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Peter McGinnis

Peter McGinnis, Kinesiology Department, accompanied two graduate students who presented at the “Research That Matters: An Exposition of Graduate Research in SUNY and CUNY” on March 8 at the Legislative Office Building in Albany, N.Y. Hobit LaFaye, master’s degree candidate in outdoor and environmental education in the Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department, presented “Creating Cultural Change through Heritage Interpretation and the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Project Promoting the Safety and Use of Bicycling for Transportation.” Her faculty sponsor is Edward Hill, Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies Department. Katherine Clancy, master’s degree candidate in exercise science, Kinesiology Department, will discuss “Comparison of Lumbar Spine Loads During Back and Front Squats. Her faculty sponsors are Kinesiology Department faculty members McGinnis, Joy Hendrick and Wendy Hurley.