Faculty/Staff Detail

Danielle Candelora and Gigi Peterson, History Department, and students majoring in history and social studies, presented the History Department’s 2021 “Love Your Major” events on March 24 via Webex.

First, students from Peterson’s Teaching Secondary Social Studies class offered informative sessions on “Hidden Knowledge,” which required finding key campus information and resources, “Advising Advice,” “Connecting and Exploring,” introducing activities, clubs, and more, and “Student Power,” student government and civic engagement. Professors Candelora, Amy Schutt, History Department, and John Suarez, Institute for Civic Engagement, assisted. The History Department hopes to make the recordings available for future access, as part of a virtual “Survive and Thrive” guide by adolescence education 300-level students.

Later, a panel of students, faculty and alumna Claire Leggett provided insights about “Looking Ahead” to graduate study, study abroad and careers. Organized by Peterson, the panel featured history faculty members Leggett, Candelora, Bekeh Ukelina and Laura Gathagan and senior Sophia Hall.

The evening’s finale was run by the History Club. Led by President Sophia Hall, participants speculated about varied scenarios from the past and choices they would make in an entertaining game of “Would you Rather.” Students and faculty, including the club’s advisor Candelora, joined in the fun.