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Faculty Highlights


Dr. Mechthild Nagel

CGIS Director Dr. Mechthild Nagel has been appointed a 2012 DAAD Teaching Professor by the German Academic Exchange Service.  She will be teaching at Fulda University of Applied Sciences where she also helped to establish a student exchange program with SUNY Cortland (in 2011).  In her absence, CGIS Associate Director Dr. Wendy Hurley will serve as Interim Director. 


Dr. Seth N. Asumah

Seth N. Asumah, Africana Studies and Political Science Departments, had his article, “Islam, Rentier States and the Quest for Democracy in Africa,” published in the Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 34, Number 4, Winter 2010. 

Anthony J. Nocella

Call to Compassion: Religious Perspectives on Animal Advocacy
Edited by Anthony J. Nocella, II and Lisa Kemmerer

Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story
Edited by Sarat Colling and Anthony J. Nocella II

Hollywood's Exploited: Public Pedagogy, Corporate Movies, and Cultural Crisis
Edited by Benjamin Frymer, Tony Kashani, Anthony J. Nocella, II, and Richard Van Heertum


Dr. Tiantian Zheng

Sociology/Anthropology Department, was recently nominated and elected to serve on the executive board of the New York Association of Asian Studies. She has also been serving on the executive board of Chinese Society of Women's Studies since 2006.

Anthony Nocella

co-edited two books, Academic Repression: Reflections on the Academic Industrial Complex (AK Press, 2010) and Contemporary Anarchist Studies (Routledge 2009).

Dr. Janet Duncan

taught a graduate seminar at Acadia University in Nova Scotia.

Dr. Henry Steck

gave the keynote lecture for the Constitution Day celebration in Huntsville, Texas.  

Dr. Tiantian Zheng

learned that her book was recognized for its contribution to the topic of women and labor. 


Dr. Janet Duncan

Spring 2009 Invited delegate to the Fourth Annual Shafallah Forum, Achieving Independence, in Doha, Qatar. Her Highness Sheikha Moza and Cherie Blair co-hosted this event with 250 experts from all areas of disability studies. While in Doha I met with professionals from Moscow, representing Perspectiva (advocacy group), South African parents organizations, Bangladeshi community groups for inclusive development and officials from the World Health Organization and the World Bank.

Spring 2009 Attended the 9th Annual Second City Disability Studies Conference, hosted by Syracuse University and the Center for Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies. Have established a working relationship with Law Professor Arlene Kanter with a grant to develop legal disability studies in Eastern Europe, in partnership with Dr. Kateryna Kolchenko from Open University of Human Development in Kiev, Ukraine. This work will lay the foundations for an advocacy student movement on campus along with legal courses in disability law and policy studies in Kiev.

Dr. Caroline Kaltefleiter

awarded a competitive travel grant to Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University, March 2009. She received the Lily Award Scholarship because of her cutting edge research in Women's Studies and Girls' Studies Spring 2009

Dr. Lynn Couturier

has been elected President of the National Association of Sport and Physical Education for a three year term, which began in April 2009.
Couturier, L. (in press). Why did you cut me? Preparing coaching education students for the team selection process. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Lynn Couturier also served as an auditor and lead reviewer for NCATE.

Dr. Kathy Kramer

(art history) recently gave a public lecture as well as served on a panel on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, Contemporary Flanerie: Reconfiguring Cities, (March 7 ­ April 12, 2009, Oakland University Art Gallery). In addition, her essay, "Flanerie Re-enfleshed," was published in the exhibition catalogue.

Dr. Mechthild Nagel

philosophy, has published a co-edited anthology "Dancing
with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young" in the series Studies in
Feminist Philosophy, Oxford University Press. It includes Geography
professor Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo's essay "Women's Work Trips and
Multifaceted Oppression."
Nagel was also a keynote speaker on "Bestrafung und Justiz im Zeitalter
Obama," Fuldaer Abende Sozialpolitik Lecture Series, Hochschule Fulda,
Germany, in June 2009 while she was a Visiting Professor, Fakultaet fuer

Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften.

Dawn Van Hall

2009  library, attended the University Photographers Association of America's annual symposium in June at Jamestown Community College in Jamestown, N.Y. She was honored at this event by being inducted as a fellow of the University Photographers' Association of America for distinguished ability and service to the association and contributions to the advancement of photography. Van Hall, vice president of University Photographers Association of America, is on the board of directors of this national organization and chairs the Publications Committee.


Dr. Janet Duncan

Fall 2008 Delegate, World Forum for Inclusion International celebrating the Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities, Ottawa, Canada. This international organization consists of 125 member groups and played a significant role in the creation of the convention.