December 13, 2005

I. CALL TO ORDER: The 7th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2005-2006 was called to order at 1:15 PM on December 13, 2005 in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge by Chair Joseph Rayle.

SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Rayle, M. King, S. Rayl, C. DeGouff,

D. Driscoll, D. Berger, P. Quaglio, R. Spitzer, D. West, K. Alwes, J. Governali, J. Hendrick,

K. Rombach, S. Stratton, B. Griffen, B. Tobin, D. Sidebottom, V. Marty, D. Ritchie,

S. VanEtten, T. Phillips, M. Gerty, M. K. Boland, E. Bitterbaum, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco,

W. Shaut, B. Kissel, J. Cottone, G. Clarke, D. Kreh

SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: G. Zarate, L.Anderson, J. Casciani, J. Sitterly,

P. Schroeder, N. Tirado

GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, N. Aumann, J. Mosser, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M. Prus,

E. Caffarella, Y. Murnane, D. Barclay, J. Barry


The Minutes from November 29 were approved.


There was a motion to approve the Strengthened Campus Based Assessment Proposal from the General Education committee (Passed)

There was a motion to approve the resolution in Support of NYS College of Ceramics (Passed)

There was a motion to approve the resolution on the Appointment of Interim Presidents. (Passed)


J. Rayle welcomed the Senators and expressed his hope that the semester was going well for everyone. He mentioned the items that were distributed on e-mail, including the three resolutions for SUNY College or Ceramics, Support of Interim Presidents and the Academic Bill of Rights, for informational purposes. The resolutions, he explained, would be discussed later on in the meeting, although they could be acted on at the meeting if the Senate desired to.


No report.


No report.





C. DeGouff reported that the balance in the Senate checking account was $833.07, pending a ten dollar deposit, yielding a balance of $843.07. She also let everybody know that the Senate scholarship was paid and funded for the year.


The President shared with everyone his sentiments on what he considered a fine semester. He reported that he had a nice opportunity for discussion between the computer center and students regarding Hallnet and wanted to thank Dan Sidebottom, Paula Warnken and Mary Kay Murphy. Bitterbaum indicated that he thought they are working towards resolution of the problems and is very pleased at the progress they are making. He announced that his office is going to pilot some ideas in the spring and re-evaluate them, which Sidebottom and Warnken will revisit, along with the Student Government office. He explained that although he would not go into the different things they are going to try, he wanted to explain that, "�we�re on our way, at least I hope."

Bitterbaum said, regarding Capital Needs, that the Governor�s budget is coming out in little over a month and there have been a number of people who were present from the college working on our behalf on what the Governor decides to do.

President Bitterbaum reported on further discussions regarding the proposed revised calendar involving the Calendar Committee and they are looking at a number of options attempting to protect fall break by starting a week early in August, as well as starting a week later in January. He explained that part of that rationale was due to the thought emanating from Counseling Services, along with a variety of other issues, but they haven�t made any final decisions. He said it may be a better approach and that as they gather more information they will share it.

He reported that Brockway is on schedule to open in late spring and the administration is very excited. Additionally, work is also beginning on Sperry, with Dowd Fine Arts targeted for completion sometime in the spring, now that the cold weather has come. The President reported that three sides are open in Dowd with it being finished early next year.

Main Street will be open sometime in late spring, Bitterbaum added, with floors one and two presently being open.

The President announced that the initial meeting has taken place with architects for the new Education building, explaining that there is no reason why the groundbreaking would not take place early this summer.

R. Franco asked about the summer timeline.

E. Bitterbaum responded, "When I say breaking ground I mean putting in utilities, what you call infrastructure type things."

The President also reported on the status of the Long Range Planning Committee, announcing that he met with them last week, but said he would let the Chair, D. Ritchie, report on that in his committee report.



W. Shaut indicated that he had one item to report, regarding the budget, due to a request from the Library Senator that a copy of the college�s operating budget be furnished to the library. He handed it to D. Ritchie, Library Senator, and instructed anybody interested in the report that it could be found there. He said he didn�t know if historically this procedure was followed previously since nobody had made such a request in the last five years. He said if anyone had questions to contact him, Mary Kay Murphy or Jody Maroney. D. Ritchie was asked where the report would be and he responded it could be located at the Library Circulation Desk under Faculty Senate.

J. Mosser said, "I�d just like to say happy holidays to everyone." He announced that for those who had already given to the faculty staff campaign, he wanted everyone to know how much his area appreciated it. He also reported that since it is the end of the tax year, for those wondering what to get for that significant person in their life, he offered an alternative gift giving idea of making a bequest to the program of choice in honor of a friend or loved one. He said that anyone could do this online or by sending a check. He also stated that his office would be glad to send a letter to the honored person letting them know that a gift has been made in their honor. His last item of business was that the annual report is out from the printer and would be mailed shortly.

The Provost indicated that the campus GE assessment left the Provost�s office on time and her office also responded to some other surveys. She said, "We�re in the midst of submitting a number of new programs in graduate studies." She said, "It is our plan that these new programs will indeed help us to recruit enrollment in these areas. At the system now is a program that is in sports management, and that will be followed by master�s degree in national sports management� We have lined up a number of programs which will come on board in 2007-08 and it has been our plan to diversify the kinds of graduate programs we offer, because in the past we�ve been almost exclusively offering education, teacher certification programs, and given changes in regulations there�s some negative impact on enrollment." She finished by saying the hope is to expand the student population in graduate studies.

Provost Davis-Russell also announced that, as part of the initiative in improving graduate enrollment, her office sent a letter to announce that SUNY Cortland is going after branch campus status in Mohawk Valley in our master�s degree programs. She said this will allow us to have a master�s program taught right there.

D. Berger asked, "When you say different kinds of programs in education, does that mean there might be some more Arts and Science�s discipline master�s programs?"

The Provost responded, "It depends on Arts and Sciences and what they submit. So far the interest that�s been expressed to me has been in two areas, one is gerontology and the other is therapeutic arts. The therapeutic arts program has started out to mean as a concentration, and later they will develop this into a master�s program bringing together three departments: psychology, performing arts and arts and arts history, to develop that." She said the other programs are all in professional studies and asked clarification from someone on the floor.

Olsson replied Speech language pathology

The Provost indicated that this included programs in something other than professional studies, in addition to the two sports management ones. She reported that one is speech pathology and audiology, and the other is community health.


Long Range Planning Committee � D. Ritchie reported that his committee met with the president the previous day in their final long range planning meeting before the end of the semester. He indicated at that meeting the President showed them a list of five institutional goals which have slightly changed from the five that were developed at the administrative retreat in July, but essentially carry same information. Ritchie stated that those will be goals that college will be working towards and each of the major areas of the college will be developing their own objectives and sub goals to achieve for the upcoming five year cycle. He stated that his understanding that these five goals will be released and the President will be offering a call for members to join in on goals in the spring semester.

Provost Davis-Russell added that the Division of Academic Affairs has already developed a draft of its strategic plan based on those five goals and sent a memo to the community last week informing everyone where the link could be found. She said her hope was that there would be discussion within departments and all units and then they would go back and review them.

President Bitterbaum indicated that one of the things that LRPC pointed out is that the document is a long one and necessitates scrolling back and forth. He offered that if anyone wanted a hard copy which might prove easier to read, to contact his office and they would be happy to provide one.

S.VanEtten added, "My office is also working with other Vice Presidents multiple occasions on the strategic planning for everybody here at Cortland."

Educational Policy Committee � J. Cottone stated there was no report, however, he indicated except I�d like to indicate that his committee is lacking one member from the Arts and Sciences area to fill the one vacated by Chris Cirmo. He encouraged anyone interested from Arts and Sciences to contact him

Student Affairs Committee - No report.

Faculty Affairs Committee � G. Clarke had no report.

D. Berger asked, :With regard to no report from the Faculty Affairs Committee, the charge that the Senate gave regarding requests for departments to clarify requirements. Has that gone out to all departments?"

J. Rayle replied, "I believe it has."

D. Berger said, "Our department hasn�t seen it."

J. Rayle encouraged Senator Berger to speak to Clarke after the meeting.

C. Clarke informed Berger that the e-mail was sent to all department chairs.

D. Berger inquired, "Recently?"

G. Clarke responded, "A month ago."

An unknown individual from the floor said, "There�s a Feb 28th date to get it back in accordance with the memo."

J. Rayle instructed Berger to discuss the matter with Clarke after the meeting.

College Research Committee � There was no formal report, but an announcement that there was summer funding for research and the committee is revising the process for applicants.

General Education Committee � {SEE Old Business}


T. Phillips reported regarding the three resolutions to be introduced under New Business that he just wanted to mention the e-mails going around the other colleges across system supporting these unanimously. He said he did see one or two individual dissenting votes against the Academic bill of rights at individual campuses, but indicated everything has been unanimous for Ceramics across a number of campuses.


Committee on Committees � No report.


The Strengthened Campus-Based Assessment Proposal, introduced at the last meeting, was reviewed by Dave Barclay. D. Barclay stated that the GE Committee is seeking endorsement from the Senate on the proposal. He said, "One point I would like to clarify regarding a question raised at the end of the meeting last time, whether any programmatic improvement had taken place, what the composition program has done to this point but hasn�t addressed, in the previous round of assessment we did take a close look at what they were doing and detailed it in that report under category 10. The composition program did put in some significant changes into what they are doing in terms of work in the classroom and how they�re implementing assessment. There is some programmatic change going into assessment already. So, I just wanted to go into that so everyone is clear that it is in there."

J. Rayle instructed Senators that the proposal would be debated on and then voted on.

R. Spitzer asked, "Is this document here the strengthened campus based proposal?"

Rayle responded in the affirmative.

D. Berger said, "We brought up this issue in terms of before or after tests, and also some to show progress that might have been made. And also I don�t know whether this was said last time regarding the rubric so correct me if I am wrong. A way of standardized testing is a way of scoring something, that is to move towards using externally validated tests. I�m in favor of things you generally talked about last week, but would like to see us move forward in accepting this and progress in those directions."

D. Barclay replied, "I don�t think it does. I think I made point two weeks ago. This is a process or a step in that direction. There�s no reason why it can�t evolve in future iterations of area assessments and we�ll see how they go this time around and modify the process and build on them."

D. Berger asked, "Is that kind of language built in?"

D. Barclay responded, "This going to be revisited."

S. VanEtten said, "The end process is to evolve the program. This comes out of a system mandate to assess these three areas to gather more externally referenced measures. We also agreed that assessment can progress at this point. Historically our campus has been the leader since GE essays were developed and approved by the Faculty Senate here. We are a leader across the system in developing assessment. There is only so much data you can collect with a 6 point rubric to engage improvement. Our focus has historically been on formative assessment. We are really trying to look at information to try and improve programs and curriculum to help our students do better and help our faculty teach better. So that �s what we�re still trying to do at the heart of the whole proposal, to reinstate consistency with the 3 year plan. Many of those GE areas are moving in this direction. We�re exploring different mechanisms to get more fruitful information and more valid ways of looking at it. I just looked at the notes from the last meeting and apologize I wasn�t at it. For example the math ad hoc committee is setting a good precedent of looking at pre/post tests so we can see performance and gain. Also, historically many different groups had used information where students looked worse on these rubric profiles to explore potential explanations on how they can improve the GE Committee. And my office is working closely with all rounds of assessment in exploring betters way to do it. On writing, while this entire group has been doing a wonderful job in this proposals, there is a handful of faculty participating...a few of them are going to be providing information to me and I will explore sub- areas we might be weak on. We could be weak in one area out of six and still look good on all. I will look at real strengths and weakness to make change effecting impacts."

T. Phillips asked, "I just wanted to ask about the next round or what SUNY will want after this? What the other next areas will be?"

D. Barclay replied, "The next areas to be assessed? We talked about it four weeks ago. The 3 year plan encompasses all ten SUNY categories in competencies. Other categories when assessed, will be detailed in that. This is just in strengthened based areas."

D. Berger remarked, "This may be relevant or I may be out of order but I would like to express some concerns. I have been influenced from reading reports in national media like Newsweek, concerns about "No Child Left Behind" involving what the effect of assessment testing on students and faculty performance in terms of teaching to the test and being judged on how well your students do. And it has actually interfered with students learning. People are more concerned with test scores than how we should teach them, what we, the experts in the field, faculty, think they should know. I am very concerned about us, possibly in the future, moving in the wrong direction. Has your committee addressed these kinds of issues? Are you concerned with that?"

D. Barclay responded, "I think we�re concerned but in terms of what we can do, I don�t know, we have a mandate for assessment. Shawn?"

E. Davis-Russell replied, "Let me just remind you, David, and others, this is not new, that this is just part of an agreement that had been made with the University Faculty Senate before I came to Cortland. There were several stages to that, the first stage was assessment of majors, which is the program that we do that reviews what we do in the 5 year cycle. The next one is campus based assessment of GE which we have now completed the 3rd year and each year we look at several areas, so this is the third stage in that agreement of our assessment plan. And this third stage focuses on 3 areas of writing, quantitative skills and critical thinking. So, that�s the total package. So, if there are plans for anything additional it certainly was not contained in that original plan."

S. VanEtten replied, "To try to answer your question, David, the committee and my office and all administrators that were involved in this office are fully aware of this summative mandate and we are all aware of how the system and anyone (including the federal government) can misrepresent information derived out of context. One thing our group is doing is writing much more additional information that is going to be submitted to system. We are providing them with what is required and we are also trying to train faculty in the areas of teaching additional information, in my office, and the process we are doing that, historically, students provide their c-number and we try to tie it back to create profiles. So, for example there may be sequences of courses that will be likely to help students better proceed. We are trying to look at the data as broadly as possible but that information won�t be in an official report we are submitting. Again, we are using that information for summative purposes in-house. We are trying to protect the integrity of our assessment with the mandates that have been placed in us."

K. Alwes responded, "I understand David�s concern. I think there is a substantial difference between teaching to the task and what we are doing here. It is in-house. We created our own discipline. We created our own individual ways to assess. We did do it in house and we did look at it as a discipline, rather than an outside influence. I think there is a difference but I certainly do recognize David�s concern."

E. Davis-Russell said, "There is a concern that I have. I don�t know how many of you share that. What Shawn talks about misinterpreting data and taking data out of context, last year for the first time we got a request from the System to provide to the media results of assessment data and the System has committed itself to providing data in the aggregates to the media. But I think there are maybe a handful of board members who would like to see data presented campus by campus to conduct some comparative analysis of that. I think that�s dangerous because one of the things we know about assessment is not using the same kinds of instruments and our sampling isn�t done in the standardized way across the system to make those kinds of comparative analysis or by them placing the institution or institutions involved at a severe disadvantage. So, that�s the concern that I have. And I will say that to our University Faculty Senate representative. The University Faculty Senate should do all it can to avoid that kind of use of data. It�s inappropriate� I think as we understand it when this contract was entered into by the System and University Faculty Senate, the goal was to be able to show what SUNY is doing as a whole rather than listing campuses."

J. Rayle said, "In honor of the standing rules, does anybody else have anything to say before I call for a vote? Anybody has a chance to speak twice before we vote."

D. Berger responded, "I am somewhat reassured by the last 3 speakers, but I wouldn�t say completely reassured. The idea of keeping it in-house�.how is it going to be used in-house? In other words, it�s more likely for it to be misused inside of the school. It could be used for promotion and tenure, and I hope that doesn�t happen."

J. Rayle: replied, "That would require significant changes to our personnel procedure, something like that, hopefully, you would have a chance to be involved."

S. Van Etten: I�d just to like clarify in the report it clearly states all info is provided in aggregate forms where it can�t be identifiable by any individual, structure or particular course. The only time I do provide individual information is when an instructor asks for feedback for their course in isolation because they can use it for grading purposes, benefit content, I will provide them with data only, there is not a chance for comparison, that�s the standing policy.

D. Barclay said, "I think the way that Shawn describes the use of comparative program data is a good example. You can look at different sub areas of those scoring guides and perhaps see if there is an area, if necessary, that�s scoring lower than other areas so that it is not being traced back to faculty member or sections, but an area as a whole and how teaching is not coming through. That�s how it should be used."

The motion was voted on and carried.


Chairman Rayle introduced the administrative consultative search committee proposal which was being passed around and had been disseminated on e-mail.

R. Spitzer said in regards to his proposed amendment, "I have a question. You said the amendment is not germane until next week?"

J. Rayle said, "Yes, this is to clarify, the next Senate meeting it would be moved to approve including any amendments."

R. Spitzer said, "I Have another question. Item 240.02, under letter "m" it has procedures for deans and schools�.Am I reading it, maybe I missed it, it seemed as though the criteria were identical for each of the 3 schools, why not combine the 3 sections as one?"

J. Barry responded, "I believe I just took it that way. But I don�t think it makes sense to have it all the same."

J. Rayle said, "I questioned why we needed somebody from Athletics on it. So, it gets all 3 schools down to 8, so your point is well taken."

K. Alwes said, "To Follow up, if it is a point well taken, can we change it then?"

J. Barry responded, "I have no problem changing it. It makes sense."

R. Spitzer said, "But there are also reasons you might want to do it at this point. The next meeting it could be altered before then�"

J. Rayle agreed.

Provost Davis-Russell said, "Ss that one member then from Professional staff that should be inclusive of Athletics?"

J. Rayle said, "Talk to Joanne."

J. Barry said, "It would include Athletics. Correct."

W. Shaut: said, "The Structure of consultative committees, under Vice President of Finance and Management second page, F. David Ritchie must have stuck it in, where it refers to one member elected by and from the library. That wasn�t supposed to be in there."

J. Rayle said, "We�ll look at in Steering. That was an editing thing."

W. Shaut referred to the exact section saying, "DS, 1, F."

J. Rayle said, "We�ll clear that up in Steering and present the modified version next time."

D. Berger said, "Where and when will we meet?"

J. Rayle said, "Next time we will be meeting in the Hall of Fame Room."

E. Davis Russell said, "One question on the document. Was there any intention that all Vice Presidents with the exception of student affairs consist of 8 member and the others 7 members?"

J. Rayle then went on to the second item of new business, the resolutions from the University Faculty Senate. He explained that earlier this fall the University Faculty Senate passed their own resolution and they asked individual campuses to also act on these. He explained that this was must for informational purposes and encouraged everyone to take the information back to their constituents. He explained that T. Phillips was there for clarification and to answer questions.

K. Alwes said, "I just have a question for information only. Does the Academic Bill of Rights come from students? Was it the students who created this? The students for academic freedom?"

J. Rayle replied that it was David Horowitz saying, "He�s a conservative."

E. Bitterbaum responded, "I think that�s very important. I hope everyone reads�the very last page is the AAUP committee. The very last sentence, contrary to defending academic freedom the concept is inimical to the very idea of liberal education. If you don�t read the last page and don�t have the right context�"

J. Governali made reference to the second page of the Academic Bill of Rights at the bottom of the page.

J. Rayle said, "You know I wondered about that too. I just copied that off without attribution and I didn�t mean to. I thought it referred to something in the document�.I felt it was referring to something in body of text. I am the one who did that."

K. Alwes said, "May we have just a moment of refreshment of what this resolution entails from our SUNY senator?"

J. Rayle: Which one?

K. Alwes responded that she was referring to the Alfred resolution.

T. Phillips said, "The latest on the College of Ceramics is that the University Faculty Senate sent a working group to the college of Ceramics to intervene and try to help them foster some type of resolution where the private school, Alfred University, would give back the autonomy that SUNY College of Ceramics used to have that they usurped over the years. The faculty of the College of Ceramics have felt somewhat abandoned by SUNY prior to recent efforts and they were relatively quiet. And now the Faculty Senate and the new Chancellor and everyone is involved in trying to improve the situation for the SUNY College of Ceramics. So, it�s a rare thing when University Faculty Senate sends a working group to campus because the situation is so dire�I have only heard of one other incident in the last 20 years so."

E. Bitterbaum said, "I think, as I said, sharing my thoughts from the last time, this is a really interesting case study for higher education."

T. Phillips said, "So this is just really in support of them to give them the respect that they deserve."

E. Bitterbaum said, "They were also trying to find solutions in which SUNY and Alfred University would be comfortable with one another. SUNY does not want to take over running of the campus. Food service and dorms are provided by Alfred University�The state provides the support, they feel in the end that since SUNY is paying the bills for the citizens of the State of new York for Ceramics College, SUNY should have a voice�They were a little sloppy over the years�Alfred just kept taking, if you�re a hungry child you just keep eating."

J. Rayle asked if the Senate wanted to vote on the Alfred Ceramics and Interim President�s resolutions.

E. Bitterbaum said, "Do people understand what happened at Pottsdam? The president left to go to Eastern Michigan. The President, or incoming President, was taken away from them, and so the system the sent in the outgoing Chancellor, to be quite frank. Then I think they really felt put upon because he didn�t stay a year and has now left to become the Executive Director of Maricopa Foundation in Phoenix�.It�s an important issue."

K. Alwes asked for clarification if the Senate was voting on the appointment of interim presidents?

J. Rayle responded in the affirmative.

The motion was voted on and carried.


E. Davis-Russell said, "I have noticed over the year or so that we are increasingly bombarded by paper and paper and more paper. I thought at some point the senate had decided that the secretary would send out agenda and all documents to everyone, so in the interest of expense, also in the interest of saving the environment. I would like to suggest we refrain from making duplicating materials that have already been sent by e-mail to people.

Chairman Rayle responded that he would take the matter into consideration.


M. K. Boland reported that SGA had a very successful winter formal the prior Saturday. She also stated that they sponsored a midnight breakfast that week with the money being donated to charities. She announced that this semester student clubs raised $26,672.05 for charities and storm victims.

There was a generous round of applause for the student�s efforts.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM


Respectively Submitted,

Barbara Kissel

Staff Assistant/

Recording Secretary

The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.

(1) State University of New York College at Cortland Strengthened Campus-Based Assessment Proposal, submitted by David Barclay, Chair, GE Committee.

(2) Resolution in Support of NYS College of Ceramics; Resolution on the Appointment of Interim Presidents; Resolution on the Academic Bill of Rights submitted on J. Rayle.

(3) 240.02 Structure of Consultative Committees; 240.02 Process for Election and General Duties and operating Procedures of Consultative Committees submitted by J. Barry

