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Health Department

SUNY Cortland’s health program will prepare you for a variety of health professions or for admission into advanced degree programs. It is designed to help you develop the skills and background that employers and graduate schools seek.

Our graduates make their careers in a wide range of settings, including county health departments, hospitals and other health care facilities, community health organizations, corporate and private wellness facilities and environmental agencies.

If working in public schools interests you, a major in health education might be good for you. You can even student teach in Australia.

You may take courses abroad to partially fulfill your degree requirements. The University of North London, England, offers 15 credit hours and is open to second-semester sophomores, juniors and seniors. Internships are also available in Belize, Africa or Australia.

Our programs will support you in  becoming a high quality health professional and a positive contributor to your community.

Certified Health Education Specialist

The National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC) offers health education professionals the opportunity to reaffirm the skills and knowledge already obtained through their health science or health education degrees by becoming a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).

The CHES test is offered twice yearly. The Health Department at the State University of New York College at Cortland recommends and encourages all health majors to research this national credentialing process to enhance their resumes and to show prospective employers their commitment to the health education profession

For further information, contact The National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, INC., 944 Marcon Boulevard, Suite 310, Allentown, PA 18103

The Healthcare Management Student Association was established in the fall semester of 2020 to provide a vehicle for students to develop personally and professional in the healthcare management field. Additionally, this organization serves as a forum for educational growth, networking, and dialogue with healthcare organizations, the community, faculty, students and other campus groups. The association goals include: 1) Educational and ethical development 2) Providing a forum for dialogue and 3) Enhancing academic and career opportunities.


College education transformed former inmate

March 25, 2025
Richard Rivera learned hard lessons from incarceration but also earned a college degree.

School of Professional Studies names new dean

Feb. 25, 2025
Professor Katherine Polasek, chair of the Kinesiology Department, begins her duties in July.

Conley Wellness Wednesday series begins Jan. 29

Jan. 23, 2025
Events through April 23 focus on approaches to keeping mind and body healthy in college.

Trivia game deals with serious topic

Oct. 12, 2024
National speaker Marissa Cohen will share information on healthy relationships on Oct. 23.

A safe space to debate safe spaces

Sept. 24, 2024
A community talk will examine the benefits and problems of trigger warnings and safe spaces while modeling how to discuss issues without drama. 


Eta Sigma Gamma Kappa

The Eta Sigma Gamma Kappa chapter of the State University of New York College at Cortland takes great pride in being one of the first chapters established. We began in 1973 and have maintained an active chapter over the years with the support of dedicated faculty and student leadership.

Healthcare Management Student Association

The Healthcare Management Student Association was established in the fall semester of 2020 to provide a vehicle for students to develop personally and professional in the healthcare management field. Additionally, this organization serves as a forum for educational growth, networking, and dialogue with healthcare organizations, the community, faculty, students and other campus groups.