Unified Teaching and Learning Initiative


The Unified Teaching and Learning Initiative introduces a comprehensive professional development school (PDS) model  developed to align the training of pre-service teachers within the shifting paradigm within Cortland City School's unified education (that is, education of students with special needs occurring within a general education environment).  This initiative is designed to prepare general and special education pre-service teachers to teach in inclusive classrooms by creating multiple collaborative teaching and learning contexts for student teachers, in-service teachers, and college faculty.

The collaboration revolves around small core teams that include two general education teachers (one primary level and one intermediate level), one or two special education teachers who work regularly with those general education teachers, a SUNY Childhood Education faculty member (Dr. Kimberly Rombach), and a SUNY Inclusive Special Education faculty member (Dr. David Smukler). 


UTLI chart by David Smukler

Not yours, Not mine, but Ours: Sharing Resposiblity for all Learners

This series of five workshops, conducted by Dr. Kimberly Rombach and David Smukler providing teachers with time to learn and share effective strategies for successful co-teaching in inclusive classrooms.
