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Sustainability Office introduces spring Green Reps

Sustainability Office introduces spring Green Reps


SUNY Cortland's Sustainability Office kicked off a new year of planet-friendly advancements and activities by introducing the campus to the spring team of Green Reps earlier this month in it's newsletter, "Keeping it Green."

The mission of the Green Reps is to inspire more environmentally conscious lifestyles through peer-to-peer environmental education programs that encourage a more eco-friendly and sustainable campus and lifelong behaviors.

"We are in the works of planning events that include film screenings, sustainability trivia and reuse crafting sessions in residence halls and across the greater campus community," said Megan Swing, Cortland's energy and sustainability engagement coordinator. "Keep an eye out for Green Rep programs, especially in April for Earth Day!"

Meet the Green Reps! 

Ava Brandon

Ava Brandon

She/ her
Major - Psychology | Minor- Psychology in Schools

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
To help make an environmental difference on campus and help others learn more about the benefits and importance of being a sustainable individual. 

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
Using a reusable water bottle rather than disposable water bottles. 

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus
All the outside seating and tables that our campus has to offer! I love studying and doing my homework outside on a nice day.

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
My biggest environmental goal is to live as much of a sustainable lifestyle as possible. I hope that in the future we see an increase in the use of renewable energy and an increase in the amount of recycling that occurs. 

Brianne Leak

Brianne Leak


Major- Early Childhood Education

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
I wanted to become a Green Rep because I have been passionate about environmental awareness for as long as I can remember. I think that all it takes to spark interest and awareness is a good educational conversation or the right media. From that point on helping to better the environment becomes a no brainer. I would love to play a role in the education of my peers on campus in regards to our environment.

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack

One of my favorite and pretty simple eco life hacks is just taking my water bottle with me everywhere I go. It helps me refrain from using plastic bottles or purchasing drinks sold in single use cups

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus

My favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus is pretty simple but I think that is part of the reason I love it. I like to do schoolwork and just hang out at the tables near the backend of Fitzgerald Hall. There is actually an amazing view, and the sun hits the area the perfect amount during the daytime in the fall. I have been lucky enough to see a few wandering cats around there and can usually get a pretty good up-close look at the birds and other wildlife.

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?

Over the next 5-10 years I would love to see more environmentally conscious decisions made by bigger corporations. As we know larger groups tend to be more effective, I hope that a trend will follow in a manner that would allow us to reverse or slow down some of the damage we have caused. 

Chris MurphyChris Murphy

Major - History

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
I wanted to be a green rep to help people learn about the things they can do to help the planet.

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
I try to avoid single use bottles or cups and stick to my reusable containers.

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus
I like the Newmark Pavilion outside of the library where you can enjoy the fresh air.

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
I’d like to see the end of disposable vapes, which lead to significant toxic waste in our landfills, ground, and water.

Daniella SantagataDaniella Santagata


Major - Health Education

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
I have always cared deeply about the Earth and the importance of taking care of our home. I took environmental science in high school and loved learning more about the topic. My teacher and that class really left a huge impact on me so, I wanted to become a green rep to use my knowledge on the subject to spread awareness and educate other people about the environment.

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
One small thing I do every day to be eco-friendly is always shutting off lights and faucets when they are not being actively used or are not needed to be on. Not only is this good for the environment, but this also helps you to lower the costs of water and electricity bills, which is good for your wallet!

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus
On campus when it is warm, I love to hang out in the courtyard behind my building.

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
In the future when I have my own house it is a goal of mine to install solar panels and compost food waste to be more sustainable. In the next 5-10 years I hope that more big companies are making sustainable swaps like powering their buildings with solar panels, adding green roofs on top of buildings in cities and relying less on fossil fuels. 

Fiona Joss

Fiona Joss

Major - Therapeutic Recreation

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
Growing up, I was always disturbed by the amount of trash that lined my neighborhood. There was litter in every yard, bush line, fence, ditch, and tree. In recent years I’ve become more attuned to the problems our planet is facing, and how I can make my lifestyle less impactful on the planet. The Green Rep program here at Cortland allows me to spread awareness about environmental issues as well as offer solutions and alternatives to harmful habits. One of the three pillars of recreation is the conservation of places and spaces. I am passionate about improving the cleanliness of these areas, not only for the health of our planet but for the health of our community as well.   

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
Instead of using plastic cling wrap to keep food fresh invest in beeswax wraps! These wraps are reusable, multifunctional, and can last for years with proper care and storage.

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
In the next 5-10 years I hope fast fashion is no longer being produced. My personal goal is to have nearly every new item of clothing I add to my closet be something I’ve made myself, purchased second hand, or bought from a small sustainable business.

Kat WilburnKat Wilburn

Major - Therapeutic Recreation

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
I chose to be a Green Rep to become educated on sustainability and share my knowledge with others!

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
I always love a reusable bag. There are many fun options, and they always come in handy!

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus
I really enjoy the courtyard outside of the Professional Studies building. It is near my classes and there are bird feeders that allow a great spot for bird watching and soaking up the sun!

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
My biggest environmental goal is to become a beekeeper! Bees are critically important to our planet, playing a vital role in pollinating approximately 75% of global crops and supporting biodiversity. By properly caring for bees through responsible beekeeping, we can help maintain healthy ecosystems, support food production, and contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

Mario RuggieroMario Ruggiero

Major - Philosophy

Why did you want to be a Green Rep?
I wanted to become a Green Rep to help preserve nature.

Favorite sustainable swap / eco life hack
My favorite eco life hack is that you can keep refilling the same reusable water bottle over and over!

Favorite outdoor spot to spend time on campus
My favorite outdoor spot is the trees by DeGroat!

What is your biggest environmental goal? What change do you want to see in the next 5-10 years?
My biggest environmental goal is to try to help keep untouched land untouched.