News Detail

Twenty-three SUNY Cortland students were inducted into Psi Chi, the international honorary in psychology, on April 22.

The initiates for this year are Esosa Aideyan, Ellen Beckwith, Stefania Buta, Kayla Cargen, Lauren Crandall, Dakota Daniel, Sean Denicola, Gabriella Fiore, Kelly Foran, Cheyeene Gaffney, Kaitlyn Gilmore, Aaron Klein, Lindsey LeClair, Melissa Lepkowski, Jessica Livornese, Kaleigh Richer, Emily Rogers, Kayla Ross, Kristin Spedden, Kaeley Spicer, Michael Staversky, Elizabeth Toal and Jackson Young.

Psychology Department Chair Judith Ouellette is the faculty advisor to the local chapter.