Content Warning: Please note that this challenge contains descriptions and visuals depicting examples of past and current racism and violence in our society.
Day 1: Behind Racism

- Watch: The lie that invented racism | John Biewen | TED (18 minutes)
- Watch: The Origin of Race in the USA | PBS (10 minutes)
- Watch: Why “I’m not racist” is only half the story | Robin DiAngelo | Big Think (6 minutes)
- Read: Seven factors behind racism in the U.S. today
- Watch: 'Reality vs. Perception': A poem by Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett (2 minutes)
Take a Deeper Dive
Day 2: Becoming an Anti-racist
"There is no such thing as being 'not racist.' The heartbeat of racism is denial."
–Ibram X. Kendi
- Read: Detour-Spotting for white anti-racists
- Read: National Museum of African American History and Culture - Being Antiracist
- Read: How to Be an Antiracist Educator
Take a Deeper Dive
- Watch: The difference between being "not racist" and antiracist (1 hour)
Day 3: History of Racism | Part 1

- Watch: 400 Years (3 minutes)
- Watch: The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you (5 minutes)
- Watch: BLACK HISTORY IN TWO MINUTES (OR SO) (a series of videos about 2 minutes each)
- NEW arrow_right Read: How slavery became America’s first big business
- NEW arrow_right Read: Building the White House
Take a deeper dive
- Watch/Listen: A reading of "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" (4 hours)
- Watch: ABC Nightline Found Voices: Recordings of slaves (30 minutes)
- Read and explore the Smithsonian Institute's History of Racism in America
- Listen: New York Times 1619 Project
Day 4: History of Racism | Part 2
Watch: Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History | NPR (7 minutes) - Watch: The massacre of Tulsa's "Black Wall Street" | Vox (9 minutes)
- Read: The Recent History of Racism in the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Take a deeper dive
- Watch: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow | NPR (55 minutes)
Day 5: Understanding Bias
- Watch: Therapist Reacts to Implicit Bias in ZOOTOPIA (25 minutes)
- Read: The Oatmeal's comic on bias
- Watch: Our everyday assumptions can hurt others. Here’s what it takes to change your thinking (9 minutes)
- Read: Don't Talk about Implicit Bias Without Talking about Structural Racism
Take a deeper dive
- Take the course: Kirwan Institute's Implicit Bias Training This course will introduce you to insights about how our minds operate and help you understand the origins of implicit associations. You will also uncover some of your own biases and learn strategies for addressing them.
Day 6: The Effects of Racism
- Watch: Racism has a cost for everyone | TEDWomen (14 minutes)
- Watch: A Conversation About Growing Up Black | Op-Docs | The New York Times (5 minutes)
- Watch: Black Mental Health Matters | Phillip J. Roundtree | TEDxWilmington (13 minutes)
- Read: Racism And Mental Health
- Watch: Why So Many Black People In The U.S. Can't Swim (11 minutes)
- Read: How Racism Can Affect Child Development
Day 7: Understanding Privilege
- Read: How White People Got Made
- Watch: What is Privilege (video 4 min) then take the How Privileged are You quiz
- Read: 6 Things White People Say That Highlight Their Privilege
- Read: On a plate - a short comic about privilege
- NEW Watch:
James Corden Gets a Lesson on White Privilege (5 minutes)
Further reading
Day 8: Wealth Gap
- Watch Wealth Gap Explained (16 minutes)
- Read Wealth Inequality in the United States
- Watch: We Must Talk About Race to Fix Economic Inequality (4 minutes)
- Watch Kimberly Jones passionate speech (7 minutes) and then watch the follow-up interview on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah (11 minutes)
- Read: Staggering Loss of Black Wealth Due to Subprime Scandal Continues Unabated
Day 9: Black Lives Matter

Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unsplash
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
- Watch: Black Lives Matters explained: The history of a movement (15 minutes)
- Watch: SUNY Cortland Student-Athletes speak about Black Lives Matter (4 minutes)
- Read: Why You Need to Stop Saying "All Lives Matter"
- Read: Why you should stop saying “all lives matter,” explained in 9 different ways
Suggested Resources
Day 10: Other identities

- Watch: The dark history of "gasoline baths" at the border (15 minutes)
- Watch: How you see me | series (Playlist, videos 3 - 5 minutes)
- Watch: Munroe Bergdorf on racism, trans activism and acceptance (38 minutes)
- Watch: New York Times: A Conversation With Latinos on Race | Op-Docs (7 minutes)
- Watch: Indigenous People React To Indigenous Representation In Film And TV (Pocahontas, The Lone Ranger) (15 minutes)
- Watch: How the US stole thousands of Native American children (14 minutes)
- Watch: The Forgotten Slavery of Our Ancestors (12 minutes) an introduction to the history of Indigenous enslavement
- Read: Words Matter, And It’s Time To Explore The Meaning Of “Ableism.”
- NEW arrow_right Watch: 'We the People' - the three most misunderstood words in US history | Mark Charles | TEDxTysons (18 minutes)
Day 11: Justice System
© Khalil Bendib,, all rights reserved.
- Watch: The origins of policing in America | Perspective (7 minutes)
- Watch: Slaves of the State (13 minutes)
- Watch: We need to talk about injustice (23 minutes)
Watch: How America's justice system is rigged against the poor (5 minutes) - Listen: The Uncounted Workforce | NPR (9 minutes)
Day 12: Defund the Police
Defund the Police Activities
- Watch: Defund the Police Explained (7 minutes)
- Read: Ben & Jerry's Defund the Police
- NPR Code Switch
- Listen: An Immune System (21 minutes)
- Read: How Much Do We Need The Police?
Take a deeper dive
- Listen: Democratic Leadership's Predictable Scapegoating of 'Defund the Police' (1.5 hours)
Day 13: Education
© Khalil Bendib,, all rights reserved.
Education Activities for everyone
- Watch: How US schools punish Black kids | 2020 Election (11 minutes)
- Read: Shaping an Anti-Racist School Culture
- Watch: School to Prison Pipeline (21 minutes)
- Watch: How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history (7 minutes)
- Read: How history textbooks reflect America’s refusal to reckon with slavery
- Watch: Black Teachers Share Their Stories (4 minutes)
Activities for educators
- NEW arrow_right Read: White Teachers Need to See Color
- Watch: Repurposing Our Pedagogies (1 hour 37 minutes)
- Explore: Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator
- Explore: Teaching Hard History: American Slavery
- Explore: SUNY Cortland's Memorial Library: Race and Activism guide
- Explore: Equitable Math
- Read: Taking a Stand Against Discriminatory School Policies
Day 14: Microaggressions
Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge understand why. Before you hurt someone feel. Before you speak, think.
–Author unknown
Microaggressions Activities
- Read: Racial microaggressions take a major toll on Black Americans
- Read: Dear anti-racist allies: Here's how to respond to microaggressions
- Watch: No. You Cannot Touch My Hair! | Mena Fombo | TEDxBristol (16 minutes)
Day 15: Health and Healthcare
Health and Healthcare Activities
- NEW arrow_right Watch: Do No Harm: Black Medical Exploitation - Why African Americans Distrust Medicine - Extra History | Extra History (10 minutes)
- Watch: The unknowns about the Tuskegee syphilis study (4 minutes)
- NEW arrow_right Watch: David Williams: Is Racism Bad for Your Health?
- Read: Why Racism in Health Care Is Still a Problem Today
- Watch: How Racism Makes Us Sick | TEDMED (17 minutes)
- Read: The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health | American Academy of Pediatrics
Day 16: Media and Racism

'If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.'
—Malcolm X
Media and Racism Activities
- Watch: How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time | Baratunde Thurston (17 minutes)
- Watch: The 11 Stereotypical Roles Black Men Play (2 minutes)
- Watch:
White Riots vs. Black Protests • BRAVE NEW FILMS (3 minutes) - Read: Media Portrayals and Black Male Outcomes
- Watch: The White Savior Trope, Explained (21 minutes)
- Read: Disney Warns Viewers Of Racism In Some Classic Movies With Strengthened Label
Take a Deeper Dive
- NEW arrow_right Watch:
Informed & Engaged Ep. 12: Black voices: The stories that need to be told (65 minutes)
Day 17: Healing
"Healing from racism is a journey. This journey starts with reflecting what you, as a white person, or a person of color, have been taught to believe about the world. This journey can be a bumpy ride, as it entails relearning the history of the world and how racism came into practice, as well as understanding how this history is linked to racial myths and stereotypes that you have been taught to believe. In so many ways, to heal from racism, you have to reeducate yourself and relearn the processes by which racism thrives."
- Annaliese Singh
Healing Activities
- NEW arrow_right Read: How to deal with racial trauma, according to Black experts from PBS
- Read/Watch: To fix racism we need to start measuring it
- Watch: Can reparations help right the wrongs of slavery? (11 minutes)
- Read: Yes, Black Americans are entitled to reparations. We’ve earned them.
- Explore: SUNY Cortland's Counseling Center's Healing Racial Trauma resources
Suggested reading
- Annaliese Singh "Racial Healing Handbook"
Day 18: Intersectionality
"Intersectionality is a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects. It’s not simply that there’s a race problem here, a gender problem here, and a class or LBGTQ problem there. Many times that framework erases what happens to people who are subject to all of these things."
– Kimberlé Crenshaw
Intersectionality Activities
- Read: The intersectionality wars
- Watch: Effective Allyship: A Transgender Woman's Take on Intersectionality (15 minutes)
- Watch: The Urgency of Intersectionality (18 minutes)
- Read: SUNY Cortland's Beloved Community Narratives Project
Day 19: Anti-Racism and Equity in the Workplace

Anti-Racism and Equity in the Workplace Activities
- Read any of the articles in this Harvard Business Review collection on confronting racism in the workplace
- Read 7 ways to uproot racism in the workplace
- Watch/read PBS's 5 ways to approach racial equity at work
- Read The Ugly Truth: Everyone Wants An Anti-Racist Workplace, But No One Wants To Speak Up
Suggested Reading
- Diversity at Work book
Day 20: Racism and other 'isms'
"...Racism has a cost for everyone. And its primary function in our society has been to grease the wheels for a machine of greed that has impoverished almost everyone. Now more than ever today, racial division as a tool wielded by those who are the most wealthy, the most powerful, and the most self-interested, is something that breaks down potential coalitions between people who have common struggle."
–Heather McGhee
Racism and other 'isms' Activities
- Read: What is environmental racism?
- Watch: Reversing Runaway Inequality: Racial Capitalism (4 minutes)
Watch: Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore (16 minutes) - Read/Watch: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s speech on standing up to sexism and ‘violent language’ (11 minutes)
- Watch: From Overt to Covert Racism - How Professional Black Women Still Suffer From A Lingering Legacy Of Bias (6 minutes)
Take a deeper dive
- Read/Listen: How American Racism Has a Cost for Everyone (49 minutes)
- Watch: Ibram X. Kendi on Antiracism, Anticapitalism and the Eugenicist Origins of IQ and SAT tests (41 minutes)
Day 21: Becoming an Ally
“No one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so.”
― Paulo Freire
Becoming an Ally Activities
- Download and complete: Checklist for allies against racism (PDF)
- Read: Guide to Allyship
- Read: Your Silence Is a Knee on My Neck
- Watch: What if white people led the charge to end racism? (11 minutes)
- Listen: Loretta Ross speak out against call-out culture or read the Loretta Ross interview transcript (PDF)
- Watch: Don't be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks (4 minutes)
Ways to get involved at SUNY Cortland
- Sign up for trainings offered through the Multicultural Life and Diversity Office
- Review our social justice resources
- Get involved with diversity events/clubs
- Check out the Memorial Library LibGuides