News Detail

Each year, the SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services’ board of directors allocates funds to support grants for a wide range of purposes and projects that enhance the life of the SUNY Cortland community.

The  board of directors approved the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Program Grant allocations.

Following is a list of grants funded by SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services that includes the project name and amount received:

11th Annual Student Conference on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice,  $2,000

2022 Blackbird Film Festival, $8,500

Athletic Leadership Speaker Series, $500

Body Appreciation Week 2022, $1,500

Brooks Museum Lecture Series, $5,000

CALS Broadway/Local Trips, $1,500

CALS Lecture Grant Program, $8,500

CALS Performing Arts Series, $8,500

COR 101 TA Recognition and Poster Symposium, $400

Cortland Bike Project, $2,000

Cortland Nites, $15,000

Distinguished Voices in Literature (3-6 events over the academic year), $2,000

Education Panel and Networking Event (formerly Interviewing for Educators), $1,000

EOP Awards dinner, $2,000

EOP Chi Alpha Ceremony, $1,000

EOP Summer Institute, $5,000

Family Weekend 2021, $2,000

Greek Life, $500

Leadership Programs, $2,200

Literacy as a Change Agent for Equitable Education (formerly Informed Literacy Strategy Instruction), $2,000

Making History: Orienting History Majors to the Discipline and Department at Camp Huntington, $1,750

Metcalf Endowment Offset Costs of RPLS Van, $2,000

MLDO Peer2Peer Mentor Program Retreat, $1,500

National Transfer Student Week - Transfer Recognition and Appreciation, $1,000

Non-Traditional Student Support and Awareness, $1,000

Opening Weekend Sexual Assault Prevention Speaker, $1,500

PAWS for Stress Relief, $1,500

Promoting Personal Growth and Global Awareness for SUNY Cortland Students, $10,000

SUNY Cortland Entrepreneurship Center, $3,000

The Virginia Levine Second Language Educators' Conference: A Conference for Second Language Teachers and Teachers in Training, $1,600

TransAction - Louis Larson Lecture Series, $2,500

Encountering Ancient Literacy Artifacts, $1,000

Artist Talks: "Severance"/ Sam Van Aken and Jack Elliott, $550