November 23, 2004


1.CALL TO ORDER: The 6th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2004-2005 was called to order at 1:15 PM on November 23, 2004 in the Corey Union Fireplace Lounge by Chair Ram Chaturvedi.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: R. Chaturvedi, J. Rayle, P. Buckenmeyer,

C. DeGouff, D. Driscoll, P. Walsh, M. King, K. Alwes, J. Cottone, J. Hokanson, K. Rombach,

B. Griffen, K. Pristash, J. Peluso, E. McCabe, A. Henderson-Harr, T. Phillips, D. Vegas,

D. Kirchner, E. Bitterbaum, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco, B. Shaut, B. Kissel, J. Governali,

D. Kreh


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Berger (sabattical), L. Anderson, D. Canaski, A. Young, P. Schroeder, N. Libous, C. Plunkett


GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, P. Koryzno, Y. Murname



The Minutes from October 23 and November 9 were not approved but will be approved at the December 7 meeting.



There was a motion to approve Mark Yacavone and Carol Vanderkarr for the search committee for Associate Provost of Enrollment Management; and Eileen Gravani and Sharon Todd for thesearch committee for Associate Dean of Professional Studies. (Passed)



The chair reported that the Steering Committee is working to see that the Senate committees are filled and will be seeking department chair=s help.Chaturvedi offered to visit departments on campus but so far no one was interested. One chair said that in their department the senior faculty teach on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, which would conflict with the Senate meetings. The chair encouraged everyone with an idea that everyone bring a guest to the Senate so that they could see firsthand what Senate service is all about.The next initiative from the Steering Committee is to collect the ten dollar dues.He reported that Barbara Kissel, Senate Staff Assistant has been appointed as a liaison to the Committee on Committees to facilitate the report at the Senate.He thanked Joe Governali who has done a tremendous job in taking on researching the status of the GE Committee.


Dave Kreh was asked to give a report on the status of the ROTC and Restructing Committees.He said that nominations were in progress and that the results would be coming back shortly to Senate.J. Barry has put together a ballot, more people nominates themselves than there were slots.When the results are in they will be reported back at the Senate and the committees will be charged by the Senate and start their work.



No report.



No report.



The Treasurer reported that the scholarship fund balance is $537.57.She also announced she was successful in getting services charges removed from the account.



President Bitterbaum reported good news that his office received a call from Congressman Boehlert announcing that we have received our first federal earmark as a college, amounting to $150,000. Peter Ducey and Elliott Mason from Biology wrote the grant.


The title of Award of Excellence in Science teaching initiative will allow us to work with school districts to buy equipment, things at Camp Huntington, Hoxie Gorge to improve the pipeline, science education. Amy Henderson-Harr and others also deserve credit.


Alumnus Bill Rowell, a political science major who graduated from here 1979, went to Law School, works for Wahvoia Bank auditing other lawyers. He has an apartment overlooking Hudson River and invited 25 alums, 3 major gift officers, received large check of $75,000, 2 checks for $3000, one for $10,000, and a series of checks for 1,000.Close to $100,000, with 5% we will have $5,000 for scholarships.


This week in consumer=s digest of Princeton Review we have made a locator=s map, pregitous, national, very poleased, comeso nCD ram, sent to college admissions data source books, $19.00 ony 600 made it.


President in chicago read in newspaper alum we are Adirondack Camp now a landmark.




Provost announced search for Assoc Prov for enr mgt, requested Mark Yacavone and Carol Vanderkarappointed to that committee. {SEE Senate actions}



Vice President Mosser asked Dr. Franco how many tickets had been sold for the Cortica Jug game?


Franco responded as to the number of tickets distributed. He said the Stadium will seat 6500, with 7500 being the Aend zone.@ He said it could safely handle over 9000 people including standing room, but that last time they were unable to get an accurate count because the stadium was so new.


Shaut said he loaded the budget for the fiscal year this week reflecting stabilization monies for those allocated, anticipating the actual budget allocation.


Mosser reported about the new Faculty Staff Directory which he reported was a useful resource. He also announced that Friday at 3:00 PM there would be a dedication of the Economics Department Computer Lab in honor of Victor ? who gave a generous donation to the college, and all faculty and staff were invited to the ceremony.




Long Range Planning Committee - No report.


Educational Policy Committee - The commitee is working on summer school configuration.


Student Affairs Committee - No report.


Faculty Affairs Committee - The committee is reviewing English Department procedures.


College Research Committee - No report.


General Education Committee - {SEE Old Business}






Committee on Committees - The Committee on Committees recommended the nominations to the search committee for Associate Provost: Mark Yacavone and Carol Vanderkarr; and search committee for Associate Dean of Professional Studies: Eileen Gravani and Sharon Todd.



J. Governali reported about the status of the GE Committee, which was brought up by a concern from Dean Prus earlier in the fall.Governali researched the committee=s business from documents and provided a handout which outlines the history. He explained that the Senate had a supervisory status with the committee. Nothing from the records he had indicated that the committee was ever actually a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, although business was passed at the Senate and reported over the years.He offered a resolution to (SEE APPENDIX 1)


Kreh explained that if the GE Committee were to become a Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate, once there was a vote and it was approved, the committee would have to be identified in a separate section of the handbook outlining its duties and responsibilities.


Alwes asked if the GE Committee was an anomoly.


Governali explained that the committee makes recommendations and the Senate votes on these recommendations.This, he said, would smooth out that relationship, offer a direct line of communication.He further reported that if this was approved the relationship between EPC and GE would be established with clear guideliness, since it would be a policy committee of the Faculty Senate, and its relationship with other ocmmittees would have to be clarified`.


Kreh explained that if the Committee became a standing committee of the Senate the next obvious step would be that the Senate Charge the EPC and GE committees to lok at what kind of impact this owuld have for them to function, such as which items would go to each committee. This would take a referendum by the faculty, such as what kinds of items the Senate has about how tp proceeed once they get that information, before the new handbook comes out.


The provost said, AIf this resolution is passed some implications


There was no new business.



No report.


SUNY SENATOR: No report.



Vegas announced that Student Senate is going wonderfully with 75 students participating.Work continues with ASC on the meal plan price. She thanked the Board of Directors and Dana Wavle for their continued support.She said Wavle expects that there will be some authorization to the meal plan. The Winter Formal will be on December 3 at Celebrations at 7:00 and faculty are invited to attend. There is a conflict that night with the memorial for Chris ? Who passed away earlier in the fall. She also encouraged everyone to attend the memorial which will be held at New man Center at 7:00.



The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM


Respectively Submitted,


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.








