Faculty/Staff Detail

Terrence Fitzgerald, Biological Sciences Department, is the author of a paper titled “Temporal and Spatial Foraging Behavior of the Larvae of the Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea” appearing in the current issue of the entomological journal Psyche. Also, he is the coauthor with Alfonso Pescador-Rubio of the keynote talk “Historia natural de Cactoblastis cactorum: intervenci?n en los mecanismos de Comunicaci?n Larval y uso potencial en el control sus problaciones,” presented by Pescador-Rubio, the current president of the Mexican Entomological Society, at the Congreso Nacional de Entomología held in Acapulco, Mexico. The presentation focused on an eco-rational approach to managing the invasive caterpillar based on the use of pheromone disruptors identified and synthesized by SUNY Cortland students directed by Frank Rossi of the Chemistry Department.