What is Credit for Prior Learning
Students who have acquired skills and knowledge through prior learning experiences might be equivalent to college-level credit. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is available in certain instances if students' prior learning meets the standards and requirements of college-level learning. Students must provide evidence of college-level learning that is aligned with courses that are part of their degree plan.
Advantages of CPL
- Save time and possibly shorten time to earn a degree
- Save money by earning credits for prior experiences
Should You Consider CPL
- Have you successfully completed workplace or other training programs?
- Have you earned a professional license or certificate?
- Have you completed military training not evaluated for credit by ACE?
- Do you have learning that corresponds to college courses?
- Can you document your college-level learning?
What is the Process to Earn CPL
- Review the CPL policy located in the University Catalog
- Meet with a CPL liaison in Advisement and Transition and complete the CPL intake form
- Contact the transfercredit@cortland.edu with questions and schedule a meeting