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Motivational speaker to discuss ‘Radical Empathy’

Motivational speaker to discuss ‘Radical Empathy’


The profound loss of his daughter led Bryan Saint-Louis to confront significant mental health challenges.

But he developed practical strategies that empowered him to regain control of his mind’s well-being.

Out of his despair came the concept of empathy in action, or “radical empathy, not just thought,” which he will discuss on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at SUNY Cortland.

His talk, titled “Leadership with Empathy,” will begin at 7 p.m. in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge. The event, which continues the semester’s ongoing Conley Wellness Wednesday series at the university, is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

For the complete listing of series this semester, visit Health Promotion.

“Radical Empathy is more than just a strategy; it’s a game changer,” Saint-Louis said. “It’s a lifesaver.”

A national motivational speaker for more than a decade on a variety of topics including mental health, youth development, empowerment and leadership, Saint-Louis will offer practical advice on how to be a leader.

Having served as a teacher, principal, pastor, and community leader, Saint-Louis empowers young adults wherever he goes to live their best, authentic lives. He also advises educators on establishing environments that promote mental health and creativity in their students.

This summer Saint-Louis, who has a YouTube video of his work, gave his seminars in Europe and Asia.

For more information, contact Health Educator Lauren Scagnelli ’12 M ’14, CHES at 607-753-2066.