Integrated Studies [BS_IGS]
The Integrated Studies degree is an online program for students and professionals looking to finish their bachelor’s degree, with a particular focus on professional skills, knowledge, and perspectives. This program maximizes transfer credit and allows students to use their existing work experience towards the degree. Students will gain knowledge and applicable skills in communication, collaboration, technology, critical thinking, and reflection that will benefit their professional journey.
Residency requirement: Thirty credits of coursework must be taken at SUNY Cortland.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to work with others and collaborate effectively
- Communicate professionally and effectively with both verbal and written
- Demonstrate knowledge of commonly used applied technology and how to utilize technology relevant to professional work and goals.
- Evaluate evidence and interpret research from different types of
- Articulate self-awareness and reflection on strengths and interests, goal setting, and learning styles (metacognition)
- Explain the role of values and ethics in the workplace
- Apply principles and issues of equity and inclusion to professional
- Describe different models of organizations and leadership and how that applies to their professional
A. Integrated Studies Core: 19 credit hours
- IGS 300 - Introduction to Integrated Studies (1 cr. hr.)
- IGS 325 - Computer Applications for Professional Effectiveness (3 cr. hr.)
- IGS 330 - The Nature of Inquiry (3 cr. hr.)
- IGS 340 - Professional Communication (3 cr. hr.) (Fulfills: WI, PRES, GECP)
- IGS 400 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace (3 cr. hr.)
- IGS 425 - Leadership, Ethics and Decision-Making (3 cr. hr.)
- IGS 480 - Integrated Studies Senior Seminar (3 cr. hr.) (Fulfills: PRES, GECP)
B. Major Elective: 2 credit hours minimum
At least 2 credit hours of coursework at the 300 level or above.
Chosen in consultation with advisor based on goals.
C. Applied Learning Experience: 9 credit hours
Credits can be earned as follows: Internship
Independent Study Undergraduate Research
CPV 400 - Cooperative Education (1-16 cr. hr.)
D. General Education and College Requirements: Variable credits
See Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
See General Education; Presentation Skills Requirement; Writing Intensive All degrees require 45 credit hours at the upper division level
Transfer credits can be earned as follows:
- up to 64 credits from 2-year institution
- up to 90 credits from 4-year institution
E. Free Electives: Variable credits
Select courses to reach 120 total credit hours
Total Credit Hours Required for Graduation: 120