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Gender Inclusive Restrooms

SUNY Cortland is committed to the safety and well-being of all community members. As a campus we want to ensure that there are restrooms that can be used by anyone of any gender identity or expression. Signage on single-use restrooms describes the facilities contained within, not the gender of the people that can use them.

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Alger Hall
Single Use

Room 106 - in the Recreation Lounge on Main floor to the left

Bishop Hall
Single Use

Room 102 - in the Main Entrance Lobby

Bowers Hall
Single Use

Ground floor – Room 20 – across from Geology Department Chair Office
2nd floor – Room 220 - Across from Biological Sciences

Brockway Hall
Single Use

Two restrooms in Hilltop Dining Area

Casey Tower
Single Use

They are all located down the main hallway and back hallway, across from the faculty apartment
Room 116
Room 118
Room 120
Room 121
Room 130

Cheney Hall
Single Use

Main lobby on each floor except ground floor

Clark Hall
Single Use

Main entrance lobby

Corey Union
Single Use

Ground floor – around the corner from Union Station

Cornish-Van Hoesen
Single Use

B-wing first floor - across from Room 134

DeGroat Hall
Single Use

Basement level across from Room B014
Third floor across from rooms 303 and 331

Dowd Fine Arts
Single Use

119 sub A (inside green room)
Next to room 228
Next to room 213

Dragon Hall
Single Use

Rooms 8A and 8C in the main entrance lobby

Fitzgerald Hall
Single Use

Main entrance lobby

Glass Tower
Single Use

There are two next door to the recreation lounge and RHD office on the first floor

Hayes Hall
Single Use

Room 102 - in the main entrance lobby

Hendrick Hall
Single Use

Room 115 - next to the vending machines on the first floor

Higgins Hall
Single Use

Room 102 - in the main lobby to the left of the staff office

Memorial Library
Single Use

Second floor - where library staff offices are located (room B215)

Miller Building
Single Use

Third floor across from room 314

Moffett Center
Single Use

Ground floor, room 002

Old Main
Single Use

Basement floor (room B19)

Park Center
Single Use

Across from room 1120 #1
Across from room 1120 #2
Across from room 2123 #1
Across from room 2123 #2

Professional Studies Building
Single Use

Second floor – in the Communications Disorder Office
Next to janitor's closet room 2297A
Across from room2209

Randall Hall
Single Use

One on each side of every floor

Service Group
Single Use

Before the Service Group conference room
Off the Service Group break room

Shea Hall
Single Use

None at this time

Sperry Center
Single Use

Potential location to be determined

Student Life Center
All Gender/Family Locker Rooms

Across from Wood Court gym

Whitaker Hall
Single Use

Off the main entrance to the left of Parking Operations

As a reminder, New York State Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. We have a responsibility to uphold the rights of individuals to use the gender-specific restroom that matches their own gender identity.

Non-Discrimination Statement