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All People, All Abilities: Americans with Disabilities Act at SUNY Cortland

Accessibility and opportunity for all: it’s the shared goal of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and SUNY Cortland. To commemorate 25 years since the ADA was enacted into law, the College is celebrating the teaching, research and service that underscores our commitment to people with disabilities.

Training Our Students

Classroom training covers a broad range of academic programs, from inclusive special education to therapeutic recreation. Read more about training our students

Changing Lives at Home

We don’t just teach about accessibility. It’s something we live on campus and outside of the classroom. Read more about changing lives at home

Supporting Student Achievement

Support is key to the success of students with all abilities, and ours receive it from several offices across campus. Read More about supporting student achievement

Changing Lives Off Campus

Our commitment to people with disabilities stretches across the country and across the world. Read more about changing lives off campus