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John C. Hartsock

John C. Hartsock, Communication Studies Department, has had one of his award-winning books accepted for publication in Chinese by Fudan University Press in China. A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a Modern Narrative Form, is expected to be published in Mandarin later this year. Translated by Li Mei, professor of journalism at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou (Canton), the book was the recipient of the two leading American awards for the history of journalism and mass communication from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and the American Journalism Historians Association. The book was originally published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2000. It is the first history of the journalistic genre of literary journalism in the United States, and has also been published in Romanian. Fudan University Press is widely regarded as one of the leading academic presses in China. Fudan University is located in Shanghai.

In other news, Hartsock was the subject of a question-and-answer article in the May issue of the journal Mass Communication Historiography. The journal is publishing interviews in each issue of recipients of major awards in the field of journalism and mass communication history. The interviews focus on historical methodologies used by the recipients.

Also, Hartsock participated in an interview in April with Polina Popova, a graduate student in journalism at St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg, Russia. The interview focused on Russian analogues to American literary journalism. Hartsock lectured on American literary journalism at St. Petersburg State University last November.