List of Offices

List of Offices

The offices and persons below can provide information and services to you as an undergraduate student in an education program. Please note that most campus office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Contact Information

Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Jerome O’Callaghan

Old Main, 125

(607) 753-4314

Adolescence English Education Programs,

Coordinator: Codruta Temple

Old Main, 225-F

(607) 753-2022

Counseling Center

Van Hoesen Hall, B-44

(607) 753-4728

English Department:

Chair: Matthew Lessig

Secretary: Molly McGowan

Old Main, 112

(607) 753-2071

(607) 753-4307          

(607) 753-4308

Field Experience and School Partnerships Office

Director: Mary Reagan

Education Building, 1105

(607) 753-4359     

Financial Aid Office

Miller Building, 205

(607) 753-4717

Registrar's Office

Miller Building, 223

(607) 753-4702

Transfer Credit Coordinator

Miller Building, 106

(607) 753-5425

Additional Offices Offering Teacher Education Services



Contact Information
Credentials and Fingerprinting

Career Services

Van Hoesen, B-5,

(607) 753-4715

Field Experience and School Partnerships Office

DASA, CARR and SAVE Workshops

Dignity for All Students ACT (DASA)

Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE)

Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (CARR)

Education Building, 1105   

(607) 753-2824   


Career Services     

New York State Teacher Certification Exams

edTPA: Teacher Performance Assessment Portfolio

EAS: Educating All Students Test

ALST: Academic Literacy Skills Test

CST: Content Specialty Test


Van Hoesen, B-5    

(607) 753-4715


Registrar’s Office 

Information on Teacher Certification at SUNY Cortland (applications, information, etc.)

Miller Building, 223  

(607) 753-4702

An educated man is one who can entertain a new idea, entertain another person, and entertain himself [or herself].     Sydney Wood