanced Topics in Digital Technology GEN 2XX
ELT 330 4 Electronic Communications PHY 2XX


ENG 100 3 Enhanced Composition I CPN 100
ENG 101 3 Composition I CPN 100
ENG 102 3 Composition II CPN 101
ENG 103 3 Writing in the Sciences CPN 101
ENG 105 3 Grammar: Structure and Strategy ENG 201
ENG 108 3 The Craft of Composition (Honors) CPN 100
ENG 109 3 The Art of Analysis (Honors) CPN 101
ENG 111 3 Technical Writing PWR 393
ENG 115 3 Creative Writing PWR 212
ENG 120 3 Creative Nonfiction Writing PWR 315
ENG 203 3 Early American Literature to 1865 ENG 325
ENG 204 3 Modern American Literature from 1865 to Present ENG 326
ENG 205 3 Early English British Literature to 1800 ENG 355
ENG 206 3 Modern British Literature from 1800 to Present ENG 356
ENG 207 3 African American Literature I ENG 251 or 352
ENG 208 3 African American Literature II ENG 353
ENG 209 3 Modern Irish Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 215 3 Journalism COM 202
ENG 216 3 Autobiographical Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 220 3 Mythology and Folklore ENG 2XX
ENG 222 3 Latin American Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 225 3 Introduction to Linguistics and Semantics I ENG 2XX
ENG 226 3 Introduction to Linguistics and Semantics II ENG 201
ENG 227 3 South Asian Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 228 Asian American Literature ENG 2XX 
ENG 229 3 Native American Literature ENG 256
ENG 231 3 Mystery and Detective Fiction ENG 2XX
ENG 232 3 Studies in Children's Literature ENG 373
ENG 233 3 Studies in Science Fiction ENG 2XX
ENG 236 3 The Literature of the Bible ENG 280
ENG 243 3 LGBTQ Literature ENG 269
ENG 247 3 Women in Literature ENG 261
ENG 248 3 Women Writers ENG 2XX
ENG 251 3 Film and Literature ENG 278
ENG 261 3 Literature of the Holocaust ENG 2XX
ENG 263 3 The Modern American Short Story ENG 202
ENG 265 3 Modern American Poetry ENG 203
ENG 267 3 Satire ENG 2XX
ENG 271 3 Psychoanalytic Approach to Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 281 Nature in Literature ENG 2XX 
ENG 298 3 Comedy: Theory and Development ENG 2XX
ENG 300 3 Shakespeare: Stage and Page ENG 2XX
ENG 301 3 Shakespeare's Comedies and Histories ENG 3XX
ENG 302 3 Shakespeare’s Tragedies ENG 2XX
ENG 305 3 Modern American Novel ENG 3XX
ENG 309 3 Modern British and American Drama ENG 3XX
ENG 311 3 Masterworks of Literature I ENG 220
ENG 312 3 Masterworks of Literature II ENG 221
ENG 313 3 Creative Writing PWR 212
ENG 314 3 Studies in Children's Literature ENG 373
ENG 316 3 Play and Screen Writing ENG 304
ENG 317 3 Fiction Writing PWR 212
ENG 318 3 Poetry Writing PWR 213
ENG 490 4 Cooperative Education Internship CPV 400

Engineering Science

ENS 101 1 Graphics ATS 1XX
ENS 103 1 Elementary Engineering I GEN 1XX
ENS 104 2 Computational Methods in Engineering GEN 1XX
ENS 105 2 Introduction to CAD GEN 2XX
ENS 205 3 Statics PHY 2XX
ENS 206 3 Dynamics PHY 2XX
ENS 207 3 Mechanics of Materials PHY 2XX
ENS 225 4 Engineering Circuit Analysis I GEN 2XX
ENS 226 4 Engineering Circuit Analysis II GEN 2XX
ENS 230 3 Engineering Thermodynamics PHY 2XX
ENS 301 1 Computer Aided Drafting GEN 2XX

Environmental Sciences

ENV 102 4 Introduction to Environmental Resources EST 1XX

Fashion Buying and Merchandising

FBM 110 3 Fashion Advertising and Promotion GEN 1XX
FBM 120 3 Introduction to the Fashion Industry GEN 1XX
FBM 121 3 Introduction to Menswear GEN 1XX
FBM 125 3 Introduction to Import Buying GEN 1XX
FBM 130 3 Fashion and Home Accessories GEN 1XX
FBM 140 3 Introduction to Interior Design GEN 1XX
FBM 142 3 Fashion and Merchandising Field Training CPV 400
FBM 150 3 Fashion Coordination and Publicity GEN 1XX
FBM 160 3 Seminar in Contemporary Fashion Buying and Merchandising GEN 1XX


FIN 110 3 Personal Finance GEN 1XX
FIN 111 Introduction to Finance ECO 1XX 
FIN 112 3 Introduction to Investments GEN 2XX
FIN 213 3 Money and Banking ECO 431
FIN 214 3 Corporation Finance ECO 352
FIN 220 3 American Banking Practice GEN 2XX
FIN 230 3 Introduction to International Economics and Finance ECO 2XX
FIN 490 Cooperative Education Internship GEN 2XX 


FRE 101 3 Beginning French I FRE 101
FRE 102 3 Beginning French II FRE 102
FRE 201 3 Intermediate French I FRE 201
FRE 202 3 Intermediate French II FRE 202
FRE 225 3 French for Business LAS 2XX
FRE 301 3 Advanced French I FRE 305
FRE 302 3 Advanced French II FRE 3XX

Fire Science

FRS 101 Introduction to the Fire Service GEN 1XX
FRS 102 Fire Safety and Tactics GEN 1XX
FRS 201 High Rise/Structures and Systems GEN 2XX
FRS 202 Fire Protection and Detection Systems GEN 2XX
FRS 203 Hazardous Materials in the Fire Service GEN 2XX

Fashion Design

FSD 101 Draping and Design I GEN 1XX
FSD 102 Draping and Design II GEN 1XX
FSD 103 Draping and Design III GEN 1XX
FSD 104 Design Studio GEN 1XX
FSD 110 Flat Pattern Design I GEN 1XX
FSD 111 Flat Pattern Design II GEN 1XX
FSD 120 Garment Construction GEN 1XX
FSD 121 Fashion History GEN 1XX
FSD 122 Fashion Design Business Practices GEN 1XX
FSD 142 Field Training GEN 1XX


GEO 101 3 Introduction to Geography GRY 120
GEO 103 3 Human Geography GRY 125
GEO 104 3 World Regional Geography GRY 125
GEO 201 3 Geography of Europe GRY 484
GEO 202 3 Geography of Long Island GRY 2XX


GLY 101

4 Physical Geology GLY 261

GLY 102

4 Historical Geology GLY 262

GLY 104

4 Field Laboratory Geology GLY 2XX

GLY 105

3 Beaches and Coasts GLY 1XX


GER 101 3 Beginning German I GER 101
GER 102 3 Beginning German II GER 102
GER 201 3 Intermediate German I GER 201
GER 202 3 Intermediate German II GER 202
GER 301 3 Advanced German I GER 3XX
GER 302 3 Advanced German II GER 3XX

General Science Studies

GSS 103 4 Science of Physics I PHY 1XX
GSS 104 4 Science of Physics II PHY 1XX
GSS 106 4 Science of Sound and Music PHY 1XX
GSS 108 4 Science of Light and Color PHY 1XX
GSS 111 4 Science of Our World I SCI 320
GSS 112 4 Science of Our World II SCI 1XX
GSS 120 4 Science of Modern Electronics SCI 1XX
GSS 122 Science of Energy SCI 1XX 
GSS 126 Forensic Technology SCI 1XX
GSS 128 Green Building Practices SCI 1XX


HEB 101 3 Beginning Hebrew I FLR 101
HEB 102 3 Beginning Hebrew II FLR 102
HEB 201 3 Intermediate Hebrew I FLR 201
HEB 202 3 Intermediate Hebrew II FLR 202

Health Education

HED 200 3 Healthful Living/Stress Management HLH 210
HED 201 2 Personal and Family Health HLH 2XX
HED 205 Consumer Health Care & Protection HLH 255 
HED 231 Death Education: A Health Perspective HLH 2XX
HED 251 3 Human Sexuality HLH 302
HED 271 Alcoholism, Addictions & Abusive Behaviors HLH 2XX
HED 272 Alcoholism & Addictions: Modalities, Prevention and Treatment HLH 2XX
HED 291 3 Personal Health for Physical Education and Health Majors HLH 110
HED 292 3 Safety and First Aid HLH 120
HED 293 3 Community Health HLH 2XX

Healthcare Administration

HCA 180 3 Introduction to Healthcare Administration HLH 462
HCA 280 3 Medicolegal Aspects of Healthcare Administration HLH 465


HIS 101 3 History of Western Civilization I HIS 110
HIS 102 3 History of Western Civilization II HIS 111
HIS 103 3 History of the United States I HIS 200
HIS 104 3 History of the United States II HIS 201
HIS 105 3 The World 1945 - Present HIS 1XX
HIS 106 3 USA 1945 - Present HIS 2XX
HIS 107 3 Pictorial Approach to European History Since 1500 HIS 1XX
HIS 108 3 Honors History: Western Roots I HIS 110
HIS 109 3 Honors History: Western Roots II HIS 111
HIS 110 3 History of Contemporary Africa HIS 1XX
HIS 124 3 Women in the Western World HIS 1XX
HIS 125 3 Role of Women in American History HIS 1XX
HIS 130 3 Race & Ethnicity in America HIS 1XX
HIS 136 3 History of Latinos in the United States HIS 1XX
HIS 137 3 Native Americans  HIS 1XX
HIS 140 3 Nassau County: History and Government HIS 1XX
HIS 150 3 History of the American Labor Movement HIS 1XX
HIS 161 3 World History: Antiquity to 1500 HIS 100
HIS 162 World History: 1500 to the Present HIS 101
HIS 176 3 African American History I HIS 2XX
HIS 177 3 African American History II HIS 2XX
HIS 178 3 History of the Black Woman HIS 1XX
HIS 179 3 History of the Black Woman in America II HIS 1XX
HIS 180 3 Health, Disease and Western History HIS 1XX
HIS 190 3 The History of Sports in America EXS 420
HIS 205 3 The Ancient World HIS 100 or HIS 1XX
HIS 206 3 The Medieval World HIS 2XX
HIS 207 3 Early Modern Europe HIS 110 or HIS 1XX
HIS 209 3 Twentieth Century Europe HIS 111 or HIS 1XX
HIS 210 3 Modern Middle East HIS 2XX
HIS 212 3 History of the Islamic World HIS 2XX
HIS 219 3 Colonial Latin America HIS 2XX
HIS 220 3 Modern Latin America HIS 2XX
HIS 221 3 The Afro-Caribbean World HIS 2XX
HIS 222 3 Modern Mexico and Central America HIS 2XX
HIS 228 3 Modern China HIS 2XX
HIS 230 3 Modern Imperialism HIS 2XX
HIS 232 3 The History of the Cold War HIS 2XX
HIS 234 3 History of Ireland HIS 2XX
HIS 235 3 Russia Since Peter the Great HIS 2XX
HIS 236 3 History of Israel HIS 2XX
HIS 240 3 Revolutions of the Modern World HIS 3XX
HIS 250 3 Era of the American Revolution HIS 2XX
HIS 255 3 The Civil War and Reconstruction HIS 2XX
HIS 260 3 Twentieth Century Genocide HIS 2XX
HIS 265 3 American Foreign Relations in the 20th Century HIS 2XX
HIS 270 3 Racism in the Modern World HIS 2XX
HIS 280 The Atlantic World 1450-1820 HIS 2XX
HIS 290 3 Religion in American History HIS 2XX

Health Information Technology

HIT 151 Medical Terminology EXS 344
HIT 154 Computer Software Applications in Health Care CAP 1XX
HIT 156 Medical Coding CPT GEN 1XX
HIT 157 Medical Coding ICD GEN 1XX
HIT 158 Reimbursement Methodologies GEN 1XX
HIT 250 Health Care Data Structure and Delivery Systems GEN 2XX
HIT 256 Advanced CPT Coding GEN 2XX
HIT 257 3 Advanced ICD Coding GEN 2XX
HIT 258 Medical Coding Work-Study GEN 2XX
HIT 260 Quality Management and Organizational Resources in HIM GEN 2XX
HIT 265 3 Health Data Statistics GEN 2XX
HIT 270 HIM Regulatory Issues in the Law GEN 2XX
HIT 278 Health Information Management Internship GEN 2XX

Human Services

HMS 101 3 Intro to Human Services HUS 100
HMS 102 3 Interviewing in Human Service Practice LAS 1XX
HMS 117 Introduction to Community Services LAS 1XX
HMS 200 Community Service Skills GEN 2XX
HMS 205 Community Service Internship GEN 2XX

Human Rights Studies

HRS 101 Introduction to Human Rights Studies LAS 1XX


HTL 150 3 Introduction to Tourism GEN 1XX
HTL 155 3 International Hospitality Industry GEN 1XX
HTL 161 3 Hospitality Management GEN 1XX
HTL 162 3 Hospitality Human Resources GEN 1XX
HTL 165 3 Facilities Planning & Design GEN 1XX
HTL 171 3 Food & Beverage Operations GEN 1XX
HTL 172 3 Food Services Cost Analysis GEN 1XX
HTL 174 3 Fund Food Production GEN 1XX
HTL 175 3 Food and Beverage Merchandising GEN 1XX
HTL 176 3 Advanced Food Production Techniques GEN 1XX
HTL 177 Servsafe Sanitation GEN 1XX
HTL 178 3 Event Planning GEN 1XX
HTL 180 3 Front Office Management GEN 1XX
HTL 190 3 International Wines and Beverages GEN 1XX
HTL 200 3 Hotel Operations Research Seminar GEN 1XX
HTL 205 3 Food and Beverage Seminar GEN 1XX
HTL 242 3 Hospitality Internship CPV 400
HTL 600 Cooperative Partnership with Industry GEN 2XX

Inter Global Studies

IGS 101 3 Modern World Societies I LAS 1XX
IGS 102 3 Modern World Societies II GRY 125 or LAS 1XX

Interior Design

INT 101 3 Interior Design Studio I GEN 1XX
INT 102 3 History of Furnishings and Design GEN 1XX
INT 103 3 Trends in Furniture and Lighting Design GEN 1XX
INT 104 3 Color for Home Furnishings and Design GEN 1XX
INT 105 3 Resources and Materials GEN 1XX
INT 107 3 Professional Practices and Business Techniques GEN 1XX
INT 108 3 Final Thesis and Portfolio Development GEN 1XX
INT 115 Kitchen & Bath Design I GEN 1XX
INT 118 Presentation Standards for Kitchen & Bath Design GEN 1XX
INT 142 3 Field Training CPV 400
INT 201 Interior Design Studio II GEN 2XX
INT 203 Presentation Techniques for Interior Designers GEN 2XX
INT 206 Interior Design Working Designs GEN 2XX
INT 215 Kitchen & Bath Design II GEN 2XX
INT 301 Interior Design Studio III GEN 2XX
INT 401 Interior Design Studio IV GEN 2XX


ITA 101 3 Beginning Italian I ITA 101
ITA 102 3 Beginning Italian II ITA 102
ITA 201 3 Intermediate Italian I ITA 201
ITA 202 3 Intermediate Italian II ITA 202
ITA 225 3 Italian for Business ITA 102
ITA 301 3 Advanced Italian I LAS 3XX
ITA 302 3 Advanced Italian II LAS 3XX

Information Technology

ITE 101 Introduction to Information Technology CAP 1XX
ITE 153 Operating Systems Management CAP 1XX
ITE 154 Web Programming I CAP 1XX
ITE 204 Java Programming CAP 2XX
ITE 213 Data Communications and the Internet CAP 2XX
ITE 223 Network Management I CAP 220
ITE 252 Database Management CAP 350
ITE 253 Network Management II CAP 2XX
ITE 254 Web Programming II CAP 2XX
ITE 264 Applications Development CAP 2XX

International Field Training

IWS 142 3 International Field Training GEN 1XX

Jewish Studies

JWS 101 3 Introduction to World Jewish Studies JST 140


JPN 101 3 Beginning Japanese I FLR 101
JPN 102 3 Beginning Japanese II FLR 102

Latin American Studies

LAS 101 Introduction to Latin American Studies LAS 1XX
LAS 105 Introduction to Latino/a American Studies in the United States LAS 1XX
LAS 222 Latin American Literature ICC 201


LAT 101 3 Beginning Latin I FLR 101
LAT 102 3 Beginning Latin II FLR 102

Legal Studies

LAW 103 3 Business Law I MGT 265
LAW 104 3 Business Law II MGT 1XX
LAW 105 3 Basic Legal Concepts for the Non-Business Major LAS 1XX
LAW 106 Sports and the Law SPM 373
LAW 201 3 The Nature and Functions of Law POL 202
LAW 203 Environmental Law, Policy & Sustainability POL 242
LAW 300 3 Introduction to Law and the New York Legal System POL 202 or POL 2XX
LAW 301 3 Litigation GEN 3XX
LAW 302 3 Partnerships and Corporations GEN 3XX
LAW 303 3 Estates and Administration GEN 3XX
LAW 304 3 Real Property GEN 2XX
LAW 305 3 Legal Research and Writing LAS 3XX
LAW 306 3 Practicum NO CREDIT
LAW 307 3 Torts and Personal Injury Law GEN 2XX
LAW 308 3 Family Law LAS 3XX
LAW 309 3 Law Office Management LAS 3XX
LAW 310 3 Bankruptcy/Debtor and Creditor Law GEN 3XX
LAW 311 3 Legal Writing and Analysis LAS 3XX
LAW 312 Elder Law POL 2XX
LAW 315 The United States Judicial System POL 303 or CRM 303


LIB 100 1 Essential Research for College GEN 1XX
LIB 101 3 Introduction to Research GEN 1XX

Logistics and Transportation Management

LOG 101 3 Principles of Logistics Management I GEN 1XX
LOG 102 3 Principles of Logistics Management II GEN 1XX
LOG 103 3 Systems of Intermodal Transportation GEN 1XX
LOG 104 3 Railroad & Motor Carrier Transportation & Logistics GEN 1XX
LOG 105 3 Water and Airline Transportation & Logistics GEN 1XX
LOG 106 3 Intermodal Transportation & Logistics in International Trade GEN 1XX
LOG 107 3 Intermodalism and Transportation Regulations GEN 1XX


MAT 100 4 A Topical Approach to Mathematics MAT 105
MAT 101 3 Concepts of Mathematics MAT 1XX
MAT 102 3 Introduction to Statistics MAT 201
MAT 103 3 Computers and Applied Statistics MAT 201
MAT 109 4 Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 111
MAT 111 4 Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MAT 112 4 Calculus with Applications in Business and Social Sciences MAT 121
MAT 114 4 Mathematical Foundations for the Elementary School Teacher MAT 101
MAT 116 4 Engineering Technical Math I MAT 111
MAT 117 4 Engineering Technical Math II MAT 115
MAT 118 3 Finite Mathematics: Quantitative Analysis MAT 2XX
MAT 122 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MAT 123 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MAT 131 3 Probability with Statistical Inference MAT 2XX
MAT 200 3 Foundations of Advanced Mathematics MAT 2XX
MAT 225 4 Multivariable Calculus MAT 237
MAT 226 4 Elementary Linear Algebra  MAT 272
MAT 234 3 Elementary Differential Equations MAT 336
MAT 235 3 Algebraic Structures MAT 2XX
MAT 241 3 Discrete Mathematical Structures MAT 2XX


MDC 101 3 The Making of the Modern Mind LAS 1XX
MDC 102 3 The Making of the Modern Mind II LAS 1XX
MDC 110 3 Studies in World Cultures LAS 1XX
MDC 120 3 Science, Technology, and Society SCI 320
MDC 130 3 Major Ideas in the Post-Modern World LAS 1XX

Multi-Disciplinary Science 

MDS 101 4 Connecting the Sciences-A Macroscopic Approach SCI 1XX
MDS 102 4 Connecting the Sciences-A Microscopic Approach SCI 1XX


MKT 100 3 Introduction to Marketing MGT 253
MKT 101 3 Business Mathematics LAS 1XX
MKT 103 3 Principles of Sales GEN 1XX
MKT 105 3 Sport Marketing SPM 360
MKT 106 3 Principles of Advertising COM 371
MKT 108 3 Direct Response Marketing MGT 1XX
MKT 112 3 Small Business Management GEN 1XX
MKT 130 3 Marketing Research MGT 1XX
MKT 134 3 Sales Management GEN 1XX
MKT 136 3 Marketing Management MGT 1XX
MKT 138 3 Public Relations COM 372
MKT 142 3 Field Training CPV 400
MKT 145 3 Consumer Motivation and Buyer Behavior GEN 1XX
MKT 155 3 Introduction to International Marketing GEN 1XX
MKT 160 3 Customer Service GEN 1XX
MKT 170 Procedures & Salesmanship for Kitchen & Bath Designers GEN 1XX
MKT 600 Cooperative Partnership w/Industry GEN 2XX


MET 101 4 Meteorology GLY 371

Mortuary Science

MSC 111 3 Funeral Orientation GEN 1XX
MSC 112 3 Public Health and Sanitation HLH 1XX
MSC 124 3 Anatomy for Embalmers I SCI 1XX
MSC 127 3 Funeral Home Management GEN 1XX
MSC 234 3 Mortuary Law and Ethics LAS 2XX
MSC 235 3 Anatomy for Embalmers II SCI 2XX
MSC 236 3 Embalming Theory I GEN 2XX
MSC 237 1.5 Embalming Laboratory I GEN 2XX
MSC 238 3 Pathology SCI 2XX
MSC 241 3 Restorative Art GEN 2XX
MSC 245 5 Funeral Directing with Practicum GEN 2XX
MSC 247 2 Embalming Theory II GEN 2XX
MSC 248 1.5 Embalming Laboratory II GEN 2XX
MSC 249 3 Funeral Counseling and Psychology LAS 2XX


MUS 100 3 Listening to Music MUS 1XX
MUS 101 3 Rudiments of Music MUS 111
MUS 102 3 Beginning Piano MUS 180
MUS 103 3 Beginning Guitar MUS 1XX
MUS 104 3 Music Literature MUS 100
MUS 105 3 Opera Appreciation MUS 1XX
MUS 106 3 The Symphony MUS 1XX
MUS 107 3 Contemporary Music MUS 434
MUS 108 3 Folk Music MUS 1XX
MUS 109 1 Orchestra I MUS 256
MUS 110 1 Orchestra II MUS 256
MUS 111 1 Freshman Chorus I MUS 240
MUS 112 1 Freshman Chorus II MUS 240
MUS 113 1 Band I MUS 259
MUS 114 1 Band II MUS 259
MUS 115 1 Jazz Ensemble I MUS 254
MUS 116 1 Jazz Ensemble II MUS 254
MUS 117 2 Elements of Music I MUS 1XX
MUS 118 2 Elements of Music II MUS 1XX
MUS 123 1 Chamber Music I MUS 254
MUS 124 1 Chamber Music II MUS 254
MUS 125 1 Vocal Ensemble I MUS 254
MUS 126 1 Vocal Ensemble II MUS 254
MUS 127 2 Keyboard Harmony I MUS 1XX
MUS 128 2 Keyboard Harmony II MUS 1XX
MUS 129 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
MUS 130 1 African American Choral Ensemble MUS 240
MUS 132 2 Music for Early Childhood Education MUS 1XX
MUS 133 3 Intermediate Piano MUS 1XX
MUS 134 3 Intermediate Folk Guitar MUS 1XX
MUS 135 3 Rock Music: Mirror of Change MUS 137
MUS 136 3 Beginning Voice Class MUS 184
MUS 137 2 Sight Singing I MUS 1XX
MUS 138 2 Sight Singing II MUS 1XX
MUS 141 2 Voice I MUS 1XX
MUS 142 2 Voice II MUS 1XX
MUS 144 2 Piano II MUS 1XX
MUS 183 1 Percussion Ensemble I MUS 254
MUS 184 1 Percussion Ensemble II MUS 254
MUS 185 1 Guitar Ensemble I MUS 1XX
MUS 186 1 Guitar Ensemble II MUS 1XX
MUS 187 1 Jazz Improvisation Ensemble I MUS 254
MUS 188 1 Jazz Improvisation Ensemble II MUS 254
MUS 189 2 Opera Workshop I MUS 1XX
MUS 190 2 Opera Workshop II MUS 1XX
MUS 201 3 Western Music I MUS 2XX
MUS 203 3 Songwriting MUS 2XX
MUS 204 3 Western Music II MUS 222
MUS 205 3 Afro-American Music MUS 110
MUS 206 3 Modern Arranging MUS 2XX
MUS 207 3 Perspective on Jazz MUS 332
MUS 208 3 History of Western Music III MUS 223
MUS 209 1 Orchestra III MUS 256
MUS 210 1 Orchestra IV MUS 256
MUS 211 1 Chorus III MUS 240
MUS 212 1 Chorus IV MUS 240
MUS 213 1 Band III MUS 259
MUS 214 1 Band IV MUS 259
MUS 215 1 Jazz Ensemble III MUS 254
MUS 216 1 Jazz Ensemble IV MUS 254
MUS 217 2 Elements of Music III MUS 2XX
MUS 218 2 Elements of Music IV MUS 2XX
MUS 223 1 Chamber Music III MUS 254
MUS 224 1 Chamber Music IV MUS 254
MUS 225 1 Vocal Ensemble III MUS 254
MUS 226 1 Vocal Ensemble IV MUS 2XX
MUS 227 1 Keyboard Harmony III MUS 2XX
MUS 228 1 Keyboard Harmony IV MUS 2XX
MUS 229 1 African American Choral Ensemble III MUS 240
MUS 230 1 African American Choral Ensemble IV MUS 240
MUS 237 2 Sight Singing III MUS 2XX
MUS 238 2 Sight Singing IV MUS 2XX
MUS 283 1 Percussion Ensemble III MUS 254
MUS 284 1 Percussion Ensemble IV MUS 254
MUS 285 1 Guitar Ensemble III MUS 2XX
MUS 286 1 Guitar Ensemble IV MUS 2XX
MUS 287 1 Jazz Improvisation Ensemble III MUS 254
MUS 288 1 Jazz Improvisation Ensemble IV MUS 254

NCC 101

NCC 101 1 The College Experience CLS 101


NTR 158 Special & Cultural Aspects of Food LAS 1XX
NTR 183 Dietary Management GEN 1XX
NTR 184 Dietary Management Field Experience GEN 1XX
NTR 192 Principles of Food Service GEN 1XX
NTR 195 3 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle HLH 323
NTR 198 3 Nutrition for the Healthcare Professional HLH 323
NTR 201 3 Concepts of Nutrition HLH 2XX
NTR 202 3 Nutrition Applications HLH 2XX


General Elective Credit for Nursing

Office Technology

*If 3 courses completed = CAP 100

OFT 100 3 Fundamentals of Keyboarding GEN 1XX
OFT 102 3 College Keyboarding  GEN 1XX
OFT 105 3 Executive Workshop GEN 1XX
OFT 107 3 Machine Transcription I GEN 1XX
OFT 109 3 Word Processing Applications I CAP 1XX
OFT 110 3 Word Processing Applications II CAP 1XX
OFT 113* Word Processing Basics CAP 1XX
OFT 114 Presentation Software Basics CAP 1XX
OFT 115* Spreadsheet Basics CAP 1XX
OFT 116* Database Basics CAP 1XX
OFT 119 3 Word Processing Applications III CAP 1XX
OFT 120 3 Office Technology Desktop Publishing CAP 236
OFT 127 3 Legal Office Procedures I GEN 1XX
OFT 128 3 Legal Office Procedures II GEN 1XX
OFT 142 Medical Transcription I GEN 1XX
OFT 150 3 Speedwriting I GEN 1XX
OFT 153 3 Medical Coding GEN 1XX
OFT 205 3 Executive Work/Study CPV 400
OFT 207 Machine Transcription II GEN 2XX
OFT 225 3 Legal Workshop GEN 2XX
OFT 226 3 Legal Work/Study CPV 400
OFT 230 3 Web Page Formatting CAP 238
OFT 235 3 E Commerce for Office Professionals GEN 2XX
OFT 244 4 Business Writing PWR 398
OFT 245 3 Administrative Management GEN 2XX
OFT 254 3 Medical Workshop GEN 2XX
OFT 255 3 Medical Work/Study CPV 400

Physical Education

PED 140-190 (listed below) are open only to Physical Education majors.

PED 106 1 Team Sports PED 180
PED 107 1 Racquet Sports PED 283
PED 110 1 Exercise Leadership: Muscular Strength and Conditioning PED 1XX
PED 140 1 Fundamentals of Swimming (w/ test for PED 189) required PED 106
PED 150 1 Soccer  PED 1XX
PED 151 1 Basketball  PED 1XX
PED 160 1 Volleyball  PED 173
PED 161 1 Tennis   PED 1XX
PED 164 1 Badminton   PED 1XX
PED 168 1 Lacrosse  PED 170
PED 171 1 Tennis Skills  PED 1XX
PED 172 1 Golf  PED 154
PED 178 1 Fundamentals of Movement and Rhythm PED 388
PED 181 1 Volleyball PED 1XX
PED 187 1 Badminton PED 1XX
PED 190 3 Introduction to Physical Education EXS 197
PED 218 1 Men's Physical Conditioning/Weight Training PED 2XX
PED 270 1 Adventure Activities Coed PED 181
PED 273 1 Basic Swimming I Coed PED 189
PED 275 1 Water Safety Instructor PED 189 or PED 1XX
PED 276 4 Lifeguard Training PED 300
PED 288 1 TRX Suspension Training PED 2XX
PED 291 3 Personal Health for Physical Education and Health Majors HLH 110
PED 292 3 Safety and First Aid

HLH 120 or

HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

PED 301 .5 Physical Conditioning and Weight Training I PED 1XX
PED 303 .5 Physical Conditioning and Weight Training II PED 1XX
PED 306 .5 Badminton PED 1XX
PED 312 .5 Golf I PED 154
PED 320 .5 Racquetball PED 1XX
PED 322 .5 Tennis I PED 1XX
PED 324 .5 Tennis II PED 1XX
PED 334 .5 Softball PED 1XX
PED 335 .5 Volleyball PED 1XX
PED 401 .5 Fitness Activities for Women PED 1XX
PED 403 .5 Weight Training PED 1XX
PED 406 .5 Badminton PED 1XX
PED 420 .5 Racquetball PED 1XX
PED 424 .5 Tennis II PED 1XX
PED 435 .5 Volleyball PED 1XX
PED 502 .5 Tennis I PED 120
PED 512 .5 Golf I PED 154
PED 514 .5 Golf II PED 1XX
PED 519 .5 Self-Defense PED 1XX
PED 520 .5 Racquetball PED 1XX
PED 523 .5 Jogging PED 1XX
PED 524 .5 Tennis II PED 1XX
PED 527 .5 Social Dancing DNC 1XX
PED 530 .5 Basic Tap Dance DNC 1XX
PED 534 .5 Basic Jazz Dance DNC 1XX
PED 551 .5 Yoga PED 1XX
PED 600 1 Physical Education Through Athletics PED 1XX
PED 601 1 Adopted Physical Education I PED 1XX
PED 602 1 Adapted Physical Education II PED 1XX
PED 611 1 Fundamentals of Dance (Coed) DNC 1XX
PED 621 1 Stunts and Tumbling for Theatre THT 1XX
PED 622 1 Circus Arts PED 1XX
PED 634 1 Outdoor Living Wilderness, Canoeing and Camping REC 1XX
PED 636 1 Adventure Activities PED 181
PED 640 1 CPR & Basic Cardiac Life Support HLH 430
PED 657 1 Karate PED 1XX
PED 658 Karate II PED 1XX
PED 665 1 Basic Swimming & Rescue Technique I PED 189
PED 666 1 Basic Swimming & Rescue Technique II PED 1XX
PED 668 1 Water Safety Instructor (swimming classification test) PED 3XX


PHI 101 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHI 102 3 Contemporary Philosophy PHI 390
PHI 103 3 Critical Thinking PHI 110
PHI 104 3 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy PHI 201
PHI 105 3 Renaissance and Modern Philosophy PHI 202
PHI 106 Introduction to Ethics PHI 135
PHI 108 3 Black Social Philosophy PHI 270
PHI 110 3 Biomedical Ethics PHI 321
PHI 111 3 Business Ethics PHI 135
PHI 201 3 Ethics and Law Enforcement PHI 340
PHI 203 3 Philosophy of Art PHI 2XX
PHI 204 3 Philosophy of Religion PHI 2XX
PHI 208 3 Asian Philosophy and Religion PHI 2XX


PHY 101 4 General Physics I PHY 105
PHY 102 4 General Physics II PHY 106
PHY 110 4 Physics for Electronic Technology PHY 1XX
PHY 120 Physics for Educators PHY 1XX
PHY 122 4 Engineering Physics I PHY 1XX
PHY 123 4 Engineering Physics II PHY 203
PHY 151 4 Physics Science and Mathematics I PHY 201
PHY 152 4 Physics Science and Mathematics II PHY 202
PHY 222 4 Electricity and Magnetism PHY 450
PHY 223 3 Introduction to Modern Physics PHY 410

Political Science

POL 101 3 Government and Politics in the Modern World POL 101
POL 111 3 Nassau County: History and Government POL 1XX
POL 205 3 American National Government POL 100
POL 206 3 State and Local Government POL 326
POL 208 3 Introduction to Public Policy POL 240
POL 209 3 The United States Presidency POL 420
POL 210 3 The United States Congress POL 320
POL 260 3 International Relations POL 250
POL 261 3 Modern Political Ideologies POL 2XX


POR 101 3 Beginning Portuguese I FLR 101
POR 102 3 Beginning Portuguese II FLR 102

Security Administration

PSA 111 3 Introduction to Security GEN 1XX
PSA 121 3 Internal Security GEN 1XX
PSA 211 3 Administration & Control of Private Security Force GEN 2XX
PSA 224 3 Security and the Law LAS 2XX
PSA 231 3 Arson Investigation, Safety Management, OSHA HLH 393
PSA 241 3 Research in Crime and Security LAS 2XX


PSY 203 3 General Psychology I PSY 101
PSY 204 3 General Psychology II: Research Methods PSY 202
PSY 206 3 Educational Psychology PSY 332
PSY 207 3 Industrial Psychology PSY 342
PSY 212 3 Adolescent Psychology PSY 232
PSY 213 3 Child Development PSY 231
PSY 214 3 Adult Development PSY 334
PSY 215 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSY 216 Lifespan Human Development PSY 333
PSY 219 3 Psychology of Art LAS 2XX
PSY 220 3 Brain and Behavior PSY 2XX
PSY 235 3 Psychology of the Exceptional Child PSY 331 or SPE 270
PSY 240 3 Psychology of Human Adjustment LAS 2XX
PSY 241 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 490 4 Cooperative Education Internship CPV 400


RDG 101 3 Effective College Reading GEN 1XX
RDG 102 3 Speed Reading GEN 1XX
RDG 103 Reading the New Media GEN 1XX
RDG 104 News on the Net GEN 1XX

Retail Business Management

RET 107 3 Principles of Retailing MGT 1XX
RET 109 3 Visual Merchandising GEN 1XX
RET 111 3 Retail Merchandising GEN 1XX
RET 115 3 Textiles GEN 1XX
RET 119 3 Retail Buying GEN 1XX
RET 127 3 Foreign Buying GEN 1XX
RET 135 3 Contemporary Retailing GEN 1XX
RET 142 3 Field Training CPV 400


RUS 101 3 Beginning Russian I FLR 101
RUS 102 3 Beginning Russian II FLR 102
RUS 201 3 Intermediate Russian I FLR 201
RUS 202 3 Intermediate Russian II FLR 202

Physical Sciences

SCI 101 4 Exploring Basic Concepts in Science SCI 1XX
SCI 102 4 Material Science SCI 1XX
SCI 103 4 Physical Geology GLY 261
SCI 104 4 Historical Geology GLY 262
SCI 105 4 Solar System Astronomy SCI 1XX
SCI 106 4 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy PHY 155 or PHY 1XX
SCI 107 4 Meteorology GLY 371
SCI 108 4 Climatology SCI 1XX
SCI 109 4 Environmental Science EST 100
SCI 110 4 Environmental Resources EST 100
SCI 119 3 Oceanology GLY 397
SCI 120 4 Environmental Issues-Metropolitan New York SCI 1XX
SCI 141 3 Metascience SCI 1XX
SCI 150 Environmental Mapping SCI 1XX
SCI 203 4 Field Laboratory Geology GLY 2XX
SCI 209 3 Fundamentals of Environmental Safety and Health HLH 393


SOC 201 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SOC 202 3 American Society SOC 360
SOC 207 3 Sociology of Religion SOC 475
SOC 209 Race, Class Ethnicity SOC 230
SOC 210 3 Criminology SOC 463 or CRM 463
SOC 212 3 Social Problems SOC 2XX
SOC 214 3 Afro-American Culture LAS 2XX
SOC 215 3 Social Change SOC 2XX
SOC 216 3 Aging, Society and Culture SOC 220
SOC 219 3 African American Family SOC 2XX
SOC 220 3 Sociology of the Family SOC 470
SOC 222 3 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality SOC 401
SOC 225 3 Sociology of Health Care SOC 2XX


SPA 101 3 Beginning Spanish I SPA 101
SPA 102 3 Beginning Spanish II SPA 102
SPA 110 3 Spanish for Hotel Restaurant Technology LAS 1XX
SPA 121 3 Spanish for Law Enforcement Personnel LAS 1XX
SPA 201 3 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201
SPA 202 3 Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202
SPA 205 3 Intermediate Spanish for Bilingual Speakers I SPA 202
SPA 206 3 Intermediate Spanish for Bilingual Speakers II SPA 202
SPA 225 3 Spanish for Business LAS 1XX
SPA 251 3 Practical Spanish for Medical Personnel I LAS 1XX
SPA 252 3 Practical Spanish for Medical Personnel II LAS 1XX
SPA 301 3 Advanced Spanish I SPA 306
SPA 302 3 Advanced Spanish II SPA 307
SPA 401 3 Introduction to Spanish Literature I SPA 315
SPA 402 3 Introduction to Spanish Literature II SPA 317
SPA 403 3 Spanish American Literature I SPA 313
SPA 404 3 Spanish American Literature II SPA 422

Student Personnel Services

SPS 102 3 Career Development and Exploration GEN 1XX
SPS 111 3 Understanding Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction HLH 1XX
SPS 201 3 Perspectives on People with Disabilities GEN 2XX
SPS 202 3 Career Management GEN 2XX

Studio Recording Technology

SRT 101 3 Music Business I MUS 337
SRT 102 3 Music Business II MUS 1XX
SRT 103 3 Music Theory I MUS 111
SRT 104 3 Music Theory II MUS 1XX
SRT 105 6 Basic Studio Techniques MUS 1XX
SRT 106 6 Advanced Studio Techniques MUS 1XX
SRT 107 6 Studio Internship CPV 400


STA 110 3 Introduction to Statistical Research Design MAT 1XX

Telecommunication Technology

TCT 141 4 Telecommunications Circuits GEN 1XX
TCT 144 4 Digital Electronics for Telecommunications I PHY 1XX
TCT 151 4 Telecommunications I Voice GEN 1XX
TCT 252 4 Telecommunications II-Data GEN 2XX
TCT 253 4 Telecommunications III-LAS GEN 2XX
TCT 254 4 Telecommunications IV GEN 2XX


TNY 171 4 Telecommunications Circuits GEN 1XX
TNY 173 4 Telecommunications Electronics I PHY 1XX
TNY 174 4 Digital Electronics for Telecommunications I PHY 1XX
TNY 181 4 Telecommunications I Voice GEN 2XX
TNY 273 4 Telecommunications Electronics II PHY 2XX
TNY 275 4 Digital Electronics for Telecommunications II PHY 2XX
TNY 282 4 Telecommunications II GEN 2XX
TNY 283 4 Telecommunications III  GEN 2XX
TNY 284 4 Telecommunications IV GEN 2XX


THR 100 3 Theatre Appreciation THT 100
THR 101 3 Introduction to Theatre History I THT 161
THR 102 3 Introduction to Black Theatre in America THT 1XX
THR 103 3 Acting I THT 120
THR 104 3 Acting II THT 220
THR 107 3 Stagecraft THT 240
THR 108 3 Technical Production THT 341
THR 110 1 Movement for Theatre I THT 2XX
THR 113 3 Summer Theatre Workshop I THT 399
THR 115 1 Production and Performance THT 399
THR 116 1 Production & Performance THT 399
THR 117 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance THT 1XX
THR 118 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance THT 1XX
THR 119 1 Movement for Stage II THT 1XX
THR 120 1 Voice for Stage MUS 1XX
THR 201 3 Introduction to Theatre History II THT 1XX
THR 202 3 Lighting Design THT 3XX
THR 203 3 Scene Design THT 2XX
THR 207 3 Acting III THT 2XX
THR 208 3 Acting IV THT 2XX
THR 215 1 Production and Performance THT 399
THR 216 1 Production & Performance THT 399
THR 217 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance THT 2XX
THR 218 1 African American Theatre Ensemble, Rehearsal & Performance THT 2XX
THR 300 3 Shakespeare: Stage and Page THT 321

Women's Studies

WST 101 3 Introduction to Women’s Studies WGS 100
WST 110 3 The Goddess in World Religions LAS 1XX
WST 201 3 Women’s Issues in Global Context WGS 2XX