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Classified staff recognized for years of service

Classified staff recognized for years of service


The Human Resources Office has announced that amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, the university will still be recognizing our classified staff and Research Foundation employees who have met milestone years of service with SUNY Cortland. The 2020 Annual Service Awards Ceremony will not be held this year but recognition will still be given in the following ways:

  • The milestone award
  • A certificate for “years of service”
  • Recognition in the Bulletin publication

As plans for the 2021 ceremony are being made, they will look to recognize these recipients in person at that time as well. Please take the time to congratulate our awardees, and thank them for their dedication and commitment to SUNY Cortland.

2020 Service Awards Awardees


*Julie LaPlant, Kinesiology Department


Betsy Kulis, Migrant Education Tutorial Services (Research Foundation)


*Judah Currie, Maintenance

Mary Murphy, University Police Department

Michael Zhe, Motor Pool


Dawn Bulmer, Payroll Office


Connal Carr, Maintenance

*Bradley Holl, Mail Services/Central Warehouse

Nancy Kuklis, Admissions Office

Kathy McCracken, Custodial Services

Richard Metcalf, Maintenance

Phillip Miller, Service Group

Kerry Mincher, Student Affairs

Anthony Petrella, Custodial Services

Russell Scott, Duplicating Center

Nadia Snell, Student Accounts Office

Joanna Tobias, Administrative Computing

*Debra Whitney, Library  


Karen Diescher, Child Care Center (Research Foundation)

Nancy Hartford, Custodial Services

Greg McCartney, Maintenance

Jeremiah Rawson, Maintenance

Michelle Ryan, Custodial Services

Julie Simser, Geography and Philosophy

Marthajane Warren, Student Health Services

Anna Wilcox, Foundations and Social Advocacy


Marilyn Jones, Advisement and Transition

Stacy Alexander, University Police Department

Christopher Austen, University Police Department

Elizabeth Mokos, Custodial Services

Lisa Walker, Campus Technology Services

Ann Lang, Library

Heidi Johnson, Admissions Office

*Retired in 2020