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Columbia-Greene Community College

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies – Columbia-Greene Community College


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

Columbia-Greene Course Course Title (Columbia) SUNY Cortland


AC 101 3 Financial Accounting MGT 254
AC 102 3 Managerial Accounting MGT 255

Allied Health

AH 105 3 Introduction to Eastern Anatomy and Physiology LAS 1XX


AN 102 3 Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
AN 105 3 Introduction to Native American Studies ANT 1XX


AR 104 3 Basic Painting ATS 103
AR 106 3 Ceramics I ATS 104
AR 107 3 Visual Arts 2-D ATS 102
AR 108 3 Visual Arts 3-D ATS 106
AR 113 3 Sculpture I ATS 106
AR 116 3 Art History: Pre-History to the 14th Century ATH 121
AR 117 3 Art History: 14th Century to the Present ATH 122
AR 118 Figure Drawing ATS 314
AR 119 3 Basic Drawing ATS 101
AR 124 3 Figures in Clay ATS 1XX
AR 125H 3 HNRS: Understanding Visual Arts ATH 1XX
AR 128 1 Fundamentals of Figure Drawing ATS 1XX
AR 135 3 Digital Photography ATS 1XX
AR 140 3 Computer Graphics ATS 1XX
AR 145 3 Motion Graphics ATS 1XX
AR 205 3 3D Graphics and Animation ATS 2XX
AR 206 3 Ceramics Sculpture ATS 204
AR 218 2 Fine Arts Seminar ATS 2XX
AR 240 3 Digital Imagery ATS 2XX
AR 245 3 Web Page Design CAP 2XX 
AR 250 3 Art for Game Design  ATS 2XX


AU 117 4 Gas and Diesel Engines GEN 1XX
AU 128 4 Introduction to Automotive Repair GEN 1XX
AU 129 3 Basic Heating, Vent and Air Conditioning GEN 1XX
AU 130 4 Basic Steering, Suspension and Brakes GEN 1XX
AU 131 2 Work-Study I CPV 400
AU 132 4 Electricity and Electronics PHY 1XX
AU 134 6 Engine Performance GEN 1XX
AU 203 4 Advanced Automotive Operations GEN 1XX
AU 211 4 Manual Transmissions and Drivelines GEN 2XX
AU 212 4 Automotive Diagnostics GEN 2XX
AU 213 4 Automotive Transmissions and Transaxles GEN 2XX
AU 215 3 Body Electrical and Electronics GEN 2XX
AU 231 3 Work-Study II CPV 400


BI 101 4 General Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BI 102 4 General Biology II BIO 111/BIO 113 or BIO 202
BI 103 4 General Ecology BIO 1XX
BI 112 3 Human Biology I SCI 1XX
BI 113 4 Environmental Studies EST 100
BI 119 3 River Ecology SCI 1XX
BI 125 4 Plant Identification BIO 1XX
BI 128 3 Bird Study BIO 1XX
BI 130 4 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BI 131 4 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 302
BI 134 3 Myology and Kinesiology I BIO 1XX
BI 135 3 Myology and Kinesiology II BIO 1XX
BI 140 4 Biodiversity BIO 1XX
BI 203 4 Dendrology BIO 2XX
BI 209 3 Contemporary Environmental Issues EST 2XX
BI 210 4 General Microbiology BIO 303 or BIO 304
BI 212 3 Nutrition HLH 232 or HLH 323
BI 214 4 Advanced Microbiological Lab Techniques BIO 3XX
BI 234 4 Neurology SCI 2XX


BU 103 3 Foundations of Business MGT 250
BU 104 3 Human Resource Management MGT 385
BU 105 3 Business Communications COM 1XX
BU 107 3 Business Law I MGT 265
BU 108 3 Business Law II MGT 1XX
BU 112 3 Foundations of Sport Management SPM 175
BU 113 3 Small Business Management MGT 1XX
BU 116 3 Quick Books GEN 1XX
BU 125 3 Medical Office Procedures GEN 1XX
BU 126 3 Medical Billing GEN 1XX
BU 128 3 Advanced Medical Billing GEN 1XX
BU 129 3 Medical Terminology EXS 344
BU 130 3 Introduction to E-Commerce MGT 1XX
BU 132 3 Medical Coding GEN 1XX
BU 141 3 Microsoft Word CAP 1XX
BU 145 3 Administrative Office Management GEN 1XX
BU 150 3 Financial Planning GEN 1XX
BU 203 3 International Business MGT 2XX
BU 211 3 Supervised Business Experience CPV 400
BU 214 3 Medical Transcription GEN 2XX
BU 220 3 Business Ethics LAS 2XX
BU 230 3 Management MGT 250

Chemical Dependency

CD 207 3 Psychology of Co-Dependency HLH 2XX


CH 101 4 General Chemistry I CHE 227 and CHE 277
CH 102 4 General Chemistry II CHE 228 and CHE 278
CH 105 4 Introductory Chemistry CHE 125
CH 201 4 Organic Chemistry I CHE 301 or CHE 300 and CHE 303
CH 202 4 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302 and CHE 304

College Experience

CE 101 1 College Experience COR 101

Criminal Justice

CJ 102 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRM 303 or POL 303
CJ 114 3 Corrections CRM 464 or SOC 464
CJ 115 3 American Policing CRM 1XX
CJ 135 3 Cyber Crime Investigations GEN 1XX 
CJ 141 3 Public Security GEN 1XX 
CJ 120 3 Security GEN 1XX
CJ 201 3 Criminal Justice Administration CRM 333 or SOC 333
CJ 204 3 Criminal Investigation GEN 1XX
CJ 205 3 Crime Mapping & Analysis CAP 2XX
CJ 211 3 Substantive Criminal Law CRM 377 or SOC 377
CJ 212 3 Procedural Criminal Law CRM 2XX
CJ 243 3 Criminal Justice Ethics CRM 2XX
CJ 295 3 Criminal Justice Field Study I CPV 400
CJ 296 3 Criminal Justice Field Study II CPV 400
CJ 297 3 National Criminal Justice Study GEN 2XX


CO 102 3 Interpersonal Communication COM 300
CO 104 3 Public Communication COM 210
CO 106 3 Introduction to Film CIN 1XX
CO 115 3 Introduction to Journalism COM 203
CO 120 3 Foundations of Contemporary Communication COM 100
CO 205 3 Intercultural Communication COM 302
CO 207 3 Media and Society COM 301

Career Planning   

CP 102 3 Career Planning GEN 1XX
CP 112 2 Career Experience Field Study GEN 1XX
CP 113 1 Career Experience Field Study CPV 400
CP 114 3 Career Experience Field Study CPV 400

Computer Information

CI 101 3 Computer Essentials CAP 100 or CAP 1XX
CI 105 3 Computer Applications CAP 100 or CAP 1XX
CI 110 3 Advanced Computer Applications CAP 100 or CAP 1XX
CI 141 3 Desktop Publishing CAP 236
CI 150 3 Excel CAP 1XX

Computer Science

CS 116 3 Contemporary Computer Concepts CAP 104
CS 125 3 Web Page Authoring CAP 238
CS 134 4 Computer and Informatics Science I CAP 1XX
CS 154 3 Java Programming CAP 1XX
CS 156 3 Networking Essentials CAP 220
CS 160 3 Visual Basics CAP 204
CS 190 3 Web Graphics Using Flash CAP 238
CS 203 3 Database Concepts CAP 350
CS 205 3 Systems Analysis CAP 2XX
CS 211 3 PC Computer Hardware CAP 2XX
CS 214 4 File Processing with Cobol CAP 2XX
CS 216 3 Linux Operating Environments CAP 2XX 
CS 227 3 Introduction to Network Administration CAP 2XX 
CS 230 3 Windows Desktop/Server CAP 2XX
CS 235 3 Network Security CAP 320 
CS 240 3 Web Site Management CAP 2XX
CS 241 3 Computer Forensics CAP 2XX
CS 256 4 Computer Science II CAP 2XX


DA 101 3 Dance I DNC 101 or PED 288
DA 102 3 Dance II DNC 1XX


EC 101 3 Macroeconomics ECO 110
EC 102 3 Microeconomics ECO 111
EC 104 3 Consumer Economics ECO 1XX


ED 101 3 Education in America

EDU 270

ED 104 1 Education Fieldwork I ECE 1XX
ED 110 3 Education of Diverse Populations EDU 270 or EDU 1XX
ED 114 1 Education Fieldwork II ECE 1XX


EN 101 3 Composition CPN 100
EN 102 OR 102H 3 Composition and Literature CPN 101
EN 201 3 American Literature Colonial – 1899 ENG 325
EN 202 3 Major American Writers ENG 2XX
EN 204 3 American Literature: 1900 to Present ENG 326
EN 205 3 English Literature ENG 355
EN 207 3 Literary Classics ENG 221
EN 211 3 Creative Writing ENG 2XX or PWR 2XX
EN 213 3 Advanced Writing/Training for Writing Tutors PWR 2XX
EN 215 3 African-American Literature ENG 251
EN 216 3 Women in Literature ENG 261
EN 230 3 Drama ENG 204
EN 232 3 Short Stories ENG 202
EN 234 3 Novels ENG 202
EN 235 3 Latin American Literature ENG 2XX
EN 236 3 Poetry ENG 203
EN 237 3 Modern Fiction ENG 202
EN 238 3 Literature by Women ENG 2XX


FR 101 3 French I FRE 101
FR 102 3 French II FRE 102
FR 201 3 French III FRE 201
FR 202 3 French IV FRE 202


GE 101 4 Physical Geology GLY 261
GE 110 4 Geology of the Colorado Plateau GLY 1XX


HE 103 3 Critical Issues in Health HLH 110 or HLH 200
HE 104 3 Nutrition and Wellness HLH 323
HE 105 3 Principles of Fitness HLH 210 or PED 282
HE 107 1 Wilderness and Remote First Aid HLH 1XX
HE 201 3 First Aid and Safety

HLH 120 or HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)


HI 101 3 Western Civilization 5000 BC to 1700 AD HIS 110
HI 102 3 Western Civilization 1700 to the Present HIS 111
HI 103 OR 103H 3 United States History 1492 to 1865 HIS 200
HI 104 OR 104H 3 United States History 1865 to the Present HIS 201
HI 108 3 History of the Hudson Valley HIS 1XX
HI 109 3 Historical and Social Impact of the Automobile HIS 1XX
HI 114 3 World History I HIS 100
HI 115 3 World History II HIS 101
HI 120 3 History of the Modern Middle East HIS 3XX
HI 125 United States Environmental History HIS 1XX
HI 127 History of Latin America HIS 1XX
HI 209 3 Europe in the Twentieth Century HIS 348
HI 217 3 History of South Africa HIS 431
HI 218 3 Greece and Rome HIS 2XX
HI 219 3 Women in United States History HIS 317
HI 220 3 History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict HIS 461
HI 221 American Civil War HIS 2XX
HI 265 3 History of Modern China HIS 384
HI 266 3 History of Japan HIS 385

Human Services

HS 103 3 Introduction to Human Services HUS 100
HS 105 3 Interventions in Human Services HUS 1XX
HS 110 3 Interviewing Techniques HUS 1XX
HS 212 3 Community Organizing HUS 2XX
HS 230 4 Human Services Internship I CPV 400


HU 113 3 World Mythology ENG 280
HU 203 3 Children’s Literature ENG 373


IT 101 3 Italian I ITA 101
IT 102 3 Italian II ITA 102
IT 201 3 Italian III ITA 201
IT 202 3 Italian IV ITA 202


MA 100 3 Elementary Algebra MAT 1XX
MA 101 3 Survey of Mathematics MAT 1XX
MA 102 3 Statistics MAT 201
MA 103 3 Business Mathematics LAS 1XX
MA 104 3 Finite Mathematics MAT 1XX
MA 105 3 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers MAT 101
MA 108 3 Technical Mathematics MAT 111
MA 110 4 College Algebra MAT 111
MA 111 4 Precalculus Mathematics MAT 115
MA 112 3 Calculus for Business MAT 121
MA 113 3 Statistics for Behavioral Science MAT 201
MA 122 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MA 123 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MA 222 4 Calculus III MAT 237
MA 223 3 Linear Algebra MAT 272
MA 224 4 Differential Equations MAT 336


MK 101 3 Principles of Marketing MGT 253

Massage Therapy

MT 101 4 Western Massage I GEN 1XX
MT 102 2 Western Massage II GEN 1XX
MT 110 2 Eastern Massage GEN 1XX
MT 201 4 Western Medical Massage GEN 2XX
MT 210 4 Eastern Medical Massage GEN 2XX
MT 220 2 Massage Clinical I GEN 2XX
MT 222 2 Massage Clinical II GEN 2XX
MT 230 3 Massage Seminar GEN 2XX
MT 245 2 Advanced Topics in Massage Therapy GEN 2XX


MU 101 3 Introduction to Music MUS 100
MU 103 3 History of Jazz MUS 332
MU 104 3 History of Rock Music MUS 1XX



General Elective Credit

Physical Education

PE 103 3 Foundations of Physical Education EXS 197
PE 104 3 Coaching Theory EXS 230
PE 111 1 Outdoor Activities PED 181 or REC 101
PE 112 1 Canoeing/Kayaking REC 103 or REC 104
PE 116 1 Self-Defense and Anti-Violence Education PED 384
PE 118 1 Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement PED 1XX
PE 151 1 Indoor Soccer PED 1XX
PE 162 1 Aerobic Fitness PED 1XX
PE 182 1 Cross-Country Skiing REC 108
PE 184 1 Recreational Climbing REC 106
PE 185 1 Weight Training PED 1XX
PE 190 1 Advanced Weight Training PED 1XX
PE 191 1 Recreational Bowling PED 152
PE 218 1 Criminal Justice Fitness Leadership PED 1XX


PL 101 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PL 102 Philosophical Approaches to Morality PHI 1XX
PL 103 3 Philosophy of Eastern Religions PHI 1XX


PX 101 4 College Physics I PHY 105
PX 102 4 College Physics II PHY 106
PX 103 4 University Physics I PHY 201
PX 104 4 University Physics II PHY 202
PX 110 3 Technical Physics PHY 1XX

Political Science

PS 101 3 American Government POL 100
PS 102 3 State and Local Government POL 326
PS 104 3 Contemporary Global Issues POL 1XX
PS 130 3 Contemporary Constitutional Issues POL 1XX


PY 101 3 General Psychology PSY 101
PY 104 3 Psychology for Business PSY 342
PY 106 3 Psychology of Effectiveness PSY 1XX
PY 117 3 Sport Psychology PSY 346
PY 201 3 Life Span Development PSY 333
PY 203 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PY 205 3 Child and Adolescence Psychology  PSY 231 or PSY 232
PY 208 3 Psychology of Women PSY 2XX
PY 210 3 Learning Disabilities PSY 2XX
PY 212 3 Behavioral Change PSY 2XX
PY 215 3 Theories of Personality PSY 322
PY 217 Sport Psychology PSY 346
PY 224 Leadership and Group Dynamics PSY 2XX
PY 230 3 Criminal Psychology PSY 2XX
PY 292 3 Educational Psychology PSY 332
PY 299 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421


SA 101 3 Spanish I SPA 101
SA 102 3 Spanish II SPA 102
SA 111 3 Spanish for Health Care Professionals LAS 1XX
SA 201 3 Spanish III SPA 201
SA 202 3 Spanish IV SPA 202
SA 110 3 Spanish for Law Enforcement Officer LAS 1XX


SC 106 3 Astronomy PHY 150
SC 141 4 Forensic Science SCI 1XX
SC 142 4 Forensic Anthropology ANT 2XX
SC 143 3 Astronomy and Culture PHY 1XX
SC 206 Instrumental Analysis SCI 2XX
SC 210 3 Environmental Field Studies EST 2XX

Sign Language

SN 101 3 Sign Language I ASL 101
SN 102 3 Sign Language II ASL 102

Social Science

SL 110 3 Cultural Diversity SOC 352
SL 113 3 Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences SOC 1XX
SL 115 3 Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice SOC 1XX
SL 120 3 Introduction to Outdoor Education REC 360


SO 101 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SO 102 3 Social Problems SOC 1XX
SO 207 3 Criminology CRM 463
SO 209 3 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 462 or CRM 462
SO 215 3 Sociology of Families SOC 470
SO 243 3 Sociology of Gender SOC 401
SO 250 3 Environment and Society SOC 2XX


TH 102 3 Acting I THT 120
TH 110 3 Introduction to Theater THT 100
TH 202 3 Acting II THT 220