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SUNY Cortland “Green Days” Sprout During April

SUNY Cortland “Green Days” Sprout During April


Green Days, SUNY Cortland’s yearlong celebration of sustainability and environmental awareness, reaches its peak during April with a month of earth-friendly lectures, events and activities.

This year, the College, recognized nationally as a leader in sustainability, offers a full schedule of events and activities related to energy, sustainable living, the environment and similar topics throughout the month of April. Upcoming Green Days events include:

Event Series: Sunday, April 16 through Saturday, April 22, various locations

Climate-Friendly Eating Week

Sponsored by the Student Affairs Sustainability Committee, Health Promotion Office, ASC Dining, Green Reps, and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Participate in the climatefriendlycortland Instagram contest! Post a photo of a climate-friendly meal, a story of why you eat climate-friendly, a climate-friendly recipe, or a climate-friendly eating fact using #climatefriendlycortland and be sure to send it to healthycortland. Each time you do so by the end of Saturday, April 22, you'll be entered in a drawing to win one of two prizes. Second prize is a $25 ASC gift card and first prize is a new iPad Mini 2!

Presentation: Wednesday, April 19, noon, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge

Living a More Sustainable Lifestyle: The Rural and City Perspective

Matt Brubaker, Campus Energy Manager, SUNY Cortland
Beth Klein, Campus Sustainability Coordinator, SUNY Cortland

The speakers will discuss how they each are working to lead more sustainable lifestyles at home.  Klein will share living strategies she and her husband are using on their rural homestead, and Brubaker will share what his family does while living in the city of Syracuse.

Sponsored by the Sustainability Office

Event: Wednesday, April 19, lunchtime, Bistro

Bistro Live! Climate-Friendly Cooking Demonstration

Learn how to make vegetarian stir fry and talk with students about how to eat better, with the earth in mind.

Sponsored by ASC

Panel Discussion: Thursday, April 20, noon, Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge

Climate-Friendly Eating: A Panel of Students Discuss Eating with Climate Change in Mind

SUNY Cortland Green Reps 

Join some of the SUNY Cortland Green Reps, students who work to help the campus community live more sustainably, as they share what and how they are eating to help address climate change. 

Sponsored by the SUNY Cortland Green Rep Program

Event: Thursday, April 20, all day, Neubig Hall

Local and Climate-Friendly Food Choices

Choose from a menu of climate-friendly choices at lunch and dinner and learn more about the local food served by ASC and all of its New York state vendors. There will also be information about dining's composting program.

Sponsored by ASC

Event: Sunday, April 23, 8 a.m., Park Center Alumni Arena

The Big Event

Join hundreds of SUNY Cortland students as they spread out to community cleanup sites throughout the city of Cortland for this annual day of service.

Sponsored by the Student Government Association and Actively Involved in the Community

Event: Tuesday, April 25, Model Garden, between Memorial Library and the Education Building

Spring Planting

SUNY Cortland Gardening Advisory Committee

Students, faculty and staff will prepare the raised gardening beds and plant the seeds that will provide vegetables and herbs later this year.