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Speaker Reshaping Sex Assault Discussion

Speaker Reshaping Sex Assault Discussion


One in five women and one in 16 men will be victims of attempted sexual assault during their college careers.

That’s why since 2015, SUNY Cortland has been part of “It’s On Us,” a national awareness program aimed at ending sexual assaults on college campuses.

On Wednesday, Oct. 25, the College’s “It’s On Us” program will bring nationally recognized actor, writer and solo artist Tim Collins to campus to perform “The Script,” a one-man show intended to help re-shape the stigma of sexual assault. Collins, who has been a playwright and performer since 2001, has appeared on ABC News, Spectrum News and NPR.Tim_Collins_WEB

In "The Script," he plays four different male characters reacting to the sexual assault of a female classmate, exploring ideas of gender roles, social norms, decision-making and relationships. Collins’ multiple personas work to educate people on sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention and toxic masculinity.

The event, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in Sperry Center, Room 205, is free and open to the campus community. Part of an ongoing series of programs to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence, Collins’ performance is sponsored by SUNY Cortland’s Title IX office and the It’s On Us Action Team.

The “It’s On Us” campaign asks men and women across the United States to make a personal commitment to step off the sidelines and become part of the solution to stop campus sexual assault.

“It is important to normalize discussion around sexual violence so people feel comfortable to talk about it, get the comfort level to intervene when something is happening and report it when something has happened,” said SUNY Cortland’s Title IX coordinator, Nan Pasquarello.

Collins strives to relate to students in a unique and creative way so they will learn more about the issue and understand how they can be a part of the solution.

He has taken his educational one-man show across the country in a variety of venues.

A recipient of the Wallis Foundation Grant, Collins was a featured performer at the 24th national “Sharing the Fire” National Storytelling Conference and was nominated for a Kevin Kline Award. He was honored as “Best Solo Performance” in the second annual Dialogue ONE Solo Theater Festival in 2012 and, the following year, as “Best Educational Show” in the United Solo Theater Festival.

SUNY Cortland’s It’s On Us Action Team is comprised of students, faculty and staff who work to help students understand the notion of sexual violence as well as domestic violence and stalking.

“It is important to bring this message in many ways to as many people as possible every semester,” Pasquarello said.

“It will take everyone reframing the norms and doing their part to reshape our culture for the better.”

For more information, contact Pasquarello at 607-753-4550.

Prepared by Communications Office writing intern Navita Ramprasad