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Gift Levels

Gift Levels Cortaca Jug Image

Recognizing the support provided to SUNY Cortland by its benefactors is an important acknowledgement of their efforts at all levels and even more important when that support spans multiple years.

We identify and thank our donors through these programs:

Partners in Leadership
A group of the College’s strongest supporters who give at a high level on an annual basis.

Associate Partners in Leadership
Graduates from the past 10 years who make an annual gift of at least $100 for every year since they graduate automatically become associates and enjoy the benefits of full Partners in Leadership membership.

SUNY Cortland Tradition of Giving
As gifts of all sizes are welcome, we note that even small gifts have the power to make a difference in all of the College’s endeavors.


Societies Lead Banner Image

SUNY Cortland is grateful for the special men and women who support the College with an extra measure of commitment that in some cases go beyond one’s own lifetime. As such, our appreciation is embodied in these socieities:

Red Dragon Society
The Red Dragon Society recognizes those loyal supports who provide financial support to the College, at any giving level, for three or more consecutive year and each year thereafter. 

Lofty Elm Society
The Lofty Elm Society, whose name comes from the first verse in the SUNY Cortland Alma Mater,  recognizes those who have honored the College with a qualifying planned gift.

Donor Profiles

Donor Profiles Lead Banner Image

We are honored to work with hundreds of donors who share our commitment for a better SUNY Cortland and provide the financial resources necessary to make that vision a reality. Their stories are as unique as the SUNY Cortland experiences they support. Their stories are now our stories. We are proud to share some of them with you.

Mascias Square ImageVincent ’53 and Roberta Miller Mascia ‘53


Travers Square ImageDonald ’59 and Donna Bell Traver ‘59