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What Can I Recycle?

All recycling should be clean, dry and with no lid/caps/tops. Take out any food, rinse and let dry any food containers. This applies to all recycled items.  

Plastics 1,2,5-recycling-symbol

Cortland County accepts type 1, 2 and 5 plastics. You can find what type of plastic you have by looking at the number inside the triangular ‘chasing arrow’ symbol, typically on the back or bottom of the item.

Type 1

Type 2

Type 5

  • Soft drink, water and other beverage bottles
  • Detergent and cleaning containers
  • Food containers and bottles
  • Clamshell take-out containers
  • Milk and water jugs
  • Laundry and detergent bottles
  • Shampoo bottles
  • Deli soup
  • Syrup
  • Yogurt
  • Margarine

Paper / Cardboard

Cardboard, paper and magazines are all accepted. An important note is that all cardboard must be flattened, so break down those boxes before tossing them in the recycling bin!  

There is an important rule with greasy pizza boxes. If it is cheese free the entire box can be recycled! If there is cheese or any food on the bottom, cut that part off and recycle it! Otherwise, the bottom part should be put in the garbage.


Do not recycle, put in trash

Tin / Aluminum Cans

Any tin or aluminum cans are acceptable – from cans of beans to soda cans. 

Remember that many aluminum cans have a five-cent deposit on them and can be reclaimed at recycling centers at places like Walmart.  

Deposit Bottles / Cans

Bins are located in each building. If a bin is not provided, please let Matthew Brubaker know.

Printer Cartridges

  • Students can drop off at your residence hall office
  • Staff can return cartridges to custodians or bring to Central Receiving

Not Recyclable

The following items are not recyclable on campus:

  • Food soiled items
  • Paper milk/ juice containers with plastic spouts
  • Styrofoam
  • Bubble wrap
  • Plastic packaging

Recycling Alternatives 

Before tossing an item in the garbage or recycling, ask yourself – is this product at the end of its use to everyone or just to me? Home goods, clothing, school supplies and more can be given a ‘second life’ see if a friend would use them and/or donate them to Thrifty Shopper or Cortland ReUse. 

Local Recycling Resources

Global Recycling Resources

We value your opinion on how to reduce energy consumption and ask that you submit your ideas to the Sustainability Office.

Hard to recycle items - TerraCycle Terracycle-logo

TerraCycle is a company that specializes in recycling waste that is difficult to recycle, such as bread bags and food pouches. Their mission is to eliminate waste and keep trash out of landfills and incineration. SUNY Cortland is currently enrolled in the Gillette sponsored program and is waiting to join others. Collection bins around campus coming soon. 

Have items to dispose of? Contact Megan Swing

Gilette Recycling Program: Recycle all brands of blades, razors, and plastic packaging