News Detail

The Student Conduct Office is seeking new faculty, staff and student justices for the 2012-13 academic year.

As voluntary justices, members of the panel sit in on student hearings regarding alleged violations of the College’s Code of Student Conduct. Justices review evidence, listen to testimony and ultimately decide whether a student has broken a policy. If the panel finds the student in violation of a policy, the justices decide what educational sanctions to be imposed.

“I love being a student justice,” said Kelsey Baylinson, chief student justice.

“Although the office is there to enforce the educational philosophy of the College, people tend to look at the Student Conduct Office with a negative view,” she said. “But many of the students who are referred to us learn from their mistakes and get on the successful path to graduation.

“I enjoy working with other students and faculty in trying to resolve the hearings,” said Baylinson, a biological science major from Rensselaer, N.Y. “I've learned the art of asking open-ended questions and how to work better with others while communicating my own thoughts. 

“I've made so many great connections by being a student justice. I encourage people in all fields of study to apply for the position because it is a great learning experience,” Baylinson said. 

Initial training begins each fall and justices serve three to four hearings throughout the semester. Students commit to attend mandatory monthly training sessions and may earn one credit per semester serving as a justice. 

Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate colleagues or students to become a justice. The nomination, application and recommendation forms are available on the Student Conduct website at by clicking on the leadership opportunities link. Forms also are available in the Student Conduct Office, Corey Union, Room 409-B. 

Applications are due on Wednesday, Feb. 29, no later than 4 p.m. Interviews will be scheduled after the College’s Spring Break. For more information, contact Amanda Anderson at (607) 753-4725 or