Faculty/Staff Detail

Bonni C. Hodges, Donna Videto, Alexis Blavos and Page Dobbs, Health Department, along with community health seniors Jerrell DeCaille, Brenna Taggerty and Maddison Terrillion, represented SUNY Cortland at the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) annual meeting held April 4 to 6 in Columbus, Ohio.

  • Hodges and Videto presented their work on fostering school district and community agency collaborations.
  • Hodges, Videto and Blavos presented their preliminary work in creating a framework for college health promotion.
  • Blavos presented two pieces of her work related to advocacy and health communication.
  • Dobbs presented two pieces of her work on college student substance use; one on e-cigarette use and the other on driving while under the influence of marijuana.
  • Students DeCaille, Taggerty and Terrillion, all Eta Sigma Gamma members, were selected to compete as a team in the annual public health case study competition.