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Key and Card Access Policy

Currently Under Review

Policies and Procedures for Key Request, Issue, and Surrender

I. Key Control

A. The College locksmith is responsible for performing all work pertaining to lock cylinders, rekeying, cleaning, cutting, issuing, maintaining records, and ordering supplies.

B. All keys to building entrances, rooms, desks, cabinets, etc. are issued exclusively by the locksmith.

C. No door locks are to be installed unless they are College-owned and issued by locksmith.

D. No employee or student is permitted to duplicate campus keys.

E. Lost keys and proximity access cards are to be reported immediately to the University Police Office at ext. 2111. A Report of Loss form will be completed. If a replacement key is needed, a key request form must be completed. In the event lost keys are found, they must be returned to the University Police Office immediately.

F. All keys and proximity access cards must be turned in to the College locksmith when an employee is leaving College employ. An Exit Procedures form signed by the supervisor will be turned in to the Office of Human Resources before Payroll issues a final paycheck. Forms are available at the Office of Human Resources.

II. Card Access Control

A. The Access Control Coordinator is responsible for maintenance and installation of all related access control and security systems.

B. Auxiliary Services Corporation is responsible for issuing all permanent proximity access cards.

C. No card access system is to be installed unless owned by the College and approved by the Access Control Coordinator.

D. No employee or student is permitted to duplicate a proximity access card.

E. Lost or stolen proximity access cards are to be reported to University Police and Auxiliary Services Corporation. At University Police a Report of Loss form or larceny report will be completed. Replacement cards can be obtained from Auxiliary Services Corporation anytime between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. In the evening after 4:30 p.m. and on weekends, replacement cards are only available at University Police. In the event that a lost proximity access card is recovered, it must be returned to Auxiliary Services Corporation. In the event that a stolen proximity access card is recovered, it must be returned to University Police.

F. Once a temporary proximity access card is issued, the original card access ability will be deactivated. The temporary proximity access card must be returned to Auxiliary Services Corporation at the time a replacement card is issued to avoid an additional charge of $15. Temporary proximity access cards are valid only for Residence Hall access, not for online services such as dining, vending, etc. Temporary proximity access cards will be active for no longer than two days.

G. Residence Hall access for students is assigned by Residential Services. Faculty/Staff, contractor and vendor access will be assigned only after approval has been granted via the card access request form.

H. Academic building access requires approval of both department chair and building administrator.

III. Faculty and Staff

A. Keys are issued to faculty or staff upon completion of a blue key request form. The form must have the signature of his or her department chair and the building administrator. The completed request is sent to the Facilities Operations and Services Office for further processing. When keys are cut, they will be delivered to the building administrator for pickup by requestor (allow 5 business days).

B. When requesting a replacement key (e.g., broken key), the original key must be turned in to the locksmith. If lost, a report must be filed with the University Police Office before a new key request is honored.

C. The issuance of keys and proximity access cards for academic buildings must be approved by the department chair and building administrator. Entrance keys are issued only to persons who are required to routinely work before or after normal building hours.

D. If keys are not picked up at the building administrator's office within ten (10) business days of the request date, they will be returned to the locksmith.

E. Any proximity access card not used within 180 day period will be deactivated.

IV. Students/Residence Halls

A. Students living in residence halls are authorized one room key and one proximity access card for their residence hall. Keys/cards will be issued by the Director of Residence Life and Housing and ASC.

B. If a room key is lost, the lock will be changed and the student will be assessed a $75 fee; there will be a $15 replacement fee for lost or damaged proximity access cards.

C. At occupancy termination or change, students must surrender their room key to the Director of Residence Life and Housing or designee. If their key is not returned, the student will be assessed replacement cost as specified in IV.B.

D. The Director of Residence Life and Housing will determine if and when a lockset change is necessary and whether the student will be assessed the cost. Failure to pay an assessment will result in the student being placed on Banner hold list.

V. Students/Academic Buildings

A. Normally students are not issued academic building entrance keys or proximity access cards for building access. They may, however, be issued keys to individual rooms with the approval of the department chair and building administrator. (See I.A.)

B. Students on College payroll may be issued building entrance keys or proximity access cards if they are required to routinely work after normal building hours.

(See I.A.)

C. All key and proximity access card requests must be made via a properly completed request form.


VI. Student, Faculty and Staff Temporary Building/Room Access

A. Temporary building/room access keys and proximity cards will be obtained from University Police.

B. Proper identification must be presented at time of issuance.

C. The name of the person who wishes to obtain a key or proximity access card must appear on an approved list prior to issuance.

D. All persons must acknowledge receipt of the key or proximity access card by signing the temporary building/room use register.

E. Any person who signs out a key or proximity access card will be held responsible for its return.

F. Authorization lists are generally revised at the start of each semester. At no time will an authorization list be valid for longer than one academic year.

G. Updates or changes to an authorization list must be in writing.

H. Any lost key or proximity access card must be reported immediately to University Police.

I. Any issued key or proximity access card must be returned to University Police in a timely manner. The person returning the key or proximity access card must sign the register.

J. A key or proximity access card cannot be given or transferred to another person while under the control of the initial authorized individual.

VII. Outline of Key Control Responsibilities

A. Department chairs, directors and building administrators will be responsible for authorizing the issuance of keys and proximity access cards in accordance with established guidelines.

B. Personnel to whom keys have been issued are responsible for:

1. signing a key history card;

2. overall responsibility for security of keys and proximity access cards issued;

3. reporting loss or theft of keys and proximity access cards to the University Police Office;

4. return of keys and/or proximity access cards when leaving an assigned area or College employ.

C. Transferring issued keys or proximity access cards is strictly prohibited.

D. After approval of the appropriate department chair or director and building administrator, key and/or proximity access card requests will be reviewed and further processed by the Director of Facilities Operations and Services or designee and card access coordinator or designee.


Revised July 2004

Web updated March 2005