Crime Alerts

Crime Alert Bulletin 2024-01 Forcible Touching Posted 06/04/24

Campus Forcible Touching Incident

June 04, 2024

In compliance with the provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, SUNY Cortland is giving notice of a forcible touching incident that occurred on campus.

Reported Offense:  A person reported a forcible touching incident that occurred on June 01, 2024. The incident took place in a university building. 

Perpetrator(s): The perpetrator was not known to the reporting individual prior to the incident.

The institution is responsible for informing the campus community that the incident occurred. The incident was reported to the University Police.

Remember, sexual assault is never the fault of the victim. While nothing is failsafe, here are some suggestions everyone may want to consider:

  • Make sure you have consent. Consent is a clear and freely given yes, not the absence of a no.
  • People who are incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent.
  • Be active in supporting a safe and respectful community. If you see others engaging in disrespectful or inappropriate actions, speak up and get involved or contact someone else to assist.

If you have been sexually assaulted, there are resources available to help you. Please visit our Reporting Options page and our Title IX Resource page for more information.